Usilolijua: sijui tumuulize nani

Mzee Mwanakijiji

Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2006
Arusha Times


1. A Barbaig warrior sharpens his stick while others listen to Babati District Commissioner David Hollela (not in picture) during the Vilima-Vitatu Meeting (Photo by Valentine Marc Nkwame)

2. Babati District Commissioner, David Hollela speaking with residents of Vilima-Vitatu wilderness last weekend

A wide wild-animals corridor linking Lake Manyara eco-system to the Tarangire National park has, reportedly, been given to some French entrepreneurs, who intend to establish hotels within the area.

This came to light recently after hundreds of members from the Barbaig community residing in the wilderness of Vilima-Vitatu section of Ngaiti ward, stood up to protest against the deal, a move which resulted into the arrest of 14 Barbaig men and youths.

The Barbaig, reportedly armed themselves and prevented the said investors from putting up camp in the wide lush-green Savanna bush land.

A French establishment known as UN EN-Lodge Afrique is said to have been given a total of 4084 hectares of the Vilima-vitatu virgin land to convert it into Hotels and Lodges.

About US $5000 (Tsh. 8 Million) has been paid by the company representatives to the Vilima-Vitatu village officials as initial payment towards the future leasing of the area. This is according to a statement by Nicodemus Marcel the village executive officer.

"We have been living in this area for the last 40 years co-existing peacefully with wild animals traveling back-and-forth between Tarangire and Lake Manyara and fellow pastoralists such as the Maasai who sometimes pass here seeking pasture," said Gwaydesh Joroji a sub-location chairman.

According to Joroji, recently a team of strangers went into their land where they suddenly got busy laying down beacons and measuring plots.

"When we asked them what was happening they simply told us to mind our own business," explained the chairman.

When later on the group returned and started pitching tents, the residents decided to report the matter to District authorities where another shock was waiting to unfold.

"We were ordered to start vacating the land because some 'Wazungus' had been given the area," said Mzee Giyamu Mwarisha an old man who was among the delegation that went to Babati District.

Old Mwarisha added that they were told to clear their livestock from the wild and head further down.

But where the about 50 families of pastoral Barbaig were told to move to happens to be part of Lake Manyara basin and normally fills with water during the rainy seasons.

"In other words if we agree to go there, soon the Tanzania National Parks Authority will descend on us for invading a reserved area," explained Gwaydesh Joroji, the sub-location leader.

The rather swampy Lake basin area is also said to be breeding point of Tsetse flies, insects that cause sleeping sickness to both livestock and their keepers.

"Well, it is not a must that you go to the swampy area, you can always choose another location," the Babati District Commissioner David Holella told the Barbaig men and women who had gathered for a communal meeting in the Vilima-Vitatu wilderness last weekend.

The DC who was also the acting Manyara regional Commissioner at the time, had gone into Ngaiti ward to calm the furious Barbaig who had vowed to die fighting, other than letting a foreigner turn their peaceful paradise into an ‘out-of-bound' (strictly for tourists) commercial venture.

"We need these investors because the Government collect taxes from them, if you scare them away then we shall have no choice but start imposing taxes from yourselves, your wives and your animals," said the DC but the hundreds Barbaig simply jeered him down.

"Listen very careful, I am the DC here and currently serving as regional Commissioner;" he said, "I represent the President and have both the army and Police behind me, if you do not comply with state orders then you will push us to apply force," the DC shouted.

To which the local residents replied, "In that case we want President Kikwete himself to come here because you do not seem to understand!"

Earlier on the Barbaig people had given the DC the ultimatum of first release their arrested fellow villagers before being allowed to meet with them and discuss the matter.

The 14 men who got detained under charges of 'threatening peace' in the Vilima-vitatu wilderness were; Gebula Hotay, Juma Gidahuyada, Subayda Gelopta, Gidahebu Momoyda, Gidamakreri Gidabugenda and Saidi Gidahamuni.

Other detainees were Kweku Bulaera, Hiyangoda Qembeshi, Heyay Lehe, Gebalack Qudajenda, Esaeri Lueu, Mabee Giyamu, Wakumu Giyamu and Gebalaek Qundajenda. These had been facing charges at the Magugu Primary Court of the Babati District.

The Vilima-Vitatu (Three hills) Savanna bush land, measuring about 20,000 hectares, is inhabited by an estimated 500 people, mostly the pastoral Barbaig who keep a total of 7900 cattle, 3950 goats, 2104 sheep, 1703 chickens, 200 donkeys and some 63 dogs.

