Watanzania tubadilishe Mila zetu tunachekwa huko nje!


JF-Expert Member
Oct 26, 2008
Nimesoma kwenye RT.com na kukutana na story inayohusu msichana wa kitanzania angalau aliyeelimika kuthamanishwa na ng'ombe watano. Kwa habari zaidi soma hapa chini.

Nadhani ni wakati sasa mambo ya mahari tukayaacha na tukawekeza zaidi kwenye heshima ya utu wa mtu.



More than a third of all Tanzanian women are married before the age of 18, with many forced into wedlock as young as 11. The country’s High Court recently imposed strict penalties on underage weddings, but as RT’s documentary unit has discovered, attitudes on the ground are stubbornly clinging to old practices.

In a typical scene in the east African country, two sets of family members, sat across each other negotiate the dowry of 13-year-old Maasa. The girl, and her female relatives watch from a distance, in silence.

“We'll give you 3 cows,” goes the starting bid from the groom’s family.
“Three cows? It's not enough!” replies the head of Maasa’s family.
“I'll add two more.”
“I need 15 cows!”
“Let's be realistic.”
“Ok, we'll lower our demand from 15 to 10.”

The haggling continues, and eventually, the parties settle on a dowry of 10 cows; 7 now and another 3 once the marriage works out, with a kid goat thrown in for Maasa’s great-grandfather.

“In our society it's far more important to get cows than to keep your daughter at home. I also have sons: one day they will marry and bring girls home, so we'll have girls in the household,” Maasa’s mother tells RT, as she attempts to calm down her visibly nervous daughter.

“Traditionally cows are more valuable than daughters,” adds Maasa’s grandmother.

Tanzania, a country of over 50 million people, has one of the lowest per-capita incomes in the world, and for rural inhabitants, livestock is not just a sign of prosperity and dowries not just a way of creating family ties – in poor seasons, these can be the only means of survival.

But the girls are pawns, and even those happy to become child brides suffer.

As Human Rights Watch and other international campaigners point out, marriage almost by default marks the end of a girl’s educational path. In fact, studious girls are often not considered prime marriage material in the first place.

“Men want to marry young girls. Girls aged 12, 13, or 14. If a girl marries early, she adapts more easily to her new family. Educated girls aren't valued as highly. They aren't so good for the household. They want to have a say in everything. They are spoiled,” explains the father of 13 year-old Christina, whose underage wedding ceremony was interrupted by a police raid. “An educated girl is worth no more than 5 cows. I won’t get a good price for my daughter after she finishes school. I'd be lucky if I get 5 cows for her.”

Leokodia, 16, lives in a shelter housing 150 girls who have escaped from child marriages - many of them after years of abuse.

“My sister was married to a man from my village. She's very hard-working, so that man asked if she had a younger sister. He saw the way she worked, the way she treated people, how she got along with everyone. That's why he decided to marry me,” she says. “I was only 14, and he was 36.”

But things quickly turned sour.

“My daughter couldn’t stand being humiliated by her husband. He beat and mistreated her. So she came back home with her child,” explains her mother, who now looks after her granddaughter, while Leokodia completes her education at the shelter.

“All my memories of marriage are pretty awful. If I ever meet another guy. I am afraid it might all repeat itself and I'll be hurt once again, so I don't think I'll ever re-marry,” explains Leokodia.

And the dowry?

“As for the cows, we sold them to pay for family expenses and my son's wedding,” Leokodia’s mother tells the crew.

In June 2016 the High Court of Tanzania increased the marrying age for women to 18, up from 14, and imposed jail terms of up to 30 years on men who marry or impregnate girls below that age, in what HRW termed a “crucial step forward” for child and women’s rights.

But Paolo, an activist who recently lost three teeth after trying to break up an underage wedding, says that while the law provides welcome support, no progress can be achieved without a change in mindsets, and advancing from an economic system where families depend on each other for survival.

“When I tell them they need to educate their girls, they don't get it. Cows are more important to them. I report these marriages to raise awareness, and denounce early weddings. Telling them doesn’t work, more serious measures are needed,” he said to the RT crew.

“I try to explain by saying: ‘I’m able to build a house. Because I didn't trade my daughter for cows but gave her an education. Now she's working for the police, making good money, and helping me build a house.’”

