Waburundi wachinjana!

Askari Kanzu

JF-Expert Member
Jan 7, 2011
Burundi bar attack leaves many dead
At least 20 dead after unknown gunmen raid bar near capital, Bujumbura, raising fears of fresh civil war.

Last Modified: 19 Sep 2011 09:09

At least 20 people have been killed after unknown gunmen opened fire at a crowded bar near the Burundi capital, Bujumbura, officials say. The number of dead could rise as some people were critically injured in the raid, they say.

The attackers raided the bar in Gatumba area, some 13km west of Bujumbura, which lies in a stronghold of the former National Liberation Forces rebels whose leader Agathon Rwasa has been blamed for a recent spate of attacks.

"Those who attacked us are not just bandits. They are fighters, rebels. I swear because I saw them,"
said one wounded victim who did not want to be identified.

"Dozens of people, some in military uniform and with Kalashnikov rifles and grenades entered 'Chez les Amis' bar. They told everyone to lie down and began shooting," a survivor, who lost two siblings and a friend told the AFP news agency.

Hospitals were swamped with the injured and doctors struggled to cope with the influx.

Doctors overwhelmed
A doctor who only gave his name as Leonard said he was totally overwhelmed. "We are lacking blood, equipment and medicine to treat all the injured," he said. AFP said that dead bodies had been left in a parking lot at one hospital.

Similar deadly raids have become more common in the past year, since the opposition boycotted elections, accusing President Pierre Nkurunziza's party of fraud. Rwasa has accused state officials of massacring and torturing more than 100 of his supporters.

The small central African country is still struggling to emerge from 13 years of civil war that erupted in 1993 and left some 300,000 people dead.

The escalating violence has raised fears of a resumption of all-out conflict.

poleni sana warundi, ninyi nim jirani zetu tukisikia hayo inatuuma pia. kuna kipindi namini kuwa kuuwana ni njia mwafaa ya kuleta democrasia kwa nchi ambazo viongozi wake hawataki kusikia habari za democrasia. lakini kwa warundi hii ni tofauti kabisa kwani tangu wauwane ni mda mrefu, inaonesha kuna mambo mengine which goes beyond democracy

A victim of armed raiders who killed more than 20 people on September 18 and wounded about 20 others

Bodies are shrouded of two victims of armed raiders, who killed more than 20 people on September 18 and wounded about 20 others

All photos: AFP/Getty
Hawa watu sijui wana roho gani?Nenda kule Katumba pamekuwa kama kwao.WANA ROHO MBAYA HAWA WATU
Inasikitisha sana hii!
Kuna shida gani tena Rwanda?...just this struggle for power?...God Forbid!
Death toll in Burundi gun attack rises to 36

BUJUMBURA (Reuters) – Gunmen who stormed a bar in Burundi killed at least 36 people and the central African country's president promised those behind the attack would be brought to justice.

Residents had initially estimated the death toll from the Sunday night attack at 21.

"The persons who were brutally assassinated were our brothers and sisters," President Pierre Nkurunziza said.

"I promise that those criminals will be arrested and brought to justice," he told a crowd at the scene in the town of Gatumba, outside the capital Bujumbura

(Reporting by Patrick Nduwimana; editing by Richard Lough)
Hicho ki-nchi kimebanana wakuu.

Naona sasa ni mkakati wa kuzalisha wakimbizi wengine, na hivi wamesikia wakimbizi waliopo TZ wanataka kurudishwa makwao! Hapo wanatafuta justification ya kuzuia zoezi la kuwarudisha lisifanikiwe maana itaonekana hakuna amani huko Burundi. Yaani sijui tutaendelea kubeba mzigo huu mpaka lini?

Hivi Jeshi la Mkwe're haliwezi kuingilia kati na kutiliza hiyo hali ya kuwa na waasi wengi kwenye hiyo nchi? Maana mwisho wa siku tunaoathirika ni sisi Wa-TZ (Wakimbizi wote watakimbilia huku kwetu). Hebu wazuiliwe wasiendelee kutuumiza na kuharibu raslimali zetu (Ingawa sirikali ya Mkwe're nayo inatuchakachua).
Nyerere aliwahi kusema kuwa hivi vinch vidogo vidogo dawa yake ni kuvitawala tu...!

Ukabila unazimaliza hizi nchi.
Hii ni habari mbaya kwa ustawi wa burundi na warundi wenyewe. Vile vile ni habari mbaya kwa mustakabali wa east africa political federation.

Point of correction; hawa jamaa wanaitwa warundi, si waburundi.
ni habari za kusikitisha. tuwe na matumaini kwamba mamlaka za Burundi zitafanya uchunguzi, na kuwaleta hao wauaji mbele ya sheria.
Askari kanzu, nadhani wewe ni mjeshi si bure mbona wapenda habari mbayambaya kama hizi. kwa ustawi wa EAC haikutakiwa iwekwe humu ni sawa na kusema mwanao ni kikojozi.
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