USA Buys Russia’s Su-27 Jets From Ukraine to Find Out Why F-15 Is So Bad

king of zodiac

JF-Expert Member
Sep 3, 2013
The Pentagon purchased two Russian-made Su-27 fighter jets from Ukraine. The United States will reportedly use the Russian jets to train effective counter-operation efforts.

The Russian jets are a serious competition for the US F-15 fighters. The jets of Russia’s renowned Sukhoi design bureau proved to be more successful than their US competitors during a number of tests. The Pentagon has been trying to obtain the Russian warplanes, and Ukraine helped the nation do it legally.

The news about the deal between the USA and the Air Force of Ukraine appeared on the US-based website The website said that Russia’s Su-27 fighters were technically similar to F-15 jets, although the Russian planes were 30 percent cheaper.

Several Su-27 jets landed at Langley US air base in the summer of 1992, upon the agreement with the US side. Russian pilots examined F-15 jets at the base and proposed a simulated combat. The US pilots did not like the idea much: they thought that it would be too risky to hold the fight above the base in front of photographers and TV cameras. They eventually accepted the offer, but agreed to hold the mock fight above the Atlantic Ocean, 200 kilometers far from the coast.

The scheme of the mock fight was very simple. A Sukhoi was supposed to fly behind a US jet, and the planes were supposed to switch places with one another.

A US plane attempted to fly away from the Russian jet, but the Russian pilot caught up with the F-15 very easily. The planes switched places, and the Su-27 flew away from the F-15 making a turn and gaining altitude. The Russian jet found itself behind the American fighter a couple of minutes later. The F-125 pilot lost the Russian aircraft out of sight and could not escape from it afterwards: the Russian pilot was keeping the F-15 covered.

The F-15 lost another battle with Russia’s Su-27 in the autumn of 2000, during the US-Japanese drills in the Pacific Ocean. Two Su-27 jets, covering the Su-24MP, conducted a sudden attack of the flagship of the US 7th fleet, Kitty Hawk. The US aircraft carrier would have been destroyed in real combat conditions.

The US Defense Department is seriously concerned about the growing sales of Su-27 and Su-30 all over the world. Russia has been shipping these jets to India, China, Malaysia, Venezuela, Indonesia and Algeria for years.

Now the US purchased two Su-27 fighter jets from Ukraine. The US military command will now be able to study the phenomenon of Russia’s Sukhoi design bureau thoroughly.
Ndio tabia zao hawa, utumia mbinu za wizi au kunununa ndege za kivita za Warusi kwenda kuchunguza zilivyo hundwa na kwa nini zina perform vizuri kuliko za kwao! Wana reverse engineer kila kitu - modifying here and there kesho yake majigambo yao yapo pale pale kumbe ni ma copy cat tu.

Mbinu hizi hawaja anza leo, tangu miaka ya hamsini.
Ndio tabia zao hawa, utumia mbinu za wizi au kunununa ndege za kivita za Warusi kwenda kuchunguza zilivyo hundwa na kwa nini zina perform vizuri kuliko za kwao! Wana reverse engineer kila kitu - modifying here and there kesho yake majigambo yao yapo pale pale kumbe ni ma copy cat tu.

Mbinu hizi hawaja anza leo, tangu miaka ya hamsini.
Hii process Huitwa Reverse Engineering, na ni muhimu sana.
Marekani vifaa vitu vyake uwa ghali sana hata kama vinazidiwa uwezo na vitu vilivyo tengenezwa nchi nyingine.
Rocket za kirusi ni bora zaidi na zinatengenezwa kwa bei poa compared na za NASA.
Ndege za kirusi ni bora na ni cheap
Na sio siri Russia alipoanza kutengeza bomber alikopi one to one bomber ya US iliyotua kwa dharura Russia, hats kutengeneza engine za ndege know how ya materials technology Russia walipata UK hivi vitu vipo Root
Masunga Jr, Root yeye anafikiri US yupo juu kwa kila kitu
na anafikiri kufanya reverse engineering ni kama kashfa hivi, kiukweli kama hiyo technologia mwenzio ameadvance sana njia iliyo rahisi ni kupata hiyo bidhaa yake au technologia yake na wewe unaanzia hapo na kuendelea na hiii inafanyika kwa makususdi ya kuondoa knowledge gap iliyopo. kwa mfano ni Tu-4 bomber, russia walliibembeleza sana US iwauzie B-29 bomber lakini US walikataa ilipotokea wakati wa pacific war B-29 bomber zilivyotua kwa dharula kwenye ardhi ya Russia alizitaifisha na wakawapa Tupolev design bureau wakaicopy kama ilivyo na wakatumia nyingine kwa ajili assemmbling na iliyobaki wakaitumia kufundishia marubani wao lakini lazima akubali kwenye submarines, fighters na front line bombers russia yupo juu na US yupo juu sana kwenye aircraft carriers na drones
The Pentagon purchased two Russian-made Su-27 fighter jets from Ukraine. The United States will reportedly use the Russian jets to train effective counter-operation efforts.

