Miracle of the three Hosts

Sky Eclat

JF-Expert Member
Oct 17, 2012
In 1384, a priest from Valencia, Spain, went to bring Holy Communion to a dying person. Despite a storm brewing, the priest knew he had to do everything so that this poor soul, who was about to meet God, could go to grace. At the end of his mission and as he was returning home, a violent thunderstorm erupted and forced the priest to protect the relic with three devoted hosties against his chest. Passing the Carraixet gorge, he noticed that the water was very high and he had to use a board to make a bridge. Unfortunately, while trying to cross it, he lost his balance and dropped the relic with devoted hosties in the river. In the midst of despair, the priest dived into the river to save them, but he didn't; the river current had taken everything away! With great sadness, the curator informed the community of the incident and offered to start a search. They searched all night and in the morning they found the safe empty. What a sadness ! It was left for the priest to accomplish, with the faithful, acts of reparation with prayers and penance. But the Lord was moved by seeing the love that the community and the healer had, and he decided to give them a great miracle. The population then lives three fish standing in the river current, holding in their mouth the three devoted hosties abandoned for loss. Everyone fell to their knees, moved by this miracle, and brought the priest to come. The fish did not move until the priest arrived and, clothed in his sacred robes, he approached the river bank. Seeing the priest, the fish also approached the riverbank and laid the body of Christ on the priest’s anointed hands, while the faithful, on their knees, with tears in their eyes, sang praises to our good God.

Happy Sunday
Naona uongozi huu kwako wewe uko sawa sawia huna neno wala. Ule uliopita kwako kulikua kumekucha ulikua haujatulia. Lol
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