
JF-Expert Member
Jun 1, 2016
A lorry has struck a crowd after Bastille Day celebrations in the southern French city of Nice, killing at least 80 people, including children, and injuring dozens, officials say.
It happened on the famous Promenade des Anglais after a firework display. The driver was shot dead and guns and grenades were found inside the lorry.
President Francois Hollande said the attack was of a "terrorist nature".
He extended a state of emergency across France by three months.
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Bastille Day attack in pictures
France had been on high alert following
last November's attacks in Paris in which 130 people died and hundreds were wounded.
The state of emergency had been due to end on 26 July.
"France is badly hit," Mr Hollande said, adding that "we need to do everything we can to fight against" such attacks.
"All of France is under the threat of Islamic terrorism," he said, adding that "several children" were among those killed.
The president added that "operational reserves" would be deployed to support the army and security forces across the country, with particular focus on the borders.
About 50 people were injured, 18 of them critically, in the incident on Thursday, which was Bastille Day - France's national day.
Prosecutor Jean-Michel Pretre said the lorry drove 2km (1.2 miles) through a large crowd, the AFP news agency reported.
One image on Twitter showed about a dozen people lying on the street.
Interior Ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet denied earlier reports of hostage situations and said the driver of the lorry had been "neutralised".
He added that officials were investigating whether the driver acted alone.
No group has so far claimed responsibility, however prosecutors said the inquiry would be handled by anti-terror investigators.
Some reports spoke of shots being exchanged between police and the occupants of the lorry but these have not been confirmed.
Social media video showed people running through the streets in panic following the incident.
A journalist with the Nice Matin newspaper reported from the scene that there was "a lot of blood and without doubt many injured".
A reporter for the AFP news agency said the incident took place as the firework display was ending, adding: "We saw people hit and bits of debris flying around."
Another image on Twitter showed a white lorry stopped in the middle of the promenade with damage to its front, and four police officers observing it while taking cover behind a palm tree.
One eyewitness told BFM TV: "Everyone was calling run, run, run there's an attack run, run, run. We heard some shots. We thought they were fireworks because it's the 14th of July.
"There was great panic. We were running too because we didn't want to stick around and we went into a hotel to get to safety. "
Another witness, Roy Calley, told the BBC that there were "thousands of people on the promenade" when the incident happened.
"The police have completely taken over the city, the promenade has now been closed down. Everybody was physically pushed away from the site and told to get back in no uncertain terms by the police."
"I live 200m from the promenade and it took nearly one hour 30 minutes to get back to my flat because all the roads have been closed down."
US President Barack Obama condemned "in the strongest terms" what he said appeared to be "a horrific terrorist attack in Nice", the White House said.
The president had been briefed about the situation "and his national security team will update him, as appropriate", National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said.
On Friday, flags in France will be flying at half-mast, and Nice's jazz festival has been cancelled.
woooow and I thought the one in January would be a one hit wonder!!!

France is a developed country.... JUST CARPET BOMB SYRIA!!
Naanza kuwaelewa waingereza kwa nini walijitoa EU... Haiwezekan counselor Wa ujeruman aruhusu wakimbizi Wa kiarabu nchini kwake halafu mwisho Wa siku anataka agawane na EU members kwa sababu ya kuzidiwa idadi... Haya ni matokeo ya kuchukua wakimbizi hovyo kutoka nchi zenye kiwango kikubwa cha ugaidi... Nategemea haya kufanyika ujerumani....

woooow and I thought the one in January would be a one hit wonder!!!

France is a developed country.... JUST CARPET BOMB SYRIA!!
Remember even in Syria there are trapped citizens unable to flee as a result of blockades,finances to facilitate travel and also some are patriotic.
Jameni pole zao, ndio kawaida ya mazombi katika ubora wao.
Halafu likitendeka Kenya kuna pumbavu za watu humu ndani JF huwa wanaanza kushabikia wakidhani vita dhidi ya ugaidi ni vya Wakenya pekee yao.

Hili ni janga la dunia, limeikumba dunia yote. Armageddon ipo njiani inakuja, utalazimika uchinje au uchinjwe, mafuriko ya damu duniani yametabiriwa.

Yule Trump nafikiri anaendelea kupata umaarufu maana watamuelewa. Halafu Uingereza wamejiondoa ili kujilinda dhidi ya mazombi, tukawazomea, lakini leo hii Ufaransa watawaelewa tu.
woooow and I thought the one in January would be a one hit wonder!!!

France is a developed country.... JUST CARPET BOMB SYRIA!!
No offense but that was a dumb comment. Nikama vile alshabaab watusumbua Kisha advice yako ni tu carpet bomb Somalia and North eastern counties.

