Viapo vya kujiunga Jesuit

Aaron Arsenal

JF-Expert Member
Jul 24, 2014
Hivi ni viapo kwa kifupi vya wanachama wa Jesuits na unaweza pia kuvipata kwenye mtandao huu:

Huu ni mtandao wa ROMAN CATHOLIC

nitaviweka hapa chini....

Ukweli ni kwamba viapo hivyo vinamfanya muapaji awe tayari kuua ikiwa ni kwa siri au kwa uwazi mtu yeyote atakayekuwa kinyume na kanisa. Tunajua kwamba ulimwengu wote hatimaye utakuwa chini ya dini na serikali moja kama anavyosema Padre Malachi
Martin wa kanisa Katoliki katika kitabu chake kiitwacho “The Keys of this blood”,anasema

“He is as determined to be world ruler as was Constatine in his day.” p. 49.


Akimaanisha kwamba Papa wa kanisa Katoliki atakuwa kiongozi wa dunia nzima kama
alivyokuwa Constatine wakati wake.

Hili pia linathibitishwa na Mungu kama tunavyosoma kwamba “….akapewa uwezo juu ya kila kabila na jamaa na lugha na taifa.” Ufunuo 13:7.

Wale watakaokataa kutawaliwa na mnyama huyo watakabiliwa na kifo maana tayari sheria imetungwa katika mahaka ya kimataifa inayoitwa “The Rome
statute of International Criminal Court.”

Hebu tumsikilize mkuu wa shirika la Jesuits anavyosema:

“See, sir, from this Chamber, I govern, not only to Paris, but to China; not only to China,
but to all the world, without anyone knowing how i do it.” (Tamburini, General of the

Yeye anasema kwamba “kutoka ndani ya ofisi hii, ninatawala, sio tu hata Paris, bali hadi China, sio tu hadi China bali katika ulimwengu wote, bila mtu yeyote kujua jinsi ninavyofanya.”

“In these last days God hath spoken to us by his son Ignatius, (Jesuit founder) whom he hast appointed Heir of all thing, by whom also he made the world”. – Preached by F.
Doza J.S., “The Firey Jesuits,” p, 66

Sasa tuangalie viapo vya Jesuits. Naomba niweke maelezo haya katika lugha ya
Kingereza maana ndiyo iliyotumika kuandika viapo hivi, naamini kama hujui lugha hii
unaweza kupata mtu wa karibu akakupa tafsiri fasaha.

“When a Jesuit of the minor rank is to be elevated to command, he is conducted into
the Chapel of the Convent of the Order, where there are only three others present, the
principal or Superior standing in front of the altar. On either side stands a monk, one of
whom holds a banner of yellow and white, which are the Papal colors, and the other a
black banner with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, with the word
INRI, and below them the words IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOUS. The meaning of
which is: It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical Kings, Governments,
or Rulers. Upon the floor is a red cross at which the postulant or candidate kneels. The
Superior hands him a small black crucifix, which he takes in his left hand and presses to
his heart, and the Superior at the same time presents to him a dagger, which he grasps by
the blade and holds the point against his heart, the Superior still holding it by the hilt,
and thus addresses the postulant:”
Kabla ya viapo, maneno yafuatayo yatasemwa na kiongozi wa ngazi ya juu kwa Jesuits anayeitwa “Superior”
Superior speaks:

“My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no
man. Among the Reformers, to be a reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant, and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to
become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.

Nimefupisha maelezo hayo na baada ya hapo ndipo viapo sasa vinaanza wakati muapaji
akiwa amelala chini kifudifudi:
The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits:

—-“I, _ now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ’s Vice-regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose
heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power I shall and will defend this doctrine of his Holiness’ right and custom against all usurpers of the
heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran of Germany, Holland,
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the now pretended authority and churches of England and
Scotland, and branches of the same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America
and elsewhere; and all adherents in regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers.
—–I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental
reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly
obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope
and of Jesus Christ.
—–That I may go to any part of the world withersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of
the North, the burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without
murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me.
—– I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed
to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads
against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.

