Uchunguzi na Uchunguzi wa Uchunguzi unaofanyika..eh!?

Mzee Mwanakijiji

Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2006
Govt probe on BoT staffing scandal allegations coming

2008-06-20 10:33:49
By Correspondent Austin Beyadi

The Public Service Commission said yesterday it will soon launch extensive investigations into reports that the Bank of Tanzania has employed a number of big shots` children without following laid down procedures.

According to the reports, which surfaced some months ago, the bank violated employment regulations and procedures employing several prominent politicians` children through the back door.

The bank has also been dogged by allegations of grand corruption involving the misappropriation of hundreds of billions of shillings in public funds.

``We expect to investigate the allegations (of flagrant violations of staff employment procedures) any of these days.

We have the full mandate to do so,`` said Thecla Shangali, Permanent Secretary in the President`s Office.

She explained that recently endorsed public service regulations have given the commission powers to probe government agencies or institutions, including the central bank, on all matters relating to their operations.

Shangali would not be drawn into stating when the investigations would start, only saying they already ``spotted and fired`` 20 staff members of government agencies and institutions found to have been employed under questionable circumstances.

The commission routinely screens the job applications of all newly recruited public servants, principally to identify those engaged contrary to procedures.

``We commonly throw out all these, some of them being without the qualifications they need for the positions they hold, instead reconsidering qualified applicants improperly or unfairly sidelined,`` elaborated the PS, adding that they would use the same approach in carrying out the upcoming scrutiny at the central bank.

She quickly added that the commission played no direct role in the process of recruiting staff for government institutions or agencies ``although we can intervene and investigate once in the event of allegations on irregularities and violations of employment regulations or procedures``.

Meanwhile, PSC Chairman Jovin Kitambi said the commission was there to oversee the administration and management of services and related activities in the public sector. These include recruitment, promotions and discipline.

The commission is also charged with ensuring and enhancing respect for, observance of and adherence to the code of professional ethics for public servants.

Kitambi said the commission has since its inception handled more than 73,500 cases, most related to staff promotions, pensions and discipline, as well as the registration of new teachers.

It has also established a mechanism through which civil servants can freely express their concerns and problems.

Prof Benno Ndulu announced soon after his appointment as BoT Governor early this year that his office would make a close follow-up of the scandal allegations involving the bank.

Addressing a news conference in Dar es Salaam on January 21, Prof Ndulu admitted that the sons and daughters of some influential politicians and other heavyweights formed part of the bank`s workforce.

However, he said it was yet to be established whether any had been recruited ``improperly`` as alleged.

The BoT chief pointed out that thorough official investigations were going on and all those suspected to have been employed through nepotism or otherwise dishonestly would undergo rigorous tests to verify their qualifications and suitability for the posts they were holding. But there has been little visible progress on the matter.

My Take:
Mwanzoni Ndullu alisema wanafanya uchunguzi huo na Takukuru na wenyewe wakasema wanafuatilia... sasa idara ya utumishi nao wanataka kufanya uchunguzi wa kitu kile kile ambacho tayari kinachunguzwa... kwanini na sisi tusianzishe uchunguzi wa kuwachunguza wao wanapochunguza wenzao?
kamati za uchunguzi ni ulaji, hapo watu wanainnovate njia za kupata ulaji. Huchelewi kusikia wizara ya fedha, wizara ya sheria na wizara ya mambo ya ndani nazo zinafanya uchunguzi, kisha ikulu inaunda tume ya kuchunguza matokeo ya hizo chunguzi zote!
utendaji wa uoga huu.

walikuwa wapi zamani,huyu mama alikuwa hapo muda mrefu akaacha vilaza wakaajiriwa pale bila hata kuwa na ujuzi,mambo ya kamati hatutaki wanatumia pesa na hakuna mafanikio yote.
Na hawa ni wale ambo wameajiriwa kwa vimemo..

1.Kuna yule mtoto wa kigoda,nasikia wameshamtoa
2.Demu wa wanasiasa ,ambaye ni mwanamziki,alishawahi kuwa an amhusiano na waziri wa nishati wa serikali ya zamani(wasemavyo waungwana).naye achunguzwe.

