It is not oops, but Yes he did it again!

Rev. Kishoka

JF-Expert Member
Mar 7, 2006
It is not about who was chosen, not about gender, education, age, religion or whatever criteria Bwana Mkubwa used to hand pick the A-Team to help him deliver the Maisha Bora kwa kila Mtanzania!

He did it again, he has created a fat, sluggish, inneficient and wasteful Cabinet.

The Bwana Mkubwa depends so much on a big team to help him deliver positive results, but he is spending more and yield nothing but more debt.

He had almost the same number on his first term, and they failed to deliver efficiently and on consistance basis Maisha Bora kwa Mtanzania.

I am not suprised by the size of the Cabinet or even the choices he cherry picked to assist him, as Waswahili would say, Tulitegemea.

That tells you what kind of focus Bwana Mkubwa has and if any of you the likes of Zakumi and the Companero who are on this team of fiscal responsibility and building a productive governmment, we have just been given another extension of free materials to blast the King!

Our debt stands at 12 trillion shillings, and the best minds to help us cut down that debt and improve our production have been picked to handle the job.

Well Mchungaji says this to you, Kajitafutie Maisha Bora kwa binafsi yako kwa kutumia Ari, Nguvu na Kasi binafsi!
It is not about who was chosen, not about gender, education, age, religion or whatever criteria Bwana Mkubwa used to hand pick the A-Team to help him deliver the Maisha Bora kwa kila Mtanzania!

He did it again, he has created a fat, sluggish, inneficient and wasteful Cabinet.

The Bwana Mkubwa depends so much on a big team to help him deliver positive results, but he is spending more and yield nothing but more debt.

He had almost the same number on his first term, and they failed to deliver efficiently and on consistance basis Maisha Bora kwa Mtanzania.

I am not suprised by the size of the Cabinet or even the choices he cherry picked to assist him, as Waswahili would say, Tulitegemea.

That tells you what kind of focus Bwana Mkubwa has and if any of you the likes of Zakumi and the Companero who are on this team of fiscal responsibility and building a productive governmment, we have just been given another extension of free materials to blast the King!

Our debt stands at 12 trillion shillings, and the best minds to help us cut down that debt and improve our production have been picked to handle the job.

Well Mchungaji says this to you, Kajitafutie Maisha Bora kwa binafsi yako kwa kutumia Ari, Nguvu na Kasi binafsi!

Rev. Kishoka as you said Kikwete depends so much on a big team to help him deliver positive results, but he is spending more and yield nothing but more debt hilo halina ubishi right now you will hear him taking trips around world
The Finest,

Watu wanagombana kuhusu ukabila, udini na elimu wanashindwa kujenga hoja kuwa Ze Master ni mdhaifu na mvivu na ndio maana anaweza hata unda wizara ya kurutubisha miti!
The Finest,

Watu wanagombana kuhusu ukabila, udini na elimu wanashindwa kujenga hoja kuwa Ze Master ni mdhaifu na mvivu na ndio maana anaweza hata unda wizara ya kurutubisha miti!

Rev. Kishoka:

Kuna studies zinazoonyesha kuwa nchi masikini zinatumia pesa nyingi ku-pacify hizo issues za ukabila na udini. Na matokeo ya matumizi hayo ni kuongeza umasikini.

Kwa maoni yangu binafsi nadhani serikali ijaribu kupunguza matumizi yake hasa katika kipindi hiki cha uncertainity. Kupunguza matumizi kuwe na malengo ya kupunguza deni la taifa na vilevile kukuza sekta binafsi.

Vilevile inabidi mkulu aweke kando manifesto ya chama. Hii ni kwa sababu mambo mengi katika manifesto hayaendani na kubana matumizi. Mengi yanahusika na kuongeza matumizi ambayo sio sustainable.
Yaani kwa mwendo huo hata baada ya miaka mia Tanzania itakuwa inazidi kuporomoka tu. All I can say JK is a visionless, clueless and yet pretend to be much-knowing. The fear from subs. towards bwana mkubwa is what will be ruining the lives of millions in that beloved country of ours!
The Finest,

Watu wanagombana kuhusu ukabila, udini na elimu wanashindwa kujenga hoja kuwa Ze Master ni mdhaifu na mvivu na ndio maana anaweza hata unda wizara ya kurutubisha miti!

