Shamba la Bibi:Chinese Convicted for Mining in Game Reserve


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2008
Sumbawanga - MPANDA District Magistrate's Court in Katavi region has sentenced director of a mining company, a Chinese national, Bloan Chaoxan Zhou (42) to four years in jail for illegally mining at a prohibitive area of Lwafi Game Reserve in the district.
However, the Chinese national,who runs REDORE mining company with headquarters in Dar es Salaam, was set free by the court after paying a fine of 1,850,000/- . The court ordered him not to involve in any criminal activities within a year starting from that date of judgment.
The District Magistrate, Mr Richard Kasele, ordered alleged company to demolish all premises erected in the prohibitive area at its own cost. Prosecuting, the State Attorney from Rukwa Region, Mr Prosper Rweyongira, charged before the court that the alleged mining company illegally entered the prohibitive game reserve forest and started mining activities without holding any legal documents.
Earlier, the State Attorney charged the accused with six charges all of which the accused pleaded guilty to, prompting the trial magistrate, Mr Kasele, to pass sentence on the accused.
According to the sheet charge, the accused was also found guilty of erecting building structures within the restricted game reserve without any legal contract with the relevant authorities .
However, the accused prayed for mercy before the court, saying he had not been aware that it was illegal to carry out mine activities within the game Reserve. He added that he had nevertheless purchased a fake permit for such activities in the area from some people who had maintained to him that the documents had been genuine and legal as well for such activities there.
Kuna haja ya kukaza kamba na kuitumia Sheria kujaribu kupunguza Uharamia dhidi ya RASILMALI zetu.
Hongera kwa Vyombo vya Dola na wale wote waliohusika na Kampeni ya kuokoa Eneo hilo. Tunaiomba
Serekali kuu ihamasishe Wananchi juu ya umuhimu wa Ulinzi wa RASILIMALI zetu.
kuna mtu alishawahi kuniambia miaka miwili iliyopita waliwakuta wachina wamefunga mitambo mizito kwenye shamba lao wakitafuta madini sikumuamini, hawa wachina wanatudharau sana
MPANDA District Magistrate's Court in Katavi region has sentenced director of a mining company, a Chinese national, Bloan Chaoxan Zhou (42) to four years in jail for illegally mining at a prohibitive area of Lwafi Game Reserve in the district. However, the Chinese national,who runs REDORE mining company with headquarters in Dar es Salaam, was set free by the court after paying a fine of 1,850,000/- .
Kweli TZ ni shamba la bibi - mtu anahukumiwa kifungo cha miaka minne jela, badala yake anatoa milioni 1.85 anaachiwa huru. Mchina amenunua uhuru wake wa kutokwenda jela kwa shilingi 1,268 kwa siku (shilingi elfu moja mia mbili na sitini na nane- kama unavyoisikia, shilingi sio angalau dola).

Ni mgeni gani ataogopa kufanya kwa bei kama hiyo? Naende Mtanzania China akafanye kosa kama hilo kama hakunyongwa mpaka kufa? Naomba kama kuna watetezi wa haki za Watanzania wakate rufaa kwa hukumu hii.
kweli nchi yetu niajabu sana hebu mtanzania afanye ujinga huu hapa china kama hajanyongwa basi atafia jela. tubadilikeni watanzania tunadhaurika mno na sheria zilizopitwa na wakakti haswa kwa raia wa kigeni angekuwa mtz angehukumiwa miaka hata 20
Sijui kama kweli china ataheshimu sheria zetu kiasi cha kukubali watu wake wake ndani hata kama wamevunja sheria,uliza Japana, hata US wenyewe.Yaani balozi wa china anaweza tuambia politely in private, tumachie, wakituhurumia wanaweza dai tubadilishane, halafu wabongo wachague wauza unga na wengine wa wakubwa.
Ila tukileta ubishi china anawachukua.

china ni mbabe sana wafilipino wanacoma ingawa bahari zao zina umbali china anawafuta hadi nyumbani.sijui unafiki wa waafrika kuwa uchina ni rafiki utawafikisha wapi?mtaambiwa mumuachie km south walivyopigwa mkwara wasimpe dalai lama visa, au hata wengine wanavtoanbiwa wakiitambua taiwan hakuna msaada au hata kichapo
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