Codes muhimu za kuzijua kwa Watumiaji wa simu za Androids | Android Secret Codes & USSD Codes


JF-Expert Member
Jul 1, 2018
Pata nambari ya IMEI ya kifaa chako (*#06#)
Nambari ya IMEI au Nambari ya Kitambulisho cha Vifaa vya Simu ya Kimataifa ni nambari ya kitambulisho cha kipekee chenye tarakimu 15 kinachotolewa kwa simu zinazotumia mtandao wa GSM. Unaweza kutumia nambari ya IMEI ya kifaa chako kuizuia ikiibiwa au kupotea. Ili kupata nambari ya IMEI ya smartphone yako ya Android, bofya namba *#06# kwenye dialer ya simu yako.

Maelezo ya kuhusu Software and Hardware ya simu (*#12580*369#)
Ikiwa unataka kupata maelezo ya software na hardware ya vifaa vya simu yako, piga *#12580*369# kupata maelezo badala ya kutembea kupitia menu yako ya Vsettings

Washa na zima Kitambulisho cha mpigaji (Caller ID) (*31#)
Ikiwa hutaki kuonesha kitambulisho chako cha mpigaji (nambari ya simu) unapompigia mtu, tumia kanuni *31# kuizima. Ikiwa kitambulisho chako cha mpigaji kimezimwa, kupiga namba *31# kutaiwasha

Wezesha Kujua kama kunamtu anakupigia ukiongea na simu (*43#)
Ikiwa unataka kupokea taarifa wakati mtu anakupigia wakati uko kwenye simu, wezesha huduma ya kusubiri wito kwenye simu yako. Kinyume chake, ikiwa hutaki kusumbuliwa wakati uko kwenye simu, unapaswa kuizima. Kama ilivyo kwa Kitambulisho cha mpigaji, unaweza kuwasha na kuzima huduma hiyo

Angalia hali ya call forwarding (*#67#)
Unaweza kupiga namba *#67# kuchunguza ikiwa huduma za call forwarding zimeanzishwa kwenye simu yako.

#0# – Hali ya majaribio ya vifaa (Hardware test mode)
Sina uhakika ikiwa #0# itafanya kazi kwenye kifaa cha Android ambacho sio cha Samsung, kwani haikufanya kazi kwenye LG na OnePlus. Unaweza kuleta hali ya majaribio ya vifaa kwenye skrini kwa kubonyeza kanuni hii ya siri ya Android. Utaona vibox 18 kwenye skrini ya simu yako. Kugusa kibox hukuruhusu kujaribu moduli za vifaa maalum kama vile skrini (RGB), msisimko, kamera kubwa, kamera ya mbele, mpokeaji, sensorer, hisia za kugusa, spika, mfuatiliaji wa barcode, subkey, toleo la kifaa, nk.

*#004# – Angalia hali ya call diversion
Ikiwa unataka kuangalia hali ya call forwarding kwenye simu yako, angalia kwa nambari maalum ya simu, kuzima huduma, au kufuta call diversion zote, unaweza kufanya mambo yote haya kwa kutumia namba hii ya USSD kwenye kifaa chako cha Android. Unaweza kuangalia hali ya call diversion kwa kupiga *#004#, namba hii ina kazi tofauti tatu zaidi

#004[ingiza nambari ya simu bila mabano]# – Divert simu kwa nambari maalum ya simu
#004# – Zima call diversion
##004# – Ondoa call diversion

*#9090# – Fungua skrini ya mipangilio ya uchunguzi (Open diagnostic configuration screen)
Kwa kubonyeza *#9090# kwenye dialer ya simu yako ya Android, unaweza kuzindua skrini ya mipangilio ya uchunguzi kwenye menyu ya Hali ya Huduma. Unaweza kurekebisha mipangilio ngumu ya mfumo ambayo sio kwa watumiaji wa kawaida. Usicheze na mipangilio hii isipokuwa unajua matokeo yake.

*#0011# – Hali ya Huduma (Service Mode)
Kanuni hii tena inakuelekeza kwenye hali ya huduma kwenye kifaa chako cha Android. Kwa kubonyeza *#0011# kwenye dialer, unaweza kupata upatikanaji wa mazingira ya mtandao, jaribio la MIPI (mtandao wa mchakato wa tasnia ya simu) na matokeo ya jaribio la hali ya IMEI.

