How much energy the sun generates?


JF-Expert Member
Dec 27, 2016
In 1sec the sun generates more energy than has been used in all of mankind's history.

That's alot of energy. This fact demonstrate the incredible amount of power our sun generates. But just how much energy is this and is there any way we can comprehend it?

Energy is measured in Joules and 1 Joule is the amount of energy it takes to heat 1gram of dry cool air by 1 degree Celsius. If you left a typical 10-watt flashlight on for 1minute this would equate to about E=10*60=600J of energy. Each year (as of 2010) the world is estimated to use 5*10^20 Joules of energy.

In 1sec the sun generates 3.8*10^26 Joules. This is 3.8 followed by 26 zeros. In the UK that is 380quadrillion Joules every second and Inshort scale numbers it would be 380 septillion Joules of US.

These numbers are hard to visualize in your mind.
To try to help a bit the estimated number of stars in the whole of the observable universe is up to 1quadrillion (UK) or 1 septillion (US).

So the amount of energy released by the sun in 1sec is about 380 times larger than the number of stars in the entire observable universe.

If only we could harness the sun's raw power better than we do currently, it would solve all our every day need.

Up to now, Tesla is the only the first Geek who tasted the 40volts free radiant sun's raw energy directly from the universe by using antenna.

World of renewable energy ( Green energy) is coming to combat pollution that causes disease, heat and death to the living world.
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