Jaman hali hii Bungeni!!....... enough is enough!!!!

The kicks of a diying horse inflict pain but do not kill. Temporarily the decisions of leaders in parliament hurt Tanzanians and the would be well wishers of the justice society milestone where by a judgement is based on what you do and not on what are you or where do you belong.

We see what opposition do in parliament, we see what the MPs from CCM behave in parliament, we are the ones to make judgement on their perfomance . Blindly their actions are focusing on short time win and selfishness protectionism.

CDM MPs focus on winning the minds of Tanzanians by defending and protecting our country. I usually take trouble to move arround and pick out public opinion on issues from the 'big house' it is completely against CCM MPs. Why is that the public say 'it is for them to use the power of the chair to supress the opposition'. They win in parliament on trashes but they lose public support on strong issues. This is the same as covering your head with bednet and living the whole body uncovered.

Just to reparaphrase what MP Lema said yersterday but this time using words of Abraham Lincolin who said that "Just by a mere numerical numbers you deprive the minority a clearly stated constitutional right, from a moral point of view revolution is justified" just take out the words 'numerical power' and put any of the following; power vested upon you, constitutional power, presidential power, etc you will just come to terms with language used by MP Lema. In fact Lema is not inciting but warning the power custodians to balance their leadership and manage their political biase at all time when they assume constitutional responsibilities.

It is unfortunate and shame, therefore, that watching the parliamentary proceedings, the unpartriotism behaviour of some MPs is the memory and image i take away outside the parliament. CDM MPs i assure you the unwavering support from outside the house, you are the real heroes of this country today. They will harrass you, tourture and point hundreds of accusing fingers to you, but don't let them go, tighten the rope they are suvocating, they are in trouble, you are not alone, millions are behind you to provide pain killer whener the kick you hard. They fear you because they see you as a no nosence generation. Freedom is coming tomorrow.

Aluta Continua
Viva our MPs
Thank you mghaka. What we are experiencing now in parliament is the testimony on CCM's imminent demise. CCM is currently undergoing political autolysis, that is a process of self destruction through the action of its own! It is now clear to many Tanzanians, even the die hard like I used to be that the CCM we see today is never the same like the one we used to see with Mwalimu on top. Todays CCM is for the economic saboteurs, the corrupt and the like. It takes someone to be mad to trust what one hears from CCM be it from their National Chairman to the ten cell leader. To sum up CCM is tired, worn out, spent, dilapidated and out of touch to the majority of Tanzanians. This explains why they had to depend on vote rigging during the past national elections! It is wastage of time to join or support this party because of the political cancer that has eaten it up to the deepest part of it - the nucleus as we may refer in science! Had it been a car it merited being sold as scrapper, add some money to acquire a new one. Tanzanians should wake up and get rid of this dude before things totally go off hands.
With justice on their side, CHADEMA and other few genuine opposition members are poised to win as their heroic stance evidenced publicly with the aid of none else but the same CCM leaders who through their ignorance believe they are protecting their party's image before the public but doing the contraly unknowingly.
God Bless Tanzania, God bless CHADEMA - the genuine "Peoples Power".
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