Source: RT.com
Hivi kuna watu hawana mila? Kama muoaji utaoa tu mwana mke hauzwi si kwa ng'ombe 5 wala500.ila mahari muhimu. iko siku utatamani tuoe wanaume sasa si mzungu kasema?
Hivi wazungu wanaoa tuu??
Wazungu wasizingue bhana,kwan.mnaogopwa kuchekwa mbona wao wanaoana jinsia moja natuwacheka ila.hawajali??

Tufanye yetu huo uzungu uzungu nao
Mkuu na wewe ungewaambia waache kuvaa vichupi kiasi mistari ya pauchi inaonekana mbele ya wazazai na watoto wao.
Hapo na wewe ungekuwa tayari umewacheka.Jiamini kwa ulichonacho
Kila jamii ina mila na desturi zake, kama wanatucheka kwenye mahari ya ng'ombe ukiwaona huko waambie na sisi tunawacheka kwenye ndoa ya jinsia moja
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Mila na desturi za kitanzania zitabadilishwa na watanzania wenyewe. Sio kwa shinikizo la kutoroka nje.
Wewe ungekuwepo enzi za waliotetea utu wetu akina Kinjikitile, Mkwawa, Mandara na wengineo, ungekuwa kibaraka wa kutupwa.
Mkuu na wewe ungewaambia waache kuvaa vichupi kiasi mistari ya pauchi inaonekana mbele ya wazazai na watoto wao.
Hapo na wewe ungekuwa tayari umewacheka.Jiamini kwa ulichonacho
Hata hizo staili za kuvaa hivyo zilianzia huku mkuu na wao wamecopy kutoka huku tena sisi tulikuwa tunawazidi mbali sana yaani sanaa tuu kwa uvaaji.... Hawana jipya na vichupi vyao, sisi ndo tulianzisha tena kwa kuvaa kipande cha ngozi au nyasi.... tulia kwanza wenye picha wataweka ushuhuda.
Nimesoma kwenye RT.com na kukutana na story inayohusu msichana wa kitanzania angalau aliyeelimika kuthamanishwa na ng'ombe watano. Kwa habari zaidi soma hapa chini.

Nadhani ni wakati sasa mambo ya mahari tukayaacha na tukawekeza zaidi kwenye heshima ya utu wa mtu.



More than a third of all Tanzanian women are married before the age of 18, with many forced into wedlock as young as 11. The country’s High Court recently imposed strict penalties on underage weddings, but as RT’s documentary unit has discovered, attitudes on the ground are stubbornly clinging to old practices.

In a typical scene in the east African country, two sets of family members, sat across each other negotiate the dowry of 13-year-old Maasa. The girl, and her female relatives watch from a distance, in silence.

“We'll give you 3 cows,” goes the starting bid from the groom’s family.
“Three cows? It's not enough!” replies the head of Maasa’s family.
“I'll add two more.”
“I need 15 cows!”
“Let's be realistic.”
“Ok, we'll lower our demand from 15 to 10.”

The haggling continues, and eventually, the parties settle on a dowry of 10 cows; 7 now and another 3 once the marriage works out, with a kid goat thrown in for Maasa’s great-grandfather.

“In our society it's far more important to get cows than to keep your daughter at home. I also have sons: one day they will marry and bring girls home, so we'll have girls in the household,” Maasa’s mother tells RT, as she attempts to calm down her visibly nervous daughter.

“Traditionally cows are more valuable than daughters,” adds Maasa’s grandmother.

Tanzania, a country of over 50 million people, has one of the lowest per-capita incomes in the world, and for rural inhabitants, livestock is not just a sign of prosperity and dowries not just a way of creating family ties – in poor seasons, these can be the only means of survival.

But the girls are pawns, and even those happy to become child brides suffer.

As Human Rights Watch and other international campaigners point out, marriage almost by default marks the end of a girl’s educational path. In fact, studious girls are often not considered prime marriage material in the first place.

“Men want to marry young girls. Girls aged 12, 13, or 14. If a girl marries early, she adapts more easily to her new family. Educated girls aren't valued as highly. They aren't so good for the household. They want to have a say in everything. They are spoiled,” explains the father of 13 year-old Christina, whose underage wedding ceremony was interrupted by a police raid. “An educated girl is worth no more than 5 cows. I won’t get a good price for my daughter after she finishes school. I'd be lucky if I get 5 cows for her.”