Baada ya kumaliza viapo hivyo muapaji anatakiwa kuandika jina lake kwa kutumia kifaa
chakuandikia kilichochovywa damu yake iliyotolewa kifuani upande ulipo moyo wake.
Kisha Superior anauliza maswali yenye majibu kama ifuatavyo:

Question —From whither do you come? Answer — The Holy faith.
Q. —Whom do you serve? A. —The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic
Church Universal throughout the world.

Q. —Who commands you? A. —The Successor of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the
Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.

Q. —Who received you?

A. —A venerable man in white hair.
Q. —How?

A. —With a naked dagger, I kneeling upon the cross beneath the banners of the Pope
and of our sacred order.
Q. —Did you take an oath?

A. —I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex nor condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own,
but to implicitly obey my Superiors in all things without hesitation of murmuring.
Q. —Will you do that?

A. —I will.

Q. —How do you travel?

A. —In the bark of Peter the fisherman.

Q. —Whither do you travel?

A. —To the four quarters of the globe.

Q. —For what purpose?

A. —To obey the orders of my general and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oaths.

Q. —Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.”
The Jesuit Oath of Induction is also recorded in the Congressional Record of the U.S.A. (House Bill 1523, Contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell, against Thos. S. Butler, Feb. 15,
1913, pp. 3215-3216) It can also be found in the book entitled, “Subterranean Rome” by Charles
Didier translated from the French and published in New York in 1843. Dr.

“Katika siku hizi za mwisho Mungu amezunguza nasi kupitia kwa mwanae Ignatius,
(mwanzilishi wa Jesuits) ambaye amemchakuwa kuwa mrithi wa vitu vyote, ambapo kwa yeye aliumba ulimwengu”.
“The Grand Rule For an inferiro readily to declare his assent and consent to his Superiror in active obediance when he says, the snow is black, or the crow is white…we should always be ready to accept this principal: I will believe that the white that I see is black, if the hierarchical Church defines it as such.” -The Spirit Exercies of St. Ignatius, p. 141, -By Ignatius de Loyola.

Bujibuji Acha ugaidi!! sasa ukiwa Jesuits na ukawa muuaji utafaidika na nini isitoshe wajifanya kukemea sana ugaidi kumbe wewe pia unapenda sana kuwa muuaji jitathmini gaidi sio lazima awe muislam hata mpagani kama ww pia usiejali maisha ya wenzako ni gaidi tu
Maana Halisi na kazi ,malengo ya Jesuit Fathers Worldwide: Wasabato acheni kupotosha watu na Masalia Yenu

Jesuit Society ,
The Society of Jesus, more commonly known as the Jesuits, is a society within the Roman Catholic Church that was founded by Ignatius of Loyola and instituted by Pope Paul III. The Jesuit society demands four vows of its members: poverty, chastity, obedience to Christ, and obedience to the Pope. The purpose of the Jesuits is the propagation of the Catholic faith by any means possible.

Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish nobleman and intended to have a career as a professional soldier. A cannonball shattered his leg in 1521, and his career was shattered with it. During his long recovery at the castle of Loyola, he spent much time reading religious books, fasting and praying. As a result of these studies, Ignatius decided to become a soldier of Christ, and hung up his sword at the altar of Mary in Montserrat. From 1522 to 1534, Loyola traveled to monasteries and schools, studying and praying in preparation for a life consecrated to Christ. Toward the end of his graduate studies at the University of Paris, he and six friends who had been meeting for times of extended prayer and meditation vowed to continue their companionship after graduation by living in evangelical poverty and traveling as missionaries to Jerusalem. When war between the Turks and Venice prevented their passage to Jerusalem, they determined to work in the cities of northern Italy. Loyola presented his plan for service to the Vatican and received a papal commission from Pope Paul III in 1540, with Loyola receiving a lifetime appointment as General.

With the threat of Islam spreading across the Mediterranean region, the Jesuits' first focus was the conversion of Muslims. Shortly after the founding of the order, their focus shifted to counteracting the spread of Protestantism. The Counter-Reformation in the 16th and 17th centuries was largely due to the Jesuits. With their vows of total obedience to the Pope and their strict, military-style training, the Jesuits became feared across Europe as the “storm troopers” of the Catholic Church, and they led armies which recaptured large areas for the Roman Catholic Church. Along with the military actions, their work centered on education and missionary expansion, and by the end of Loyola's life in 1556, there were Jesuits in Japan, Brazil, Ethiopia, and most parts of Europe. Many of the explorers of that period were accompanied by Jesuit priests, eager to bring Catholicism to new lands.