The Russian jets are a serious competition for the US F-15 fighters. The jets of Russia’s renowned Sukhoi design bureau proved to be more successful than their US competitors during a number of tests. The Pentagon has been trying to obtain the Russian warplanes, and Ukraine helped the nation do it legally.

The news about the deal between the USA and the Air Force of Ukraine appeared on the US-based website The website said that Russia’s Su-27 fighters were technically similar to F-15 jets, although the Russian planes were 30 percent cheaper.

Several Su-27 jets landed at Langley US air base in the summer of 1992, upon the agreement with the US side. Russian pilots examined F-15 jets at the base and proposed a simulated combat. The US pilots did not like the idea much: they thought that it would be too risky to hold the fight above the base in front of photographers and TV cameras. They eventually accepted the offer, but agreed to hold the mock fight above the Atlantic Ocean, 200 kilometers far from the coast.

The scheme of the mock fight was very simple. A Sukhoi was supposed to fly behind a US jet, and the planes were supposed to switch places with one another.

A US plane attempted to fly away from the Russian jet, but the Russian pilot caught up with the F-15 very easily. The planes switched places, and the Su-27 flew away from the F-15 making a turn and gaining altitude. The Russian jet found itself behind the American fighter a couple of minutes later. The F-125 pilot lost the Russian aircraft out of sight and could not escape from it afterwards: the Russian pilot was keeping the F-15 covered.

The F-15 lost another battle with Russia’s Su-27 in the autumn of 2000, during the US-Japanese drills in the Pacific Ocean. Two Su-27 jets, covering the Su-24MP, conducted a sudden attack of the flagship of the US 7th fleet, Kitty Hawk. The US aircraft carrier would have been destroyed in real combat conditions.

The US Defense Department is seriously concerned about the growing sales of Su-27 and Su-30 all over the world. Russia has been shipping these jets to India, China, Malaysia, Venezuela, Indonesia and Algeria for years.

Now the US purchased two Su-27 fighter jets from Ukraine. The US military command will now be able to study the phenomenon of Russia’s Sukhoi design bureau thoroughly.
Na sio siri Russia alipoanza kutengeza bomber alikopi one to one bomber ya US iliyotua kwa dharura Russia, hats kutengeneza engine za ndege know how ya materials technology Russia walipata UK hivi vitu vipo Root
haina ubaya kwa mrekani kusoma design ya su-27 kwa kupitia hiyo atajua core technology ya sukhoi zote za russia..kipi kizuri kuliko kujua adui yako ana teknolojia ya aina gani..,mi nafkiri US kama ni kweli kanunua hzo ndege atakua amefanya smart wao wajitahidi wapate F-16 wakapigie msuli........sio hio tu kwani ile S-300 Iiliopo ugiriki ambayo waliinunua toka cyprus nackia israel na marekani wanaipigia msuli daily pale ugiriki toka 2006.....nackia wanatka kuuza S-400 KWA india na ALGERIA nafkiri pia US ataipata kirahisi teknolojia yake..hayo ndo maisha ya superpowers ukifanya right move unajiongezea credit wakat mwenzio anahuzunika
Kwa comparison for 15 sio the most sophisticated plane kwa USA, issue ya kufanya comparison nchi zote kubwa ufanya hivyo, ata Russian uwa wanafanya hivyo hivyo wanapogundua silaha fulani ipo juu yao, all I can say hiyo ni one sided story.
haina ubaya kwa mrekani kusoma design ya su-27 kwa kupitia hiyo atajua core technology ya sukhoi zote za russia..kipi kizuri kuliko kujua adui yako ana teknolojia ya aina gani..,mi nafkiri US kama ni kweli kanunua hzo ndege atakua amefanya smart wao wajitahidi wapate F-16 wakapigie msuli........sio hio tu kwani ile S-300 Iiliopo ugiriki ambayo waliinunua toka cyprus nackia israel na marekani wanaipigia msuli daily pale ugiriki toka 2006.....nackia wanatka kuuza S-400 KWA india na ALGERIA nafkiri pia US ataipata kirahisi teknolojia yake..hayo ndo maisha ya superpowers ukifanya right move unajiongezea credit wakat mwenzio anahuzunika
Kweli teknolojia haina mtemi, kila siku inabadilika na kila taifa inayakwake. US wanajua kuwa hakuna taifa linalojitosheleza kiteknolojia hivyo wanaamua kuchunguza kwa makini teknolojia za wengine badala ya kusema wanajitosheleza.
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