How to recover deleted iPad apps


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2016
Wakuu naomba mnijuze naweza vipi ku install katika iPad apps ambazo awali nilizi install Mara ya kwanza na baadae nikazifuta. Apps hizo ni Facebook na imo

Nimejaribu kwenda katika store ya apps katika hii iPad nakuta zinaonesha kialama cha cloud.

Nimefuata maelezo katika Google kwa kufungua store Kama ifuatavyo:
TAP UPDATES........... TAP PURCHASED...........TAP NOT ON THIS IPAD, lakini sikufanikiwa.
Masada tafadhali.
Maelekezo niliyoyafuata huko google ni haya hapa:
iOS Data Recovery software is elaborate and can allow you to get back your files through a step by step process. After downloading and installing the program, it will start scanning the iPad and display the information. You'll view all the information that you seek to restore and once you're satisfied, you can hit the "Recover" button.
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