The Jesuits are still active in the world today, though the military actions of those early years have been left behind. The goal of spreading the Catholic faith is still their primary objective, and they do it through missionary work and education. As for their beliefs, they hold to the historic teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The practice of “Ignatian spirituality” follows the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola and forms the foundation of their daily lives. The goal of these practices is to conquer and regulate the inner personal life so as to be submissive to God. One of the key practices is separation from all friends and acquaintances, in order to attend Mass and Vespers daily without interference. Another practice is deep and constant meditation on the sins that have been committed, so as to rouse intense sorrow for sins. To address all of their exercises would take far more space than this article allows.

As is the case with the Catholic Church in general, there is certainly an appearance of godliness and spirituality that is readily seen in the Society of Jesus / Jesuits. When we compare their beliefs and practices with the Bible, however, it would appear that they have “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof” (2 Timothy 3:5, KJV). The difference between Roman Catholic belief and the biblical presentation of the gospel has been well phrased in a question “do or done?” What must I do to get to heaven (Catholicism), or what has Christ done to get me to heaven (biblical Christianity)?
Huyu msabato ana chuki binafsi zake na Wakatoliki tu ,kila mara anaanzisha thread za kuwakashifu Wakatoliki.Akimaliza kwa Wakatoliki nadhani atakuja kwa Walutheri,Waanglikana,Wapentekoste,Moravian na wengineo.
Halafu huwa najiuliza hivi wale Wasabato wa Rwanda-Kigali S.D.A Church "Kwetu Pazuri" mbona huwa hawaimbi wala kuhubiri habari zama hizi.Hivi wale ni tawi tofauti na kama hawa Wasabato wa huku Bongo eeh ambao kilasiku wao ni kuponda wengine tu.
Muelewe Vema MUANZILISHI WA JESUIT MT.IGNAS wa LOYOLA ,Na Kumbuka miaka yake kulikua na battle au Wimbi la kuanza kwa Waprotestant kwa hio Walio wengi walianza kuzuia, kuhubili, kula viapo kuto saliti Kanisa

IGNAS Born Inigo Lopez de Loyola in 1491, the man known as Ignatius of Loyola entered the world in Loiola, Spain. At the time, the name of the village was spelled "Loyola," hence the discrepancy. Inigo came of age in Azpeitia, in northern Spain. Loyola is a small village at the southern end of Azpeitia.

Inigio was the youngest of thirteen children. His mother died when he was just seven, and he was then raised by Maria de Garin, who was the wife of a blacksmith. His last name, "Loyola" was taken from the village of his birth.

Despite the misfortune of losing his mother he was still a member of the local aristocracy and was raised accordingly. Inigio was an ambitious young man who had dreams of becoming a great leader. He was influenced by stories such as The Song of Roland and El Cid.

At the age of sixteen, he began a short period of employment working for Juan Velazquez, the treasurer of Castile. By the time he was eighteen, he became a soldier and would fight for Antonio Manrique de Lara, Duke of Nájera and Viceroy of Navarre.

Seeking wider acclaim, he began referring to himself as Ignatius. Ignatius was a variant of Inigio. The young Ignatius also gained a reputation as a duelist. According to one story, he killed a Moor with whom he argued about the divinity of Jesus.

Ignatius fought in several battles under the leadership of the Duke of Najera. He had a talent for emerging unscathed, despite participating in many battles. His talent earned him promotions and soon he commanded his own troops.

In 1521, while defending the town of Pamplona against French attack, Ignatius was struck by a cannonball in the legs. One leg was merely broken, but the other was badly mangled. To save his life and possibly his legs, doctors performed several surgeries. There were no anesthetics during this time, so each surgery was painful. Despite their best efforts, Ignatius' condition deteriorated. After suffering for a month, his doctors warned him to prepare for death.

