chinchilla coat
JF-Expert Member
- May 16, 2016
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Maalim Seif ameshukuru kwa mapokezi aliyoyapata na ameanza kwa kutoa pole hasa kwa familia na waliodhurika kwa tukio la Orlando nchini Marekani. Maalim kasema mahusiano ya Marekani na Tanzania ni ya muda mrefu sana na Zanzibar ni nchi mojawapo inafurahia uhusiano huo.
Maalim kasema kulingana na muktadha wa sasa wa kupigania haki za kidemokrasia, wanaridhika na msaada wa kidiplomasia kwa Zanzibar kuhusu uchaguzi wa Oktoba. Marekani imejitokeza kwa nguvu kusaidia diplomasia Tanzania na Zanzibar.Hawasaidia chama chochote cha siasa bali wanasaidia demokrasia.
Tanzania’s political trajectory has taken a troubling turn in the last year, prompting the U.S. government to cancel a $472 million Millennium Challenge Corporation compact and more broadly to reassess the country’s reputation as a stand-out democracy in sub-Saharan Africa.
Among the most important U.S. concerns was the abrupt annulment of the October 2015 election on the quasi-autonomous archipelago of Zanzibar, in which opposition leader Seif Sharif Hamad of the Civic United Front (CUF) appeared to have defeated incumbent Ali Mohamed Shein of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM).
CUF boycotted a re-run election in March 2016, ending a government of national unity on Zanzibar that was negotiated in 2010. Please join for this session, in which Mr. Hamad will share his perspectives on the 2015 election process and how Zanzibar and Tanzania might resolve the political and constitutional crisis that resulted.