Ila hii haitoshi,ajira zote zichunguzwe.wanaajiri vilaza tu,we angalia watu wa sehemu kama kwa mkaguzi mkuu,ukisoma Ripoti ya mwaka huu waliyoiandika kwa lugha ya kiingereza,ina kingereza kibovu sana na suala la pili wanashidwa kufanya Auditing za sehemu kama BOT

kwanini wasiajiri watu wale wale ambao wanatumiwa na Young and Ernest??sanaa imetuchosha na serikali inatakiwa iwe sehemu ambayo imejaa watu wenye uwezo

mie naamini kuna watanzania wanaweza na waapewe nafasi kuliko kujaza watoto wa wakubwa tu na watu wasiyo na uwezo wa kuleta tija.

uchunguzi pia uangalie sehemu zote za serikali kwa wale ambao ni wakuu wa Idara,je wanauwezo na qualification za kuongoza Idara??utakuta mtu mkuu wa kitengo cha ict ila hajui chochote kuhusu ict .
tanzania nafikiri ndo nchi pekee duniani inayofanya chunguzi tatu tofauti kwa kesi moja ambayo haina hata ukubwa hivyo.
na hii yote inatokana kuwa hakuna utaratibu wa kazi. kila mtu ni bossi na kila mmoja anaweza kufanya uchunguzi kwa nafasi yake anayoitaka yeye.
na uchunguzi wowote ule hauna siku ya mwisho kwa sababu hakuna mtu anayefuatilia kuwa uchunguzi huu umeendelea kwa siku ngapi na gharama zake zinatoka wapi.
Tatizo ni kuwa Mwanakijiji umekaa sana kijijini unatakiwa kuja mjini uone mambo yalivyo. Hapa mjini tunaunda tume, halafu tunaunda nyingine kuchunguza kwanini ytuliunda ya kwanza, halafu tunaunda nyingine kuchunguza kwanini tunaunda tume nyingi. This is us, this is how we do it, we do it deliberately. It is not that we are out of our minds.
Come onTanzanian diaspora, get used to it that is the way of life down here
Bongolan....... Yaani umeacha wengine mbavu zinaishia kuvunjika zenyewe Mkuu..... Kaaz kweli kweli Bongo yetu!!!
hebu tutoe mifano ya kamati zilizoundwa kuchunguza jambo ambalo tayari limeshachunguzwa.


Kamati ya Kipokola
Kamati ya Masha
Kamati ya Mboma
Kamati ya Bomani

(ziko kama tano hivi)

Uchunguzi wa Ndulu
Uchunguzi wa Takukuru
Uchunguzi wa utumishi wa umma

Uchunguzi ndani ya Elimu ya Juu
Uchunguzi wa Chuo Kikuu Mzumbe
Uchunguzi wa Takukuru
Tatizo hizi tume hazina Timeframe,na hata zikiwapo hazioneshi nini na hatua zipi zitachukuliwa?

angalia Tume ya kuchunguza wale waliofanyiwa Operesheni katika sehemu tofauti..ziliundwa tume ngapi?walilipwa shillingi ngapi?hatua zipi zilichukuliwa

Tume iliyouundwa na mkurugenzi wa Hospitali
Tume iliyoundwa na mhe. Pro. mwakyusa

Ndani ya hizi tume huwa kuna kuwa na vikamati vidogo vidogo vya kukusanya maoni na maelezo ili kuwaletea wakubwa.

kama kamati ya anji na mengi ilitumia millioni 100,je zingine zilitumia sh. Ngapi??Imetosha tunahitaji majibu ya Tume zilizopita.Na kwa kuanzia tuanze ni hizi

1.Tume ya Warioba
2.Tume ya madini ya mwaka 2002
3.Ripoti ya EPA ambayo ilitolewa na wakaguzi wa Young and Ernest.

Kama Wameshindwa wazilete hizo ripoti hapa na siye tuwahukumu kama watanzania,wanajamii tulio makini na jamii yetu.
hebu tutoe mifano ya kamati zilizoundwa kuchunguza jambo ambalo tayari limeshachunguzwa.


Kamati ya Kipokola
Kamati ya Masha
Kamati ya Mboma
Kamati ya Bomani

(ziko kama tano hivi)

Uchunguzi wa Ndulu
Uchunguzi wa Takukuru
Uchunguzi wa utumishi wa umma

Uchunguzi ndani ya Elimu ya Juu
Uchunguzi wa Chuo Kikuu Mzumbe
Uchunguzi wa Takukuru

Kwa nini HOSEA asikatae kujiuzulu???? eeee... kwanini awasikilize wananchi wakati anaendelea kuneemeka na baraka za mwenye nchi zikummulika??????
2.Demu wa wanasiasa ,ambaye ni mwanamziki,alishawahi kuwa an amhusiano na waziri wa nishati wa serikali ya zamani(wasemavyo waungwana).naye achunguzwe.

Huyu si nasikia ni mkuu wa wilaya siku hizi??????
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