What if Oxygen is actually poisonous and it takes 75 -100 years to kill you?

Tha real voice

JF-Expert Member
Jan 18, 2017
Greetings Jamiiforum;

Let me share what i think with you;

Okay; Hypothetically the reason the life expectancy is going up is because our immune system is getting better at filtering it (oxygen). It slows affect you, think of water going through two rocks. The rocks slowly erodes even though the water is going in and out.

Is it confusing eeeehhhh!!!?? may be yes, Let me state it again....
My hypothesis can be 100% correct!
Lets start with this....


You should immediately recognize what this is Rust/Corrosion. Or less commonly known as oxidation.

Now this also occurs inside your mitochondria when it turns glucose into ATP. There are also many other biological processes that require oxidization as a catalyst for the reaction, hence your bodies requirement for oxygen to survive.

Can you survive without oxygen? Nope.

When this occurs, the reaction results in a left over electron, or many left over electrons, which are referred to as Free Radicals.

These little buggers cause cell damage and a variety of other not-conducive-to-life processes. While it remains true that oxygen is a basic requirement for “most” life on planet earth, the chemical reactions that occur generally have bad side effects.

Your body naturally produces antioxidants to try and limit the damage caused by these little buggers - but eventually the damage aggregates into a final transition… death by old age (If you believe the Free Radical Theory of Aging).

Now let’s go back to the question… what constitutes a poison?

In biology, poisons are substances that cause disturbances in organisms, usually by chemical reaction or other activity on the molecular scale, when an organism absorbs a sufficient quantity.

Does oxygen cause a disturbance in organisms, by chemical reaction or some other activity on the molecular scale, when an organism absorbs a sufficient quantity?

It sure does.

Tha real voice.
Hypothesis nzur imenifanya nireview kila ninachokijua kwenye chemistry na biology ila bado sijakubaliana au kupingana na ww?
Hypothesis nzur imenifanya nireview kila ninachokijua kwenye chemistry na biology ila bado sijakubaliana au kupingana na ww?
Hahahahahaa ilikua haina sababu ya kureview mkuu; embu lets hse our common sense to look again on this:
Hebu angalia oxygen inachofanya kwenye vikiachwa hewani kwa mda mrefu( kept in air for a bit long)


So is oxygen dangerous to us to!!!!

No longer appreciated?? Just stay here i can tell you again:

Well as it turns out, it is! Oxygen is a highly electronegative and hence bonds easily with other elements which can share 2 electrons with it because oxygen requires 2 electrons to complete it's octate as you can see in the image below.


Oxygen is supposed to react in a particular way to a particular elements and compounds when it is in our cells to give off the energy required for that cell to function properly. But because of its high electronegativity, oxygen sometimes doesn't react in the way it was supposed to and this forms Free Radicals.

These are highly unstable atoms or molecules because of an unpaired electron in their outermost shell. Highly reactive means that will basically bond with almost anything to get stable. And luckily for them, there are a lots of things in our cells that they can easily react with. Now, we know that reaction changes the compounds entirely. When free radicals react with their surroundings, they change the chemical structure of the thing it bonded with making it an entirely different thing which is now NOT useful for the body. In fact, may be the compound it bonded to was doing something very important. May be it was some protein, or may be lipids. In fact, that compound could even be your DNA. And we just learned that free radicals can highly alter these chemical’s shape, structure and property (Just like oxygen is gas). Mkuu kama hujaridhika tena na hii, unambie may be i can tell you more.
kuna vitu vingine ukivifikiria sana lazima ukiri juu ya uwepo wa Mungu.
yaaahhh kwa sababu tunaamini kwamba tunatumia akili alizotupatia yeye, So God will be there even though we think about him or not!! better lucky if we think about him
Najuta kukimbia umande wa Sayansi kimu. Nimeokoteza maneno mawili tu Oxygen na kill. Hebu mnaoelewa Kikristo mnishushie huo upako kwa kiswahili tafadhali.
Hahahahahahahaa nafikiri hayo maneno mawili uliyookoteza ukiyaunganisha unapata "oxygen kill" na hili ndilo lilikua lengo la mada!!! Hivyo hauko mbali sana mkuu, karibu.
Pamoja na yote hayo hatuna ujanja wa kukikwepa kifo. pamoja na utafiti wote huo na elimu zote hizo. Cha msingi in life, ishi proper yaani ni kufuata zile natural laws, ishi happily. ukifuatilia sana unaweza kama Michae Jackson kila kitu unakiona kichafu...afu unataka kuishi na kula unavyofundishwa na wataalamu wa dunia. Mi nadhani Mungu ameweka balanced air mixture japo atmosphere oksigen imepungua hadi kuwa 21% ndo maana magonjwa ni mengi siku hizi.
Oksigen ingeongezeka kidogo magonjwa yangepungua. Kwa kuwa bacteria, virus, protozoa , germs, parasites, fungus kuishi kwao kunategemea sana uwepo wa carbondioxide na hayo ndo magonjwa tuyapatiamo....kwa hiyo oxygen is better than mabaya yake.
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