JF-Expert Member
- May 2, 2015
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Nimegoogle na kupata hizi, je hizi ndo gharama pekee?
1 Application
fees 30 USD
2. Fee per
examination 20USD
3. Quality assurance
fee (annually) 20 USD
3. Student
Organization fees 20 USD
4. Student Identity
card 20USD
au kuna fee nyingine, mwenye update anisaidie, pia admision iko mwezi gani? nataka kuchukua bachelor of community economic development
1 Application
fees 30 USD
2. Fee per
examination 20USD
3. Quality assurance
fee (annually) 20 USD
3. Student
Organization fees 20 USD
4. Student Identity
card 20USD
au kuna fee nyingine, mwenye update anisaidie, pia admision iko mwezi gani? nataka kuchukua bachelor of community economic development