Leokodia, 16, lives in a shelter housing 150 girls who have escaped from child marriages - many of them after years of abuse.

“My sister was married to a man from my village. She's very hard-working, so that man asked if she had a younger sister. He saw the way she worked, the way she treated people, how she got along with everyone. That's why he decided to marry me,” she says. “I was only 14, and he was 36.”

But things quickly turned sour.

“My daughter couldn’t stand being humiliated by her husband. He beat and mistreated her. So she came back home with her child,” explains her mother, who now looks after her granddaughter, while Leokodia completes her education at the shelter.

“All my memories of marriage are pretty awful. If I ever meet another guy. I am afraid it might all repeat itself and I'll be hurt once again, so I don't think I'll ever re-marry,” explains Leokodia.

And the dowry?

“As for the cows, we sold them to pay for family expenses and my son's wedding,” Leokodia’s mother tells the crew.

In June 2016 the High Court of Tanzania increased the marrying age for women to 18, up from 14, and imposed jail terms of up to 30 years on men who marry or impregnate girls below that age, in what HRW termed a “crucial step forward” for child and women’s rights.

But Paolo, an activist who recently lost three teeth after trying to break up an underage wedding, says that while the law provides welcome support, no progress can be achieved without a change in mindsets, and advancing from an economic system where families depend on each other for survival.

“When I tell them they need to educate their girls, they don't get it. Cows are more important to them. I report these marriages to raise awareness, and denounce early weddings. Telling them doesn’t work, more serious measures are needed,” he said to the RT crew.

“I try to explain by saying: ‘I’m able to build a house. Because I didn't trade my daughter for cows but gave her an education. Now she's working for the police, making good money, and helping me build a house.’”

Source: RT.com

Duuuh, Jamii forums ina mambo...habari hii hii lakini vichwa vya habari tofauti...what a coincidence!!!!!
Hawa ni wapiga deal wa kimataifa wanaitwa NGOs, hizi habari ni kuwaonyesha donors kwamba africa bado kuna shida ili zipate funds from donors.
Aiiii! Miafrika ndivyo tulivyo kwa kweli. Tutaendelea kumwabudu mzungu mpaka lini? Mila ya kutoa mahari ina ubaya gani? Hata huko kwao ukitaka kuoa ni lazima uhenye kununua pete ya ndoa ya mkeo tena ujitutumue kweli kweli na thamani na uwezo wako kifedha unapimwa kulingana na ukubwa (in terms of carats) wa pete uliyonunua. Watu hudunduliza hela miaka na miaka ili angalau waje wanunue pete ya maana kidogo (US $ 5,000). Na ni nini kinachompa mzungu moral authority ya kwenda duniani kote akikandia tamaduni na mila za watu?

Nadhani hawa jamaa hawapingi mahari bali ndoa za watoto wadogo. Mabinti wanaachishwa shule wakiwa na miaka 13 na kuozwa ili wazazi wapate ng'ombe. Na kwa hili naungana nao on moral and human grounds...
Aiiii! Miafrika ndivyo tulivyo kwa kweli. Tutaendelea kumwabudu mzungu mpaka lini? Mila ya kutoa mahari ina ubaya gani? Hata huko kwao ukitaka kuoa ni lazima uhenye kununua pete ya ndoa ya mkeo tena ujitutumue kweli kweli na thamani na uwezo wako kifedha unapimwa kulingana na ukubwa (in terms of carats) wa pete uliyonunua. Watu hudunduliza hela miaka na miaka ili angalau waje wanunue pete ya maana kidogo (US $ 5,000). Na ni nini kinachompa mzungu moral authority ya kwenda duniani kote akikandia tamaduni na mila za watu?

Nadhani hawa jamaa hawapingi mahari bali ndoa za watoto wadogo. Mabinti wanaachishwa shule wakiwa na miaka 13 na kuozwa ili wazazi wapate ng'ombe. Na kwa hili naungana nao on moral and human grounds...
Msingi wa hoja yangu nililenga kuozesha watoto kwa kuwathamanisha na ng'ombe.
Fikra za kikoloni unazo

Kuna jamaa alienda restaurant London ,badala ya kutumia umma alinawa mikono na kula msosi ,mwenyeji wake alikuwa anaona haya

Jamaa akamuambia unaona aibu ya nini kama vile kitu kigeni kwani ni kosa kula hivyo ,Fanya yako usiwaangalie wengine
Nimesoma kwenye RT.com na kukutana na story inayohusu msichana wa kitanzania angalau aliyeelimika kuthamanishwa na ng'ombe watano. Kwa habari zaidi soma hapa chini.

