Zimbabwe now stands on the brink of civil war.

The Khoisan

JF-Expert Member
Jun 5, 2007
By Deon de Lange and Sapa

Zimbabwe now stands on the brink of civil war.

This is the dire warning contained in a fresh report on the political and security situation in Zimbabwe, where desperate MDC supporters are said to be taking the fight to "state-sponsored goon militias".

The report - a collaborative effort between the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and the Africa Policy Institute (API) - was released on Thursday in Johannesburg.

Its authors warn that, as a peaceful solution to the political impasse remains elusive, the spontaneous, retaliatory violence allegedly perpetrated by frustrated MDC supporters is starting to show signs of greater organisation, setting the scene for an all-out civil war.

"The MDC youth and general public are increasingly fighting back, and it is likely that their responses will become increasingly sophisticated," the report says.

But MDC spokesperson Nelson Chamisa on Thursday denied the claim, saying MDC supporters are the victims and that - even under extreme circumstances - they have resisted the temptation of "fighting fire with fire".

The MDC claims that more than 90 of its supporters have died in the violence that intensified after the first round of elections on March 29.

The HSRC/API report claims that state-sponsored violence against MDC supporters has triggered a "parallel emergence of retaliatory violence by the opposition which, though still covert, appears to be gradually acquiring a more structured and programmatical character".

Zimbabwe's disputed president, Robert Mugabe, will use violence to establish "total control" under his renewed presidency, which will precipitate an accelerated economic collapse and may eventually lead to "unrest and civil war", the report warns.

It also urges regional and continental leaders to work toward establishing a "neutral and professional, disciplined force" and to pull so-called "war veterans and youth militias from the streets and villages".

To avoid civil war, the authors propose that regional leaders move speedily to broker a "sustainable executive power-sharing arrangement, leading to a government of national unity with clear time frames".
The article has been overtaken by events on the ground. Mugabe and MDC are now having talks which will allow MDC to joing the ZNU-PF government.
kama kungekuwa na kura ambayo ingeweza kumfanya mugabe awe kiongozi wa bara la africa basi ningempigia...
Nimepata hii message jana kutoka kwa rafiki yangu huko Harare, Zimbabwe!

... i am the middle harare things maybe worse than what you see on TV in terms of hunger. Some of us were better because we had siblings in europe, new zealand but these days in doesnt matter at all. life is expensive. a bottle of coke costs 10 rand equivalence ....
The article has been overtaken by events on the ground. Mugabe and MDC are now having talks which will allow MDC to joing the ZNU-PF government.

If MDC watakuwa smart then fine. Lakini serikali ya pamoja chini ya Mugabe? Wamuulize the late Joshua Nkomo yaliyomkuta!!!
The article has been overtaken by events on the ground. Mugabe and MDC are now having talks which will allow MDC to joing the ZNU-PF government.

I don't think so. MDC is less interested in the so called Government of National Unity sharing power with ZANU-PF under Mugabe; they want Mugabe out of power, and a new fresh election called. At the same time Mugabe wants MDC to recognize him as a legitimate President of Zimbabwe so that he can appoint some of its members to his cabinet. Under such conflicting conditions, it is very unlikely that MDC will end up joining the ZANU-PF governement.

MDC ‘undergoing military training'

Wilson Johwa

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Political Correspondent

THERE is growing evidence that retaliatory violence by supporters of Zimbabwe's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) is taking an organised form, says Peter Kagwanja, a director of research at the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC).

Kagwanja told reporters at the launch of a new report on Zimbabwe in Johannesburg yesterday, that those who lost their lives at the start of the violence against MDC activists were specifically selected for having undergone some form of military training.

These victims, about five of them, were leaders of "democratic resistance committees" .

Kagwanja said although there was no indication that retaliation was official MDC policy, it appeared MDC supporters were starting to undergo training in order to protect themselves from attack.

"Regional actors and the international community must not only take note of this new development but also condemn incipient retaliatory violence involving the opposition, including encouraging it to stick to a nonviolent democratic struggle," he said.

There were strong indications that the culture of violence, long associated with Zanu (PF), had gradually permeated the MDC, he said.

"MDC is very insecure to the point that they would want to arm at least for their own security," he said, without citing specific instances.

However, he brushed aside queries from circumspect reporters. "It's not anecdotal, we've done interviews," Kagwanja said.

His colleague, Kwandiwe Kondlo, said antigovernment resistance operations always tended to be secretive.

"It's the kind of evidence you can't get by being there because these operations are by their very nature clandestine," he said.

Kagwanj a said that he had learnt through a contact that Zimbabwean youth of unknown affiliation were seen in New Guinea, for the purposes of guerilla training. "We cannot rule out that MDC would like to defend its victory and how they want to defend it might vary with the opinion of its members," he said.

The new report was the result of a collaboration between the HSRC and the Nairobi-based Africa Policy Institute. It recommends that the mediation effort in Zimbabwe be strengthened by including other eminent persons.

However, it urges that the mediation be allowed to retain its African character while working to achieve an executive power-sharing arrangement with a definite time frame and monitoring tools.

The report also calls for the African Union to establish a continental election commission and an electoral court to tackle complex issues surrounding disputed elections

..nadhani MDC watavuta muda kidogo kuona jinsi gani hizi sanctions mpya zitafanya kazi.

..Mugabe pamoja na kichwa yake ngumu atalazimika kuachia ngazi tu. he is too tanished.
Kikwete Nae Sijui Ataiga Hii Mwaka 2015 Au Karume Nae Anaweza Kuiga Mwaka 2010 Mwenzao Mugabe Huyo Anataka Kuungana Na Upinzani Kwa Hila Nae Museveni Sijui Atafanya Hivi Hatamu Yake Ikiisha Jirani Yake Kibaki Amefanya Hivyo

Inawezekana Hii Ni Aina Mpya Ya Democrasia Katika Afrika
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