JF-Expert Member
- Sep 24, 2010
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Not strange to see aging spinsters knocking their fifties but are sworn to loneliness of single parenthood or childlessness citing lack of Mr. Right sweeping them off their feet.
What characteristics do they carry?
1) During their youthful heydays they had unrealistic dreams of their other halves culminating into sneering if not trolling potential advances needed to stoke a lifetime commitment.
2) Once in a relationship they were either too demanding of emotional engagements or too disengaged to chase away future Mr. Right out of being perceived overbearing, out of touch or simply unconcerned.
3) Sometimes they pursue too many relationships out of insecurities preying upon them dissuading those who wished to pursue serious relationships with them.
4) They tend to be faulty finders to the extent no man meets their criteria. As they are busier erecting barriers hoping to ensnare the man of their dreams unknowingly distancing themselves from REAL MEN who are easily bewitched and smitten by simplicity of their future wives.
5) Once they are drawing huge salaries, they hunt and hibernate with married men overlooking the fact that extra marital stories have wings of their own, and tend to reach and close doors they would wish stay open.
6) Perhaps most damaging is the tendency of being argumentative, pugnacious with little attention to being submissive to their flirting mates. Well the truth ought to be trumpeted once again beauty is not attraction. Beauty is morphological distraction but attraction hails from character and effeminate submission overcomes even the most difficult man around the neighbourhood.
What is the solution? Well doing the opposite of the negative traits is the only way out of this vicious circle. Will elaborate in the near future.
Ukapera kwa wanawake wasomi wenye vipato vikubwa, umri upitao miaka 50 huku wana maumbile yenye mvuto upo na unakuwa kila kukicha.
Hali hii inachangiwa na mambo yafuatayo:-
1) Kwenye ujana wao walijiwekea malengo makubwa yasiyotekelezeka na wanaumme Wenye nia ya kuwachumbia huwakatisha tamaa.
2) Wanapobahatika kuwa kwenye mahusiano huyavuruga kwa kudai mahitaji yasiyotekelezeka.
3) Kutokana na kutoridhika wakati mwingine hujikuta wanachanganya wanaumme na hivyo kujiondolea sifa za kuolewa.
4) Wakati mwingine huwa wakosoaji sana na kulinganisha hivyo kuwala tosha tamaa wachumba watarajiwa.
5) Wakianza kubana mishahara mikubwa huamua kuwaganda waume za watu Wenye vyeo vyao na kusahau mipasho ya aina hiyo huwafikia pia wachumba watarajiwa na hivyo kujizibia mianya ya kuolewa.
6) Pia hupanga malumbano wakidhani maumbile yao au elimu yao au kipato chao ambayo ndilo chimbuko la kiburi na madharau yao itawafanya waonekane bora na kuogopwa kumbe wa penzi huvutwa na unyenyekevu siyo kutunishiana misuli.
Ufumbuzi ni upi? Ni kuachana na haya mapungufu. Nitafafanua baadaye.
Not strange to see aging spinsters knocking their fifties but are sworn to loneliness of single parenthood or childlessness citing lack of Mr. Right sweeping them off their feet.
What characteristics do they carry?
1) During their youthful heydays they had unrealistic dreams of their other halves culminating into sneering if not trolling potential advances needed to stoke a lifetime commitment.
2) Once in a relationship they were either too demanding of emotional engagements or too disengaged to chase away future Mr. Right out of being perceived overbearing, out of touch or simply unconcerned.
3) Sometimes they pursue too many relationships out of insecurities preying upon them dissuading those who wished to pursue serious relationships with them.
4) They tend to be faulty finders to the extent no man meets their criteria. As they are busier erecting barriers hoping to ensnare the man of their dreams unknowingly distancing themselves from REAL MEN who are easily bewitched and smitten by simplicity of their future wives.
5) Once they are drawing huge salaries, they hunt and hibernate with married men overlooking the fact that extra marital stories have wings of their own, and tend to reach and close doors they would wish stay open.
6) Perhaps most damaging is the tendency of being argumentative, pugnacious with little attention to being submissive to their flirting mates. Well the truth ought to be trumpeted once again beauty is not attraction. Beauty is morphological distraction but attraction hails from character and effeminate submission overcomes even the most difficult man around the neighbourhood.
What is the solution? Well doing the opposite of the negative traits is the only way out of this vicious circle. Will elaborate in the near future.
Ukapera kwa wanawake wasomi wenye vipato vikubwa, umri upitao miaka 50 huku wana maumbile yenye mvuto upo na unakuwa kila kukicha.
Hali hii inachangiwa na mambo yafuatayo:-
1) Kwenye ujana wao walijiwekea malengo makubwa yasiyotekelezeka na wanaumme Wenye nia ya kuwachumbia huwakatisha tamaa.
2) Wanapobahatika kuwa kwenye mahusiano huyavuruga kwa kudai mahitaji yasiyotekelezeka.
3) Kutokana na kutoridhika wakati mwingine hujikuta wanachanganya wanaumme na hivyo kujiondolea sifa za kuolewa.
4) Wakati mwingine huwa wakosoaji sana na kulinganisha hivyo kuwala tosha tamaa wachumba watarajiwa.
5) Wakianza kubana mishahara mikubwa huamua kuwaganda waume za watu Wenye vyeo vyao na kusahau mipasho ya aina hiyo huwafikia pia wachumba watarajiwa na hivyo kujizibia mianya ya kuolewa.
6) Pia hupanga malumbano wakidhani maumbile yao au elimu yao au kipato chao ambayo ndilo chimbuko la kiburi na madharau yao itawafanya waonekane bora na kuogopwa kumbe wa penzi huvutwa na unyenyekevu siyo kutunishiana misuli.
Ufumbuzi ni upi? Ni kuachana na haya mapungufu. Nitafafanua baadaye.