Kamati ya uchunguzi iliyoundwa na MCT kuchunguza juu ya kufungiwa kwa Kyela FM, imegundua TCRA ilikuka taratibu
na kuifungia redio bila kuipa notice ya kusudio la kuwafungia wala kuwasikiliza kwanza. Sehemu ya executive summary yao inasema:
The investigation generally established that the closure of the radio station did not follow the right
procedure. First, TCRA did not issue a notice of the intention to close the radio. Second, the station
was not given a chance to be heard before the closure. Third, TCRA did not allow airtime for the
station to inform its listeners about the closure of broadcasting services, hence the saga left the
community with the assumption that the radio was closed due to political reasons.
Katika conclusion yao MCT wanasema:
The closure of Kyela FM Community Radio was improper. The procedures for closing radio station were
not followed, and even some of the regulations requirements were skipped. Despite
the established technical flaws on the part of the station, still, the penalty was harsher
than the alleged offences. The circumstances surrounding the closure and the timing of
the shut down raises doubts whether TCRA was acting fairly and independently.
na kuifungia redio bila kuipa notice ya kusudio la kuwafungia wala kuwasikiliza kwanza. Sehemu ya executive summary yao inasema:
The investigation generally established that the closure of the radio station did not follow the right
procedure. First, TCRA did not issue a notice of the intention to close the radio. Second, the station
was not given a chance to be heard before the closure. Third, TCRA did not allow airtime for the
station to inform its listeners about the closure of broadcasting services, hence the saga left the
community with the assumption that the radio was closed due to political reasons.
Katika conclusion yao MCT wanasema:
The closure of Kyela FM Community Radio was improper. The procedures for closing radio station were
not followed, and even some of the regulations requirements were skipped. Despite
the established technical flaws on the part of the station, still, the penalty was harsher
than the alleged offences. The circumstances surrounding the closure and the timing of
the shut down raises doubts whether TCRA was acting fairly and independently.