Nadhani ni wakati sasa mambo ya mahari tukayaacha na tukawekeza zaidi kwenye heshima ya utu wa mtu.



More than a third of all Tanzanian women are married before the age of 18, with many forced into wedlock as young as 11. The country’s High Court recently imposed strict penalties on underage weddings, but as RT’s documentary unit has discovered, attitudes on the ground are stubbornly clinging to old practices.

In a typical scene in the east African country, two sets of family members, sat across each other negotiate the dowry of 13-year-old Maasa. The girl, and her female relatives watch from a distance, in silence.

“We'll give you 3 cows,” goes the starting bid from the groom’s family.
“Three cows? It's not enough!” replies the head of Maasa’s family.
“I'll add two more.”
“I need 15 cows!”
“Let's be realistic.”
“Ok, we'll lower our demand from 15 to 10.”

The haggling continues, and eventually, the parties settle on a dowry of 10 cows; 7 now and another 3 once the marriage works out, with a kid goat thrown in for Maasa’s great-grandfather.

“In our society it's far more important to get cows than to keep your daughter at home. I also have sons: one day they will marry and bring girls home, so we'll have girls in the household,” Maasa’s mother tells RT, as she attempts to calm down her visibly nervous daughter.

“Traditionally cows are more valuable than daughters,” adds Maasa’s grandmother.

Tanzania, a country of over 50 million people, has one of the lowest per-capita incomes in the world, and for rural inhabitants, livestock is not just a sign of prosperity and dowries not just a way of creating family ties – in poor seasons, these can be the only means of survival.

But the girls are pawns, and even those happy to become child brides suffer.

As Human Rights Watch and other international campaigners point out, marriage almost by default marks the end of a girl’s educational path. In fact, studious girls are often not considered prime marriage material in the first place.

“Men want to marry young girls. Girls aged 12, 13, or 14. If a girl marries early, she adapts more easily to her new family. Educated girls aren't valued as highly. They aren't so good for the household. They want to have a say in everything. They are spoiled,” explains the father of 13 year-old Christina, whose underage wedding ceremony was interrupted by a police raid. “An educated girl is worth no more than 5 cows. I won’t get a good price for my daughter after she finishes school. I'd be lucky if I get 5 cows for her.”

Leokodia, 16, lives in a shelter housing 150 girls who have escaped from child marriages - many of them after years of abuse.

“My sister was married to a man from my village. She's very hard-working, so that man asked if she had a younger sister. He saw the way she worked, the way she treated people, how she got along with everyone. That's why he decided to marry me,” she says. “I was only 14, and he was 36.”

But things quickly turned sour.

“My daughter couldn’t stand being humiliated by her husband. He beat and mistreated her. So she came back home with her child,” explains her mother, who now looks after her granddaughter, while Leokodia completes her education at the shelter.

“All my memories of marriage are pretty awful. If I ever meet another guy. I am afraid it might all repeat itself and I'll be hurt once again, so I don't think I'll ever re-marry,” explains Leokodia.

And the dowry?

“As for the cows, we sold them to pay for family expenses and my son's wedding,” Leokodia’s mother tells the crew.

In June 2016 the High Court of Tanzania increased the marrying age for women to 18, up from 14, and imposed jail terms of up to 30 years on men who marry or impregnate girls below that age, in what HRW termed a “crucial step forward” for child and women’s rights.

But Paolo, an activist who recently lost three teeth after trying to break up an underage wedding, says that while the law provides welcome support, no progress can be achieved without a change in mindsets, and advancing from an economic system where families depend on each other for survival.

“When I tell them they need to educate their girls, they don't get it. Cows are more important to them. I report these marriages to raise awareness, and denounce early weddings. Telling them doesn’t work, more serious measures are needed,” he said to the RT crew.

“I try to explain by saying: ‘I’m able to build a house. Because I didn't trade my daughter for cows but gave her an education. Now she's working for the police, making good money, and helping me build a house.’”

Source: RT.com

Tuyaache kwa sababu ya huko unakokuita kuchekwa na Mzungu? Au tuyaache kwa sababu hayatusaidii sisi kama jamii?

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