African Union Summit Opens in Addis Ababa - Burundi top agenda


JF-Expert Member
Sep 28, 2012

Dozens of African leaders are in Addis Ababa Saturday for the opening session of the African Union summit.

Zimbabwean President and African Union Chairman Robert Mugabe opened the summit, which this year focuses on human rights on the continent.

Burundi crisis

The crisis in Burundi is at the top of the leaders' agenda. The African Union is considering a plan to send 5,000 peacekeepers to the country to contain violence that has killed more than 400 people. Burundi's government says it will fight any foreign troops who attempt to deploy in the Central African country.

Burundi's political crisis began last April when President Pierre Nkurunziza said he was running for a controversial third term. Human rights groups have denounced the government for cracking down on journalists and protesters in a bid to suppress political dissent.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, in attendance at the summit, warned that "leaders who stand by while civilians are slaughtered in their name must be held responsible." He said the crisis in Burundi required a "most serious and urgent commitment."

Among the African leaders attending the opening session in Ethiopia's capital were South African President Jacob Zuma and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sis

.....Nkurunziza "KITI MOTO "

.....kuna jambo la kujifunza HAPA
...Leaders who stand by
while civilians are slaughtered in
their name must be held

......Burundi's government says it will fight any foreign troops who attempt to deploy in the Central African country.
Mi ninaona UNCS angesubiri aletewe taarifa badala ya kuhudhuria moja kwa moja, bcoz huyu bwana mkubwa kabla ya kuja huwa anapata mawazo ya kabla kutoka Big Five either neg au positive influences
let Africans decides their future without any external catalyst ndio mawazo yangu ya lelo wajameni wana JF mnanisomaaa??? piga push up 200 fasta basi kama unanikubali Earthmover
Mi ninaona UNCS angesubiri aletewe taarifa badala ya kuhudhuria moja kwa moja, bcoz huyu bwana mkubwa kabla ya kuja huwa anapata mawazo ya kabla kutoka Big Five either neg au positive influences

......Anataka amwone LIVE Nkurunziza
Anamjua sana walikutana sana Bujumbura mbona wa kwetu C.A.U haalikwi wakifanya EU meeting
Hivi Earth mover migogoro yetu lazima ijadiliwe na wa nje? mbona Waafrika tunajiweza sana tu kwa Diplomasia yetu?
Hivi Earth mover hao wazungu hapo karibu na Nkuruzinza kwann wako hapo jamaa akiongea na press hapo?
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