
Andrew Nyerere

JF-Expert Member
Nov 10, 2008
. I have lived four hundred years and more already
of this life, and I am the one, the only one in the whole
of Tibet, who understands all the workings of these
things. That was one of my tasks. And my other task,”
he looked at me whimsically, “was training you, giving
you my knowledge so that when I pass on in the near
future with a dagger through my back you will be able
to remember this place, remember how to get in, how
to use all the appliances, and live again the events of
the past. You will be able to see where the world has
gone wrong, and I think it is going to be too late in this
particular cycle's life to do much about it. But never
mind, people are learning the hard way because they
reject the easy way. There is no need for all this suf-
fering, you know, Lobsang. There is no need for all this
fighting among the Afridi and the British Indian Army,
they are always fighting and they seem to think that
to fight is the only way to do things. The best way to
do a thing is persuasion, not this killing, this raping
and murdering and torturing. It hurts the victim, but
it hurts the perpetrator more because all this goes back
to the Overself. You and I Lobsang, have got a fairly
clean record. Our Overself is quite pleased with us.”

”You said ‘Overself’, Master. Does that mean that you and I have the same Overself?” "Yes indeed it does, young sage, that's just what it
does mean. It means that you and I will come together
life after life, not merely on this world, not merely in
this Universe, but everywhere, anywhere, at any time.
You, my poor friend, are going to have a very hard life
this time. You are going to be the victim of calumny,
there is going to be all manner of lying attacks on you.
And yet if people would listen to you Tibet could be
saved. Instead of that, in years to come Tibet will be
taken over by the Chinese and ruined.” He turned away
quickly, but not before I saw the tears in his eyes. So
I moved away into the kitchen and got a drink of water.
“Master,” I said, “I wish you would explain to me
how these things do not go bad.”
“Well, look at the water you are drinking now. How
old is the water? It may be as old as the world itself.
It doesn't go bad, does it? Things only go bad when they
are treated incorrectly. For instance, supposing you cut
a finger and it starts to heal, and you cut it again and
it starts to heal, and you cut it again and once more
it starts to heal, but not necessarily in the same pattern
as it was before you cut it. The cells of regeneration
have been confused, they started to grow according to
their inbuilt pattern, and then they got cut again. They
started once more to grow according to their inbuilt
pattern, and so on and so on. And eventually the cells
forgot the pattern they should form and instead they
grew out in a great lump, and that's what cancer is.
Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells where they
should not be, and if one was taught properly and one
had full control of the body there wouldn't be any can-
cer. If one saw that the cells were what I will call mis-
growing then the body could stop it in time. We have
preached about this, and preached about it in different
countries, and people have absolutely hooted with
laughter at these natives daring to come from some
unknown country, ‘gooks’ they call us, gooks, the most


worthless things in existence. But, you know, we may
be gooks, but in time it will be a word of honour, of
respect. If people would listen to us we could cure can-
cer, we could cure T.B. You had T.B., Lobsang, remem-
ber that, and I cured you with your cooperation, and
if I hadn't had your cooperation I could not have cured
We fell silent in a state of spiritual communion with
each other. Ours was a purely spiritual association, without any carnal connotation at all. Of course there
were some lamas who used their chelas for wrong pur-
poses, lamas who should not have been lamas but who
should have been—well, laborers, anything, because
they needed women. We did not need women, nor did
we need any homosexual association. Ours, as I said,
was purely spiritual like the mingling of two souls who
mingle to embrace in the spirit and then withdraw
from the spirit of the other feeling refreshed and in
possession of fresh knowledge.
There is such a feeling in the world today that sex
is the only thing that matters, selfish sex, not for the
continuation of the race but just because it gives pleas-
ant sensations. The real sex is that which we have
when we leave this world, the communion of two souls,
and when we return back to the Overself we shall ex-
perience the greatest thrill, the greatest exhilaration
of all. And then we shall realize that the hardships we
endured on this beastly Earth were merely to drive out
impurities from us, to drive out wrong thoughts from
us, and in my opinion, the world is too hard. It is so
hard, and humans have degenerated so much that they
cannot take the hardship, they cannot profit by the
hardship, but instead they become worse and worse,
and more and more evil, venting their spite on little
animals. That is a great pity because cats, for example,
are known as the eyes of the Gods. Cats can go any-
where, nobody takes any notice when a cat is sitting
there, forelegs folded and tail curled neatly around the
body, and eyes half shut—people think the cat is rest-
ing. But no, the cat is working, the cat is transmitting
all that is happening. Your brain cannot see anything without your eyes. Your brain cannot make a sound
without your voice, and cats are another extension of
the senses which let the Gardeners of the Earth know
what is going on. In time we shall welcome this, in
time we shall realize that cats have saved us from many
a fatal mistake. It is a pity we don't treat them more
kindly, isn't it?
. People in those days
lived for hundred of years because their ‘memory cells'
were able to reproduce dying cells with exactitude. It
is only since the cells lost their ability to reproduce
accurately that we have such short lives. But in one
of the wars there were tremendous explosions, and
most of the cloud cover of the Earth was blown away,
blown away into space, and the sunlight came pouring

in with all the lethal rays. And instead of people living
seven or eight hundred years their lifespan was just
about seventy years.
"The sun isn't the kind, benevolent provider of sun-
light, etc., etc. It sends out rays which cause harm to
people. You can see for yourself that people exposed to
the sunlight too much have their skin turn dark. Now
if it was good to have sunlight then Nature would not
need to make a shield against the light. But the rays,
ultra-violet, and others, affected the humans and made
them worse, and the two sets of Gardeners of the Earth
became even fiercer. One side was good and wanted to
see the human race grow fruitful and do much good;
instead of that, people exposed to too much sunlight
used to get T.B. or cancer. All the surfaces of the world,
or rather, all the surfaces of the people of the world,
were prone to diseases, skin diseases of various forms,
and they were tenacious, there was no cure for them.
After all, these rays could penetrate many feet of stone,
and it was useless for the inhabitants of the world to
live in houses because the rays could still reach them.
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