UTEUZI: Rais Magufuli ateua Naibu Magavana wawili wa Benki Kuu ya Tanzania(BoT)


JF-Expert Member
Sep 15, 2013
Rais John Magufuli amewateua Dkt. Yamungu na Dkt. Bernad kuwa manaibu Gavana Benki Kuu(BoT)


C.V Dr. Yamungu Kayandabila
Dr. Yamungu Kayandabila is the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives with responsibility for assisting the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry in the initiation and development of policies, as well as the programmes to implement these. As such, Yamungu is an economist served previously as Assistant Commissioner for Policy-Debt and Strategy, at the Ministry of Finance, Tanzania and Senior Lecturer and Deputy Rector at the Institute of Tax Administration, Tanzania. He has served as Chairman of Ministerial Advisory Board Tanzania Minerals Audit Agency (TMAA) and a Member of Tanzania Working Group on Tanzania Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. He is currently a Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tanzania Posts Corporation (TPC).

Yamungu has been involved at the highest level of Policy making in support of efficient and effective Public service delivery. Yamungu holds a doctorate degree in Economics from the University of Dar es Salaam.

Source: Southern Agricultural Corridor of Tanzania: SAGCOT Board

C.V Bernard Kibesse

Director BOT Mbeya,Tanzania; University of Strathclyde and a PhD from Claremont Graduate University (CGU) in California
2011 CGU · PhD Candidate · Financial Engineering · Macroeconomics · Claremont, California
2008 CGU · Master of Arts in Economics · Economics · Mathematics

Pia, soma: Rais Magufuli amteua Kassim Majaliwa kuwa Waziri Mkuu wa Tanzania
May 31, 2017
Dar-es Salaam, Tanzania

Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mhe. Dkt. John Pombe Magufuli leo tarehe 31 Mei, 2017 amefanya uteuzi wa Naibu Magavana wawili wa Benki Kuu ya Tanzania (BOT).

Mhe. Rais Magufuli amemteua Dkt. Yamungu Kayandabila kuwa Naibu Gavana anayeshughulikia Uchumi na Fedha (Economic and Financial Policies – EFP).

Kabla ya uteuzi huu Dkt. Yamungu Kayandabila alikuwa Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Ardhi, Nyumba na Maendeleo ya Makazi na anachukua nafasi iliyoachwa na Dkt. Natu E. Mwamba ambaye amemaliza muda wake.

Mhe. Rais Magufuli amemteua Dkt. Bernard Yohana Kibesse kuwa Naibu Gavana anayeshughulikia Uthabiti na Usimamizi wa Sekta ya Fedha (Financial Stability and Deepening – FSD).

Kabla ya Uteuzi huo Dkt. Bernard Yohana Kibese alikuwa ni Mtaalamu wa Uchumi na Fedha wa BOT na anachukua nafasi iliyoachwa na Lila H. Mkila ambaye amemaliza muda wake.

Uteuzi huu unaanza mara moja.

C.V Dr. Yamungu Kayandabila
Dr. Yamungu Kayandabila is the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives with responsibility for assisting the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry in the initiation and development of policies, as well as the programmes to implement these. As such, Yamungu is an economist served previously as Assistant Commissioner for Policy-Debt and Strategy, at the Ministry of Finance, Tanzania and Senior Lecturer and Deputy Rector at the Institute of Tax Administration, Tanzania. He has served as Chairman of Ministerial Advisory Board Tanzania Minerals Audit Agency (TMAA) and a Member of Tanzania Working Group on Tanzania Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. He is currently a Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tanzania Posts Corporation (TPC).

Yamungu has been involved at the highest level of Policy making in support of efficient and effective Public service delivery. Yamungu holds a doctorate degree in Economics from the University of Dar es Salaam. Source: Southern Agricultural Corridor of Tanzania: SAGCOT Board

C.V Bernard Kibesse

Director BOT Mbeya,Tanzania; University of Strathclyde and a PhD from Claremont Graduate University (CGU) in California
2011 CGU · PhD Candidate · Financial Engineering · Macroeconomics · Claremont, California
2008 CGU · Master of Arts in Economics · Economics · Mathematics
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