On June 29, 1521, on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Ignatius began to improve. As soon as he was healthy enough to bear it, part of one leg was amputated which while painful, sped his recovery.

During this time of bodily improvement, Ignatius began to read whatever books he could find. Most of the books he obtained were about the lives of the saints and Christ. These stories had a profound impact on him, and he became more devout.

One story in particular influenced him, "De Vita Christi" (The life of Christ). The story offers commentary on the life of Christ and suggested a spiritual exercise that required visualizing oneself in the presence of Christ during the episodes of His life. The book would inspire Ignatius' own spiritual exercises.

As he lay bedridden, Ignatius developed a desire to become a working servant of Christ. He especially wanted to convert non-Christians.

Among his profound realizations, was that some thoughts brought him happiness and others sorrow. When he considered the differences between these thoughts, he recognized that two powerful forces were acting upon him. Evil brought him unpleasant thoughts while God brought him happiness. Ignatius discerned God's call, and began a new way of life, following God instead of men.

By the spring of 1522, Ignatius had recovered enough to leave bed. On March 25, 1522, he entered the Benedictine monastery, Santa Maria de Montserrat. Before an image of the Black Madonna, he laid down his military garments. He gave his other clothes away to a poor man.

He then walked to a hospital in the town of Manresa. In exchange for a place to live, he performed work around the hospital. He begged for his food. When he was not working or begging, he would go into a cave and practice spiritual exercises.

His time in prayer and contemplation helped him to understand himself better. He also gained a better understanding of God and God's plan for him.

The ten months he spent between the hospital and the cavern were difficult for Ignatius. He suffered from doubts, anxiety and depression. But he also recognized that these were not from God.

Ignatius began recording his thoughts and experiences in a journal. This journal would be useful later for developing new spiritual exercises for the tens of thousands of people who would follow him. Those exercises remain invaluable today and are still widely practiced by religious and laity alike.

The next year, in 1523, Ignatius made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. His goal was to live there and convert non-believers. However, the Holy Land was a troubled place and Church officials did not want Ignatius to complicate things further. They asked him to return after just a fortnight.

Ignatius realized he needed to obtain a complete education if he wanted to convert people. Returning to Barcelona, Ignatius attended a grammar school, filled with children, to learn Latin and other beginning subjects. He was blessed with a great teacher during this time, Master Jeronimo Ardevol.

After completing his primary education, Ignatius traveled to Alcala, then Salamanca, where he studied at universities. In addition to studying, Ignatius often engaged others in lengthy conversations about spiritual matters.

These conversations attracted the attention of the Inquisition.

In Spain, the Inquisition was responsible for ferreting out religious dissent and combating heresy. The Inquisition was not as it has long been depicted in the media.

The Inquisition accused Ignatius of preaching without any formal education in theology. Without this training, it was likely that Ignatius could introduce heresy by way of conversation and misunderstanding.

Ignatius was questioned three times by the Inquisition, but he was always exonerated.

Ignatius eventually decided he needed more education, so he traveled north, seeking better schools and teachers. He was 38 years old when he entered the College of Saint Barbe of the University of Paris. This education was very structured and formalized. Later, Ignatius would be inspired to copy this model when establishing schools. The ideas of prerequisites and class levels would arise from the Jesuit schools, which here heavily inspired by Ignatius' experience in Paris.

Ignatius earned a master's degree at the age of 44. When he subsequently applied for his doctorate, he was passed over because of his age. He also suffered from ailments, which the school was concerned could impact his studies.

While at school in Paris, Ignatius roomed with Peter Faber and Francis Xavier. Faber was French and Xavier was Basque. The men became friends and Ignatius led them in his spiritual exercises. Other men soon joined their exercises and became followers of Ignatius. The group began to refer to themselves as "Friends in the Lord," an apt description.

The circle of friends, shared Ignatius' dream of traveling to the Holy Land, but conflict between Venice and the Turks made such a journey impossible. Denied the opportunity to travel there, the group then decided to visit Rome. There, they resolved to present themselves to the Pope and to serve at his pleasure.

Pope Paul III received the group and approved them as an official religious order in 1540. The band attempted to elect Ignatius as their first leader, but he declined, saying he had not lived a worthy life in his youth. He also believed others were more experienced theologically.

