SWALI: Hivi ni kweli Rais Mugabe ndiyo anayetoa hii misemo inayosambaa WhatsApp kila siku?


JF-Expert Member
Nov 26, 2013
Kuna misemo inasaambaa whatsappk kila siku, ikisisisitiza kuwa ni wise quote from Mugabe? Mimi binafsi napatwa na mashaka na hiyo misemo kama ni kweli inatoka kwa huyo mzee.

Je wenzangu mnaweza saidia kunielimisha kama ni kweli au si kweli?
Wanaotumia Whatsapp watakuwa wamefahamu hiyo misemo.
Msaada tafadhari.
"Africans are less developed because their big upper heads have very low IQ's but yet they are the best rapists because their little lower heads have very big IQ's

Wisdom will kill Mugabe

Hii misemo ni ya kutunga tu ingawa kuna baadhi kasema kweli ila ni michache sana
Subiri niilete
The only Jose who can join Arsenal is
''Jose Chameleon"

*Dating a girl with small Boobs is cool. The problem is that When you lying on her chest and you feel as if you are sleeping on earphones* *-

**Robert Mugabe*

Atatuua huyu mtu

Just in

Any man who successfully convinces a monkey that honey is sweeter than banana, is capable of selling condoms to a Roman father.
Girls' legs are like rumours.. They spread any how

Robert Mugabe 2015

Ladies are powerful, they can introduce two boyfriends at the same time. They will say My Love meet My Sweet heart. And the two
idiots will say "Bossu how far?"

Robert Mugabe 2016

Some of you girls can't even jog
for 5minutes but expect a
guy to last in bed with u for
2hours??? Ur level of
selfishness demands
a one week crusade..

Robert Mugabe 2016

It's hard to bewitch African gals these days. Every time you take a piece from her hair to the witch doctor, either a Brazilian innocent woman gets mad or a factory in China catches fire.

Robert Mugabe 2016

Dating a slim/ slender guy is cool. The problem is when u lying on his chest then his ribs draw adidas lines on your face

R.G Mugabe 2016

No sex before marriage???
If that was God's plan you would receive your Penis or Vagina on your wedding day.

Robert Mugabe
Wisdom will kill Mugabe

Whenever things seem to start going well in your life, the Devil comes along and gives you a *girlfriend*

*Robert Mugabe 2016*

"Sucking breast is a survival skill guys learnt at birth. But as to how and where girls learnt the act of sucking dicks still baffels me..."

~Robert Mugabe

If you are ugly,you are ugly.Stop talking about inner beauty cos we dont walk around with X-rays

Respect pregnant women because it's not easy walking around with evidence that you've had sex

-Robert Mugabe

Dear sisters,

Don't be deceived by a man who text you "I miss you" only when it's raining.........you are not an umbrella -
Robert Mugabe (2016)
"I can see some people of Tanzania and leaders from the f.cking countries..so called developed ones.. keep on hitting out about the ongoing regime of Mr. Magufuli...the president of the United Republic of Tanzania..it's better to stay away from those people because such human beings shares some common attributes with a Saturn".. _R. Mugabe, 2016@Harare Conventional summit.
"kuwa na mke mzur na mrembo kwenye nyumba ya kupanga ni Sawa na kuwa na shamba la miwa karibu na shule ya msingi.''

~ Robert Mugabe ~
hahaha umenikumbusha mbali sana kuna jamaa alilima mihogo karibu na shule yetu ya msingi hakuvuna chochote mle ndani, tulianza kuila bado mizizi tu hadi shamba likaisha. alitupiga sana lakini hatukuacha.
Misemo ya kuvutia ya Robert Mugabe aliyozungumza maeneo mbalimbali katika warsha tofauti tofauti.

1. Bikira ni zawadi pekee kwa mwanaume kutoka kwa mwanamke aliemuoa siku baada ya harusi lakini hivi sasa hakuna kitu kama hicho kwa vile hivi sasa zawadi hiyo inapewa kama siku ya kuzaliwa, kusaidia kupata kazi, kununuliwa gari, kupangishiwa nyumba etc.

2. Tunza vizuri kila sehemu ya taulo lako kwa sababu sehemu ya taulo ambayo imefuta makalio yako leo, kesho itafuta uso.

3. Tunaishi katika kizazi ambacho wapenzi wako huru kushikana sehemu nyeti, ila sio kushika simu ya mwenzako.

4. Muda mwingine unaangalia nyuma kutizama wanawake ambao umetumia pesa zako kuwagharamia badala ya kumtumia mama yako hizo pesa na unaamini kumbe kweli uchawi upo.

5. Kama weww ni mume wa mtu na unajikuta ukivutiwa na wasichana wa shule, mnunulie mkeo sare za shule.

6. Kama Rais Barack Obama anataka mimi niruhusu ndoa za jinsia moja katika nchi yangu ya Zimbabwe, aje Zimbabwe ili nimuoe kwanza yeye.

7. Msigombanie wanawake! Nchi imejaa wanawake wengi warembo. Kama umeshindwa kumpata mmojawapo njoo kwa Mugabe.

8. Sigara ni tumbaku kidogo ambayo imezungushiwa karatasi, ikiwa na moto upande mmoja na mpumbavu katka upande mwingine akivuta.
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