*#2222# – Angalia toleo la Hardware
Kanuni hii ya siri ya Android inakupa toleo la Hardware la Uchambuzi wa Mti wa Kasoro (FTA - Fault Tree Analysis) na toleo lake la marekebisho. Hii inaweza kutumika kuangalia ikiwa simu imetengenezwa upya au kurekebishwa.

*#1234# – Angalia toleo la software (Samsung & OnePlus)
Ikiwa una kifaa cha Samsung Galaxy au OnePlus, kubonyeza #1234# kutakuonesha toleo la firmware ya kifaa chako na nambari yake ya mfano. Kwenye baadhi ya simu za Android, *##1234## hufanya kazi hiyo hiyo.

*#0283# – Angalia udhibiti wa kurudisha sauti
Ikiwa unadhani moja ya spika za simu yako ina shida fulani ya kiufundi, unaweza kutumia *#0283# kuangalia spika au mics.

*#34971539# – Angalia firmware ya kamera
Sidhani kama mtu yeyote anachunguza toleo la firmware ya kamera ya mbele au nyuma ya smartphone au kompyuta. *#34971539# ni moja ya kanuni chache za siri za Android zinazofanya kazi, tunaitaja hapa.

Find your device's IMEI number (*#06#)
An IMEI or International Mobile Equipment Identity number is a 15-digit unique identifier number assigned to phones running on a GSM network. You can use your device's IMEI number to block it if it's stolen or lost. To find the IMEI number of your Android smartphone, use the *#06# code in your phone's dialer.

Software and hardware info (*#12580*369#)
If you want to find your phone's software and hardware information, dial *#12580*369# to get the details instead of navigating through your Settings menu.

Turn on and turn off caller ID (*31#)
If you don't want to display your caller ID (phone number) when you call someone, use the *31# code to turn it off. If your caller ID is turned off, running the *31# code activates it.

Activate call waiting services (*43#)
If you want to be notified when someone calls you while on a call, activate call waiting services on your phone. On the contrary, if you don't want to be distracted when on a call, you should turn it off. Like caller ID, you can run the same code to turn it on and off.

Check call forwarding status (*#67#)
You can run the *#67# code to check whether call forwarding services are active on your phone.

#0# – Hardware test mode
I am unsure whether #0# would work on a non-Samsung Android device, as it didn’t work on LG and OnePlus. You can bring forth the hardware test mode on the screen by dialling this Android secret code. As you can see, you’ll see 18 tiles on your phone’s screen. Tapping the tiles allows you to test specific hardware modules like the display (RGB), vibration, mega cam, front camera, receiver, sensors, touch sensitivity, speaker, barcode emulator, subkey, device version, etc.

*#004# – Check call diversion status
Whether you want to check the status of call diversion on your phone, activate it for a specific phone number, deactivate the service, or erase all call forwarding or diversion, you can do all such things using this USSD code on your Android device. While you can check call diversion status by dialling *#004#, this code has three more variations for different jobs.
  1. #004[type mobile number without brackets]# – Divert calls to a specific phone number
  2. #004# – Deactivate call diversion
  3. ##004# – Remove all call diversions
*#9090# – Open diagnostic configuration screen
By typing *#9090# on your Android phone’s dialer, you can launch the diagnostic configuration screen in the Service Mode menu. You can tinker with complicated system settings not meant for everyday users. Don’t play with these settings unless you know the consequences.

*#0011# – Service Mode
This code again takes you to the Service mode on your Android device. By typing *#0011# on the dialer pad, you can access the network configuration, MIPI (mobile industry processor interface) test, and IMEI status test results.

*#2222# – Check Hardware version
This simple Android secret code gives you the FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) Hardware version and its revision version. This can be used to check whether a phone is refurbished or repaired.

*#1234# – Check software version (Samsung & OnePlus)
If you own a Samsung Galaxy or OnePlus device, dialling #1234# will display the firmware version of your device and its model number. On some Android phones, *##1234## does the same job.

*#0283# – Check Audio loopback control
If you think one of your phone's speakers has some technical issue, you can use *#0283# to check all speakers or mics individually.

*#34971539# – Check Camera firmware
Nobody ever checks the firmware version of a smartphone or tablet's front or rear camera. However, since *#34971539# is one of the few working secret codes for Android, we mention it here.
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