Tahadharini: Watumiaji wa e-mail


JF-Expert Member
Feb 12, 2007
Watumiaji wa email kupitia http://www.hotmail.com, kuna watu matapeli ambao wanatuma jumbe za kukutaadharisha kuwa kuna matatizo katika anuani pepe yako na wanakutaka utume maelezo yako binafsi, hawa watu ni matapeli na msiwasikilize.

Hapa chini ni moja ya email ambazo wamenitumia, kwa hiyo kuwenu na taadhari.

Hotmail Team
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To Hotmail Team

From:Hotmail Team (jaswalbs@hotmail.com)
Sent:Mon 11/08/10 5:16 AMTo: Hotmail Team (jaswalbs@hotmail.com)



Dear Account User,

This is email from Windows Live Hotmail® and we are sending to all account user for safety. Due to the anonymous registration of our account which is causing congestion to our service, so we are shutting down some account and your account was among those to be deleted,so the purpose of this email is for you to verify that you are the owner of this account and you are still using it by filling the information below after clicking on the reply button:

Full Name: ...............................................
Password: ..............................................
Date Of Birth: .........................................
Country or Territory: .............................

After following the instructions in the sheet, your account will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Thanks for your attention to this request. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Warning!!! Account owner that refuses to update his/her account after 72 hours of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently.

The Windows Live Hotmail Team

Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement.
Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Mkuu hii kitu imekuwepo kwa muda mrefu sasa...na hadi leo kuna watu wanalizwa..!

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