Is it really being born with a silver spoon easy in Life?

Shining Light

JF-Expert Member
Jan 8, 2024
I don't think so, sometimes challenges you have to face could be really harsh, What do you know about Fatema Dewji, Genuinely this is based on my opinion.

Following dreams, ambitions is usually really hard especially when your name is known all over the country and everyone knows what type of family you come from. Having a brother who seems perfect in everyone's eyes, might and may perhaps felt she was on her brother's shadow.

The was once interview on the Citizen Magazine and she said “Being from a well-known family and studying in respected schools, doesn’t guarantee you a chance to become a genius, sometimes it may be the vice versa,” she says, adding; “I’m often told that I got life easy because of my family status. When people look at me, they see the titles or definitions of my identity: The capable businesswoman, golfer and motivational speaker.

The added how people don’t see the 90-hours work week, the hours she had to spend on the golf course just to perfect her swing, or sacrificing her own time either for herself or friends to study but also to wake up at %am to do it all over again.

I believe being born with a silver spoon could be as hectic because of the pressure, maintaining family name, maintaining status, being ambitious and keep on fighting for your dreams, Keep pursuing goals and self believes as how she believed she need to keep on empowering women at Metl company.

Do you think being born on silver spoon is easy?
I don't think so, sometimes challenges you have to face could be really harsh, What do you know about Fatema Dewji, Genuinely this is based on my opinion.

Following dreams, ambitions is usually really hard especially when your name is known all over the country and everyone knows what type of family you come from. Having a brother who seems perfect in everyone's eyes, might and may perhaps felt she was on her brother's shadow.

The was once interview on the Citizen Magazine and she said “Being from a well-known family and studying in respected schools, doesn’t guarantee you a chance to become a genius, sometimes it may be the vice versa,” she says, adding; “I’m often told that I got life easy because of my family status. When people look at me, they see the titles or definitions of my identity: The capable businesswoman, golfer and motivational speaker.

The added how people don’t see the 90-hours work week, the hours she had to spend on the golf course just to perfect her swing, or sacrificing her own time either for herself or friends to study but also to wake up at %am to do it all over again.

I believe being born with a silver spoon could be as hectic because of the pressure, maintaining family name, maintaining status, being ambitious and keep on fighting for your dreams, Keep pursuing goals and self believes as how she believed she need to keep on empowering women at Metl company.

Do you think being born on silver spoon is easy?
Most of them from well to-do families are reckless in daily life and naturally dull, there born there accidently save the few like the Mos
If we can agree that money isn't a solution to all problems,

then we can agree being born rich doesn't guarantee a lifetime of happiness

but then again, not having to worry about money brings autonomy and certainty, rich people have one thing they can't stress about in life

poor people will stress about the many inevitable hurdles of life(relationships, illnesses...) and money too

so I guess if you look at it that way, people from wealth have it easy
If we can agree that money isn't a solution to all problems,

then we can agree being born rich doesn't guarantee a lifetime of happiness

but then again, not having to worry about money brings autonomy and certainty, rich people have one thing they can't stress about in life

poor people will stress about the many inevitable hurdles of life(relationships, illnesses...) and money too

so I guess if you look at it that way, you'd be right
I guess then no matter what life you have respectively there is challenges and we shouldn't assume anyone's life could be easier
Unfortunately the all beautiful things are invisible. And you don't need any amount to acquire .

Embrace invisible stuffs as to get visible stuffs

Poor and reach both are on trip of success journey all they need is to fastened their belts
Unfortunately the all beautiful things are invisible. And you don't need any amount to acquire .

Embrace invisible stuffs as to get visible stuffs

Poor and reach both are on trip of success journey all they need is to fastened their belts
This is a beautiful insight
In addition

Inspite of reading someone's book about LIFE or SUCCESS ,just write your own book about LIFE and success .

Know what life is and know what success is according to your own view. And not someone view.

It's kinda interesting, And sometimes you get inspiration stories to motivate you enough
If we can agree that money isn't a solution to all problems,

then we can agree being born rich doesn't guarantee a lifetime of happiness

but then again, not having to worry about money brings autonomy and certainty, rich people have one thing they can't stress about in life

poor people will stress about the many inevitable hurdles of life(relationships, illnesses...) and money too

so I guess if you look at it that way, people from wealth have it easy
If we can agree that money isn't a solution to all problems,

Above quote is used by us(poor people) to make ourselves feel better after not having enough or having nothing interms of financial wealth
If we can agree that money isn't a solution to all problems,

Above quote is used by us(poor people) to make ourselves feel better after not having enough or having nothing interms of financial wealth
'if' and that's a big 'if'😂
I guess then no matter what life you have respectively there is challenges and we shouldn't assume anyone's life could be easier
Exactly ,thus why there is saying says,we as humans we get challenged for our humanity by both wealth and poverty
Kutusaidia sisi tusiojua kidhuungu ungeweka hata kapicha ka huyo muhusika
I recently read an article about a study regarding people who came into a large amount of money, be it something they won, earned, or inherited. It was found that they originally were happier but over time their level of happiness went back to what it was.

Let me is not easy, whether you're rich or not

This is what makes me feel rich:

This is obvious. People who come from better families financially face less challenges in life. We all know that most of the problems humans face are money related. The only problems they are likely to face are related to health incase they acquire chornic illness especially non communicable diseases and social problems like relationships and marriage.

I wish my parents were well financially. I know i would have been in a better position than the current one. But i amready to break the chain, so help me God.​

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