Bwana Asifiwe ReV.

Tumesema sana juu ya udhaifu wa huyu MH makoo yetu yamepata udhaifu kma koo la Twiga.
Sasa tumebaki kuvamia viwanja vya imani na kujenga vikundi vya kiibada.
Kama imani ya kidini ni Jina na kivazi wengi ni waumini waaminifu, lakini kama ni roho na uadilifu sielewi ujasiri wa kujadiri udini tunautoa wapi!!
Tumeishiwa maoni kwenye hoja kuu.
katiba ndio chanzo cha matatizo. Bila ya kurekebisha katiba tutaendelea kuwa na matatizo hayo. Kwa mfano kwanini mwanasheria mkuu asiwe mtendaji, waziri anaeshughulika na mambo ya sheria?
we have just been given another extension of free materials to blast the King!

Our debt stands at 12 trillion shillings, and the best minds to help us cut down that debt and improve our production have been picked to handle the job.

What "free materials", and to "blast" what "King"?

As for the latter, it only requires a few keyboard strokes from the great IT genius, Chai Maharagwe, and Voila! The 12 trillion Shillings National Debt will be cut down to size, and in fact, disappear into oblivion!
The Lion King story tells all.

When Mufasa was the king of the Pride Lands kingdom, he had only two deputies: Zazuu and Rafiki. Scar wanted to take over the kingdom, so he befriended and recruited Shenzi, Banzai, Ed and a bunch of many hyenas to kill King Mufasa and take over the reigns of the kingdom; he succeeded in his plot and became the king with all his hyenas serving as his deputies - that is how the big boss did it again.

Now, what happened after that? Everything in the kingdom was to serve just Scar and his hyenas; there was no concern for the welfare of other citizens. Life in the kingdom became very sour and unbearable to the extent that citizens considered themselves as if they were subjected to death penalties. Things changed only after Simba had fought and killed Scar to take over the kingdom, and started serving the citizens instead of those hyenas.

We have to get Rafiki and Nala to encourage Simba along with his friends Timon and Pumba to kill Scar and take over this kingdom by force.
i expect the worst in the 5 years to come, & i have reasons, hata mwananchi wa kawaida ataelewa hizi sbb
1. Mawaziri walio prove failure huwezi warudisha serikalini eg. Sophia Simba, hapa zero, Maige ( magogo yanaibiwa eti yupo) George
Mkuchika ( TAMISEMI) huyu ndio hamna lolote, utendaji zero, yaani balaa, Gaudensia Kabaka ( kazi na ajira) hapa zero,
2. ukubwa wa baraza ni mzigo mkubwa sana kwa Serikali, 50, hiyo ni bara pekee weka Znz, bado wabunge + viti
maalum ( viti vya kulala) yaani tumekwisha, just make a simple calculation,
i am so worried hali itakuwa balaa, maisha 2 times yatapanda, watatoa maneno matamu kwa wananchi, ila hali halishi
maisha bomu 2 times na zaidi, sibahatishi, i have great perspective on this, watch out
i expect the worst in the 5 years to come, & i have reasons, hata mwananchi wa kawaida ataelewa hizi sbb
1. Mawaziri walio prove failure huwezi warudisha serikalini eg. Sophia Simba, hapa zero, Maige ( magogo yanaibiwa eti yupo) George
Mkuchika ( TAMISEMI) huyu ndio hamna lolote, utendaji zero, yaani balaa, Gaudensia Kabaka ( kazi na ajira) hapa zero,
2. ukubwa wa baraza ni mzigo mkubwa sana kwa Serikali, 50, hiyo ni bara pekee weka Znz, bado wabunge + viti
maalum ( viti vya kulala) yaani tumekwisha, just make a simple calculation,
i am so worried hali itakuwa balaa, maisha 2 times yatapanda, watatoa maneno matamu kwa wananchi, ila hali halishi
maisha bomu 2 times na zaidi, sibahatishi, i have great perspective on this, watch out
I bet if this president was smart, he would be reading these threads and find people like you to advise him. I think all of his advisers are either incompetent or yes men
Lakini sasa hivi angalau tunajua hawatakuwa na udhuru tena.. ina maana what we have is the best that CCM has to offer plus the cost!
It is not about who was chosen, not about gender, education, age, religion or whatever criteria Bwana Mkubwa used to hand pick the A-Team to help him deliver the Maisha Bora kwa kila Mtanzania!