The residents themselves occupy about 6970 hectares but need the rest for grazing animals.

"Most of the meat that is eaten in Arusha originates from here, we keep most of the well fed cattle in the region," Joroji who boasts to own 800 cattle, maintained.

Over 8783 hectares cutting across the Savanna, have for decades been serving as wild animal passage during their frequent migrations between Lake Manyara game park and Tarangire National Park.

Environmental experts have also raised concern that blocking the animal corridor with human activities will spell doom to both wildlife and environment. They called for a preceding Environmental Impact Assessment before allowing the French firm to venture into such important passage.

My Take:

I have no idea, depressed is the mood.
Arusha Times


1. A Barbaig warrior sharpens his stick while others listen to Babati District Commissioner David Hollela (not in picture) during the Vilima-Vitatu Meeting (Photo by Valentine Marc Nkwame)

2. Babati District Commissioner, David Hollela speaking with residents of Vilima-Vitatu wilderness last weekend

About US $5000 (Tsh. 8 Million) has been paid by the company representatives to the Vilima-Vitatu village officials as initial payment towards the future leasing of the area. This is according to a statement by Nicodemus Marcel the village executive officer.

"We have been living in this area for the last 40 years co-existing peacefully with wild animals traveling back-and-forth between Tarangire and Lake Manyara and fellow pastoralists such as the Maasai who sometimes pass here seeking pasture," said Gwaydesh Joroji a sub-location chairman.

According to Joroji, recently a team of strangers went into their land where they suddenly got busy laying down beacons and measuring plots.

"When we asked them what was happening they simply told us to mind our own business," explained the chairman.

When later on the group returned and started pitching tents, the residents decided to report the matter to District authorities where another shock was waiting to unfold.

"We were ordered to start vacating the land because some 'Wazungus' had been given the area," said Mzee Giyamu Mwarisha an old man who was among the delegation that went to Babati District.

Old Mwarisha added that they were told to clear their livestock from the wild and head further down.

But where the about 50 families of pastoral Barbaig were told to move to happens to be part of Lake Manyara basin and normally fills with water during the rainy seasons.

"In other words if we agree to go there, soon the Tanzania National Parks Authority will descend on us for invading a reserved area," explained Gwaydesh Joroji, the sub-location leader.

The rather swampy Lake basin area is also said to be breeding point of Tsetse flies, insects that cause sleeping sickness to both livestock and their keepers.

"We need these investors because the Government collect taxes from them, if you scare them away then we shall have no choice but start imposing taxes from yourselves, your wives and your animals," said the DC but the hundreds Barbaig simply jeered him down.

"Listen very careful, I am the DC here and currently serving as regional Commissioner;" he said, "I represent the President and have both the army and Police behind me, if you do not comply with state orders then you will push us to apply force," the DC shouted.

To which the local residents replied, "In that case we want President Kikwete himself to come here because you do not seem to understand!"

My Take:

I have no idea, depressed is the mood.

Hapo juu kuna mfano mzuri kweli wa utawala wa KIIMLA. Eti DC anawakoromea wananchi..... instead of the other way around.... maskini labda ndiyo alivyofundishwa na ndivyo anavyoelewa na ndivyo alivyotumwa... maana naye atakuwa anatekeleza tu yale aliyoagizwa. Hata common sense zinasambaratika, kinabakia kikaragosi tu kinachoamrishwa na wakubwa wake.....

Halafu cheki alivyokurupuka na kumtaja 'president' bila kutegemea.... hapo tayari mtama ulishamwagika.......... kumtaja muungwana i think hakufanya intentionally, lakini ndiyo hivyo tena, maji yalishamwagika baada ya kuchimbiwa mkwara na wanakijiji.... owner na muhusika mkuu wa hiyo order hence that project atakuwa yeye ninavyofikiri.

Kwenye down payment napo pameniacha hoi..... wanauchumi, hebu niambieni... down payment kawaida huwa asilimia ngapi ya malipo yote kawaida?!...... hapo ndipo mtakapojua total price paid kwa hizo hekari za pori.......... wachumi na wachungu wa nchi kweli tunao!!!