The group insisted however, and Ignatius accepted the role as their first leader. They called themselves the Society of Jesus. Some people who did not appreciate their efforts dubbed them "Jesuits" in an attempt to disparage them. While the name stuck, by virtue of their good work the label lost its negative connotation.

Ignatius imposed a strict, almost military rule on his order. This was natural for a man who spent his youth as a soldier. It might be expected that such rigor would dissuade people from joining, but it had the opposite effect. The order grew.

The Society of Jesus soon found its niche in education. Before Ignatius died in 1556, his order established 35 schools and boasted 1,000 members. The order was responsible for much of the work of stopping the spread of the Protestant Reformation. The Society advocated the use of reason to persuade others and combat heresy.

Today, the Society of Jesus is known for its work in educating the youth around the world. Several universities have been founded in the name of Ignatius and in the traditional Jesuit spirit. The Jesuits also perform many other important works around the globe.

Ignatius' passed away on July 31, 1556, at the age of 64. He was beatified by Pope Paul V on July 27, 1609 and canonized on March 12, 1622. His feast day is July 31. He is the patron saint of the Society of Jesus, soldiers, educators and education
Huyu msabato ana chuki binafsi zake na Wakatoliki tu ,kila mara anaanzisha thread za kuwakashifu Wakatoliki.Akimaliza kwa Wakatoliki nadhani atakuja kwa Walutheri,Waanglikana,Wapentekoste,Moravian na wengineo.
Halafu huwa najiuliza hivi wale Wasabato wa Rwanda-Kigali S.D.A Church "Kwetu Pazuri" mbona huwa hawaimbi wala kuhubiri habari zama hizi.Hivi wale ni tawi tofauti na kama hawa Wasabato wa huku Bongo eeh ambao kilasiku wao ni kuponda wengine tu.
Halafu mkuu sahihi kabisa ,,Hawa wasabato wanapenda sana kutafuta kick wasizozijua kwakuona wao niwema sanaaa mbele za Mungu
Kila wakiubili au ukikutana nao wanatoa vijihoja vya kukashifu wakatoliki kana kwamba wao all are innocent why?
Hivi kanisa gani linalofundisha watu watende dhambi ?
Acheni upuuzi wenu huo kwakujiona ni bora kuliko wengine
Maana Halisi na kazi ,malengo ya Jesuit Fathers Worldwide: Wasabato acheni kupotosha watu na Masalia Yenu

Jesuit Society ,
The Society of Jesus, more commonly known as the Jesuits, is a society within the Roman Catholic Church that was founded by Ignatius of Loyola and instituted by Pope Paul III. The Jesuit society demands four vows of its members: poverty, chastity, obedience to Christ, and obedience to the Pope. The purpose of the Jesuits is the propagation of the Catholic faith by any means possible.

Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish nobleman and intended to have a career as a professional soldier. A cannonball shattered his leg in 1521, and his career was shattered with it. During his long recovery at the castle of Loyola, he spent much time reading religious books, fasting and praying. As a result of these studies, Ignatius decided to become a soldier of Christ, and hung up his sword at the altar of Mary in Montserrat. From 1522 to 1534, Loyola traveled to monasteries and schools, studying and praying in preparation for a life consecrated to Christ. Toward the end of his graduate studies at the University of Paris, he and six friends who had been meeting for times of extended prayer and meditation vowed to continue their companionship after graduation by living in evangelical poverty and traveling as missionaries to Jerusalem. When war between the Turks and Venice prevented their passage to Jerusalem, they determined to work in the cities of northern Italy. Loyola presented his plan for service to the Vatican and received a papal commission from Pope Paul III in 1540, with Loyola receiving a lifetime appointment as General.

With the threat of Islam spreading across the Mediterranean region, the Jesuits' first focus was the conversion of Muslims. Shortly after the founding of the order, their focus shifted to counteracting the spread of Protestantism. The Counter-Reformation in the 16th and 17th centuries was largely due to the Jesuits. With their vows of total obedience to the Pope and their strict, military-style training, the Jesuits became feared across Europe as the “storm troopers” of the Catholic Church, and they led armies which recaptured large areas for the Roman Catholic Church. Along with the military actions, their work centered on education and missionary expansion, and by the end of Loyola's life in 1556, there were Jesuits in Japan, Brazil, Ethiopia, and most parts of Europe. Many of the explorers of that period were accompanied by Jesuit priests, eager to bring Catholicism to new lands.

