WhatsApp DOWN - Messaging service not working for millions of users


JF-Expert Member
Jul 29, 2006

Mtandao wa WhatsApp umetoweka hewani kwa muda. Hadi naandika hapa hakujatolewa taarifa rasmi juu ya kilichotokea.

Haya mambo ya teknolojia hayana mjuaji wake??!!


WhatsApp is down tonight.

It appears the service went offline at around 11pm (EAT) with thousands now unable to access the popular messaging service.

Down detector is showing thousands of outages across the UK and other parts pf the world including Brazil and the US. Some African clients are also unable to connect.

One user wrote on a forum: "Showing Connecting.... Looks like an issue with the service."

Whilst another said: "Whatsapp stopped working for me at 11:13pm today."

It's currently unclear what is causing the issues or when things will be back online.
Najua haiwezekani utarudi tuu...by the way ni kwa hapa TZA au duniani kote?
Nimeitumia mwisho dk 30 zilizopita.

Ila imeshawahi kutokea kabla.

Muhimu kuwa na zingine kwa simu, kama haya yanatokea.
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