He did it again, he has created a fat, sluggish, inneficient and wasteful Cabinet.

The Bwana Mkubwa depends so much on a big team to help him deliver positive results, but he is spending more and yield nothing but more debt.

He had almost the same number on his first term, and they failed to deliver efficiently and on consistance basis Maisha Bora kwa Mtanzania.

I am not suprised by the size of the Cabinet or even the choices he cherry picked to assist him, as Waswahili would say, Tulitegemea.

That tells you what kind of focus Bwana Mkubwa has and if any of you the likes of Zakumi and the Companero who are on this team of fiscal responsibility and building a productive governmment, we have just been given another extension of free materials to blast the King!

Our debt stands at 12 trillion shillings, and the best minds to help us cut down that debt and improve our production have been picked to handle the job.

Well Mchungaji says this to you, Kajitafutie Maisha Bora kwa binafsi yako kwa kutumia Ari, Nguvu na Kasi binafsi!

tutabangaiza mpaka tuote sugu huyu jamaa hana uzalendo hata kidogo yeye anafanya ile roho yake inapenda hataki kusikiliza ushauri wa wenzie
The Finest,

Watu wanagombana kuhusu ukabila, udini na elimu wanashindwa kujenga hoja kuwa Ze Master ni mdhaifu na mvivu na ndio maana anaweza hata unda wizara ya kurutubisha miti!

Tena huyo huyo anafikia hatua ya kutoa hotuba kwenye Bunge kusema kuwa Udini nchi hii umefika mahali pabaya akitumia hicho kama kigezo ambacho mimi sioni msingi wake kwakuwa yeye mwenyewe ndio chanzo cha haya.

Badala ya kufanya manifestation ya mambo serikali yake itafanya lakini pia hilo tunajua kuwa hawezi kujenga hoja pia ni mdhaifu katika mambo mengi tu na ndio maana hata sasa nashangaa kuona kuna Wizara ya Mahusiano najiuliza mahusiano ya nini?
Rev. Kishoka:

Kuna studies zinazoonyesha kuwa nchi masikini zinatumia pesa nyingi ku-pacify hizo issues za ukabila na udini. Na matokeo ya matumizi hayo ni kuongeza umasikini.

Kwa maoni yangu binafsi nadhani serikali ijaribu kupunguza matumizi yake hasa katika kipindi hiki cha uncertainity. Kupunguza matumizi kuwe na malengo ya kupunguza deni la taifa na vilevile kukuza sekta binafsi.
Vilevile inabidi mkulu aweke kando manifesto ya chama. Hii ni kwa sababu mambo mengi katika manifesto hayaendani na kubana matumizi. Mengi yanahusika na kuongeza matumizi ambayo sio sustainable.

Zakumi sidhani kama Kikwete kweli ana nia ya dhati ya kupunguza matumizi ya Serikali niliuliza kwenye thread moja kuna haji gani ya kuwa na manaibu mawaziri wawili kwenye wizara moja kuna wizara amabazo ni nyeti wamewekwa watu ambao naweza kusema ni his puppets kwahiyo sidhani kama kuna mabadiliko yoyote ya msingi ambayo tutategemea kuyaona labda kwenye wizara ya ujenzi na wizara ya makazi ikiwa na zenyewe zitawezeshwa na ndio maana nikawa nasema hawa mawaziri wangekuwa wanafanya kazi kama makatibu wakuu
Wala sijasoma ungamo la Bwana Mkubwa juzi wakati kina Embalasasa wa Chadema walipomwacha mataani, lakini sijasikia akisema tufunge mikanda.

Last time Watanzania tulihamasishwa kufunga mikanda na ikabana kweli kweli ni baada ya vita vya Uganda 1971.

We have created a nation of free fall spending and reluctant savings and that is why we are focusing on Cash economy and all the anomalies that have increase the debt, create ufisadi and butter the inefficency.

It is the all that you can eat mentality under doctrine of Pondamali, kufa kwaja!
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