The Jesuits are still active in the world today, though the military actions of those early years have been left behind. The goal of spreading the Catholic faith is still their primary objective, and they do it through missionary work and education. As for their beliefs, they hold to the historic teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The practice of “Ignatian spirituality” follows the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola and forms the foundation of their daily lives. The goal of these practices is to conquer and regulate the inner personal life so as to be submissive to God. One of the key practices is separation from all friends and acquaintances, in order to attend Mass and Vespers daily without interference. Another practice is deep and constant meditation on the sins that have been committed, so as to rouse intense sorrow for sins. To address all of their exercises would take far more space than this article allows.

As is the case with the Catholic Church in general, there is certainly an appearance of godliness and spirituality that is readily seen in the Society of Jesus / Jesuits. When we compare their beliefs and practices with the Bible, however, it would appear that they have “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof” (2 Timothy 3:5, KJV). The difference between Roman Catholic belief and the biblical presentation of the gospel has been well phrased in a question “do or done?” What must I do to get to heaven (Catholicism), or what has Christ done to get me to heaven (biblical Christianity)?

Nadhani maelezo yako na ya mtoa mada hayana tofauti vilee, actually they present the same conclusion. Rejea maelezo yako, The purpose of the Jesuits is the propagation of the Catholic faith by any means possible.
Huyu msabato ana chuki binafsi zake na Wakatoliki tu ,kila mara anaanzisha thread za kuwakashifu Wakatoliki.Akimaliza kwa Wakatoliki nadhani atakuja kwa Walutheri,Waanglikana,Wapentekoste,Moravian na wengineo.
Halafu huwa najiuliza hivi wale Wasabato wa Rwanda-Kigali S.D.A Church "Kwetu Pazuri" mbona huwa hawaimbi wala kuhubiri habari zama hizi.Hivi wale ni tawi tofauti na kama hawa Wasabato wa huku Bongo eeh ambao kilasiku wao ni kuponda wengine tu.
Halafu mkuu sahihi kabisa ,,Hawa wasabato wanapenda sana kutafuta kick wasizozijua kwakuona wao niwema sanaaa mbele za Mungu
Kila wakiubili au ukikutana nao wanatoa vijihoja vya kukashifu wakatoliki kana kwamba wao all are innocent why?
Hivi kanisa gani linalofundisha watu watende dhambi ?
Acheni upuuzi wenu huo kwakujiona ni bora kuliko wengine

mimi naungana na wenyeimani tofauti na ya mtoa mada kwa kuwa sina imani yenu lakini napenda ukweli na sipendi kuchafua dini za wengine kwa maana dini huchafua hali ya amani katika jamii dini huondoa upendo katika ya jamii isiyo ya dini moja.
tazama maneno ya mtoa maada ni tuhuma ya asicho tambua matokeo yake wakatoliki wamekuja juu. mara mwingine atarukia dini ya mtu mwingine nao watakuja juu.
mimi sina na wala sitaki kuwa na dini mwa kuwa nimejiridhisha dini ni utamaduni wa watu furani kwa ajili ya kuvunja utamaduni wa watu dhaifu.... na africa ni sehemu yenye tamaduni dhaifu.

But Mungu hana dini nashauri tumwamini mungu sio dini zinazotutofautisba nakutuondoa katika umoja wetu.
Kuna kitabu kwenye biblia kinasema " chagueni hivi leo mtakaye mtumikia, mimi na nyumba yangu nitamtumikia Bwana", sasa kama kuna uhuru wa kuchagua wa kumfuata, hizi fujo tunazofanyiana msingi wake hasa ni upi?
chakunifurahisha ktika hivyo viapo jina la Bwana Yesu limetajwa tena mara nyingi, kumbe sio wapinga Kristo yesu alisema wasio kinyume nasi ni miongoni mwetu.
mtoa mada kajipange!

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