That'll end creating a far much larger, better equipped enemy coz trust me, if the Syrian govt & its rebels decide to team up and carry attarcks on France, they'll be defeated at the expense of tens of thousands of frenchmen. Isis is in Syria but SYRIA IS NOT ISIS! Alshabaab are in Somalia but SOMALIA IS NOT ALSHABAAB!
This has ruined my mood today. The weather is grey and cold. Its forbodding.
Where else will they hit? God, will I return back alive and well to my house today? Are we safe?
These evil pipo seem to be evrywere, and they seem to be winning!
And some TZs in their right minds would rejoice whenever such things happen in Kenya. They wish for more and larger attacks to occur here.
If this had happened here, JF kenyan section would have been abuzz with so many senseless comments frm them.
Poleni sana,kumpindua saddamu lilikuwa ni kosa moja kubwa sana,baada ya iraq kila kitu kilianza kwenda kombo kuhusiana na usalama.
Kumbuka hata bin laden kama sio issue ya iraq pengine angekuwa bado anapiga kazi zake za ukandarasi wa mabarabara.
Nilikuwa nacheki utube ya mapigano ya syria hivi karibuni,nimejiridhisha kuwa watu wamekata tamaa na maisha,ni mwendo wa mwaga mboga ,nimwage ugali.
Vile vita vitadumu kwa miaka zaidi ya 100 ijayo
OMG fungua hii website na utafte hio video iko hapo kwa picha..... its bad

PHOTOS: Bastille Day Terrorist Attack in Nice, France [WARNING: GRAPHIC]

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Nchi ambazo RAIA wake wengi wanauawa na magaidi, nchi hizo wanajeshi wake wanawaua RAIA wasiokuwa na hatia kwenye mataifa mengine

Ajabu ni pale tunalaumu upande mmoja na kupongeza upande mwingine, what a profession double standard? Puf
hapo ndo inajidhihirisha namna mwanadamu alivyojaa unafiki.

Wakati Nato wanaporomosha mabomu kule libya,iraq ,syria,afaghnistan,yalikuwa yanabagua kati ya raia na magaidi?,
hapo ndo inajidhihirisha namna mwanadamu alivyojaa unafiki.

Wakati Nato wanaporomosha mabomu kule libya,iraq ,syria,afaghnistan,yalikuwa yanabagua kati ya raia na magaidi?,
Naanza kuelewe kidogo, hivi hawa ufaransa hawako kule middle east ambako warabu wanauawa kama kuku?
Mtakoma kuwakaribisha wavaa kanzu na mabaibui , na nyinyi vihelehele wengine Ulaya endeleeni tu kuwapokea wakimbizi wa Syria
Jameni pole zao, ndio kawaida ya mazombi katika ubora wao.
Halafu likitendeka Kenya kuna pumbavu za watu humu ndani JF huwa wanaanza kushabikia wakidhani vita dhidi ya ugaidi ni vya Wakenya pekee yao.

Hili ni janga la dunia, limeikumba dunia yote. Armageddon ipo njiani inakuja, utalazimika uchinje au uchinjwe, mafuriko ya damu duniani yametabiriwa.

Yule Trump nafikiri anaendelea kupata umaarufu maana watamuelewa. Halafu Uingereza wamejiondoa ili kujilinda dhidi ya mazombi, tukawazomea, lakini leo hii Ufaransa watawaelewa tu.
Yanayo tokea Ulaya wameyaandaa wenyewe
Yanayo toke
Na yanayo tokea Kenya niyakujitakia
Kutumika ka Nepi na US.

Watoto syria wanaishi kama sio wanadamu
Hilo hamulioni
Wacha waonje moto unao waunguza wenzie
Nchi ambazo RAIA wake wengi wanauawa na magaidi, nchi hizo wanajeshi wake wanawaua RAIA wasiokuwa na hatia kwenye mataifa mengine

Ajabu ni pale tunalaumu upande mmoja na kupongeza upande mwingine, what a profession double standard? Puf
Nitakukosoa hapo.

1. Mnamo 1998 alqaeda walipolipua mabomu Nairobi na dar es salaam, majeshi ya KE au TZ yalikuwa Somalia au iraq/afghanistan?? Marekani walilengwa pale, wabongo na wakenya wakafa kama nzi. Je, lile la world trade Centre ya new York, almaarufu 9/11, si walikufa raia wa nchi zaidi ya 10 .Bomu au ugaidi hauheshimu utaifa wako au dini lako. Linalipuka tu nakufanya yake.

2. Ikiwa utadhani ugaidi hitokudhuru, natumai unafahamu vyema matukio ya 1998 mjini Dar. Kauli unachojaribu kueneza eti kutokuwepo kwa jeshi lenu nchi nyingine inaondoa ugaidi kwenu ni potovu. Kumbuka tumepata taarifa ya akina ISIS wameshafungua tawi Tanga ,na wamefanya majaribio huko Mwanza ya kuchinja waumini kwenye msikiti wanaposwali.

3. Mzigo wa kuzuia ugaidi siyo la vyombo vya serikali tu, bali ni la kila mtu. Utalaumu vipi serikali ya ufaransa kwa vitendo binafsi hiyo siku vya huyu gaidi?? Utafoka aaah, wana intelligensia hawajui kazi yao kule, lakini huwezi weka surveillance ya 24 hrs kwa kila raia. Wewe kama raia ukiona walakini mahali, ni mujibu wako kuripoti.
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