- Nov 20, 2010
- 47
- 2
Please anyone to guide me before i loose my path.
You are warmly welcome.Please anyone to guide me before i loose my path.
Ukivunja hii :banplease:SHERIA NA KANUNI ZA JAMII FORUMS
Tafadhali jiepushe na mambo yafuatayo:
1. Kumvunjia heshima, kumkejeli, kumtukana, mjumbe yeyote.
2. Kuleta katika JAMII FORUMS maelezo yenye maudhui mabaya, au kuweza kuleta maudhi yoyote kwa wajumbe ama kwa wingi wake, ukubwa wake, au mfumo wake.
3. Kuleta makala au kuendeleza mijadala yenye kuleta ugomvi, uchochezi na yenye muelekeo wa kutengenishana badala ya kuungana miongoni mwa wajumbe wa JAMII FORUMS na Watanzania wote kwa ujumla.
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5. Kusambaza kwa makusudi au kwa uzembe barua zenye virusi vya kompyuta.
6. Kutoa maelezo au shutuma dhidi ya mwanachama mwenzako, kiongozi wa au watu wenye hadhi kijamii bila kuwa na ushahidi wa kutosha kwa lengo la kuchafua rekodi safi ya mhusika kijamii.
7. Ni sharti kwa kila mwanachama kutoa maelezo au mchango wake kwa uwazi na ukweli na kutomuogopa yeyote wala kumpendelea yeyote bali kuweka mbele maslahi ya taifa.
8. Kila mwanachama yupo huru kutoa maoni yake mradi yaliyotajwa hapo juu yanazingatiwa.
Hatua za kinidhamu zinaweza kuchukuliwa dhidi ya yeyote yule atakayeshindwa kuzingatia maelezo hayo hapo juu.
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17 - Questionable Content:
Since we can't have a rule to cover everything, this is the rule to, well, cover everything. These are public boards, so act like you would if you were in a public place. These issues are left to the discretion of the individual moderators, but may include any material that is knowingly false and or defamatory, misleading, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, that otherwise violates any law, or that encourages conduct constituting a criminal offense.