Hao ma investors... kwanini kila siku wanang'ang'ania pristine land?! maendeleo ya hotel ndiyo tunayataka, lakini sidhani kama ni lazima kila hotel kwa ajili ya watalii ijengwe kwenye pristine land kama hiyo... nina amini kuna sehemu kibao za kuweza kujenga mahotel zilizotengwa.... wanachotakiwa ni kujenga barabara za kutoka mahotelini hadi kwenye hizo mbuga ili kupunguza kero kwa wanyama na mazingira.

Lakini pia kuna mbuga ya Saa Nane kule kanda ya ziwa..... hivi sasa imedolola.... kwanini watu walio waalika hao watu na kupata 10% yao hawakuifikiria mbuga hiyo? kwani ipo inahitaji mjasiriamali wa kuindeleza tu.... matokeo ya kufikiria kirahisi rahisi tu haya..... Au basi... kwa kuonesha maajabu, serikali irudishe hela zote kutoka Jersey na kuziwekeza kwenye "mradi wa serikali wa kujenga mahotel" kama upo...

Kwenye hili nimeamua kutosema kitu maana nasikia uchungu, wakati tunapiga kelele na vitalu vya uwindaji bado wanarudia makosa yaleyale.
Hivi ma-DC, Wabunge na RC wetu huwa wanashirikishwa katika hii michakato au Serikali kuu hufanya maamuzi na kutoa directive?

It is time Mikoa na majimbo yawe na Say katika mambo ya maendeleo ya maeneo yao.
Hivi ma-DC, Wabunge na RC wetu huwa wanashirikishwa katika hii michakato au Serikali kuu hufanya maamuzi na kutoa directive?

It is time Mikoa na majimbo yawe na Say katika mambo ya maendeleo ya maeneo yao.

Mimi naunga mkono hawa DC na RC wawe wanachaguliwa na wananchi na siyo tu iwe nafasi ya kuwapa marafiki wa raisi, maana sasa hawa wanafuata directive kama kule mbeya RC hakubaliki hata nyumbani kwake kyela..lakini bado JK hawasikilizi wananchi
Mimi naunga mkono hawa DC na RC wawe wanachaguliwa na wananchi na siyo tu iwe nafasi ya kuwapa marafiki wa raisi, maana sasa hawa wanafuata directive kama kule mbeya RC hakubaliki hata nyumbani kwake kyela..lakini bado JK hawasikilizi wananchi

I agree. Hollela alishindwa kama Katibu Mkuu wa Washirika, sasa leo fadhila za kisiasa anapewa Ukuu wa Wilaya! Wapi na wapi?
"Well, it is not a must that you go to the swampy area, you can always choose another location," the Babati District Commissioner David Holella told the Barbaig men and women who had gathered for a communal meeting in the Vilima-Vitatu wilderness last weekend.

The DC who was also the acting Manyara regional Commissioner at the time, had gone into Ngaiti ward to calm the furious Barbaig who had vowed to die fighting, other than letting a foreigner turn their peaceful paradise into an ‘out-of-bound’ (strictly for tourists) commercial venture.

"We need these investors because the Government collect taxes from them, if you scare them away then we shall have no choice but start imposing taxes from yourselves, your wives and your animals," said the DC but the hundreds Barbaig simply jeered him down.

"Listen very careful, I am the DC here and currently serving as regional Commissioner;" he said, "I represent the President and have both the army and Police behind me, if you do not comply with state orders then you will push us to apply force," the DC shouted.

To which the local residents replied, “In that case we want President Kikwete himself to come here because you do not seem to understand!”

Look at his tone, typical CCMish, Kibabe, Rungu la Dola!

Mimi ni Mkuu wa Wilaya na nakaimu Ukuu wa Mkoa. Namwakilisha Rais na Jeshi na Polisi wako nyuma yangu mtakoma msiposikia na kuhama!

This is what this Mofo is saying!

He goes on and threatens them to Tax them if they do not move.

Ningekuwa mimi ni Waziri Mkuu, Waziri Tamisemi au Rais, ningemuita Ofisini na kumpa Karipio kali kwa kutumia vitisho badala ya uungwana na kuwasikiliza hawa wananchi.

Hii ndiyo kawaida ya viongozi wa Tanzania na Serikali kuu hukaaga kimya mpaka mambo yaharibike.

This clearly shows you that he does not have credibility to be a good leader!

He should be fired foe this incident.
That statement he told them was insulting, there is such an easy way to sit and discuss with the villagers what the plan was as opposed to kuwatukana wa Barbaig.Ame aibisha serikali na Chama.

Hivi hawa hawana sensitivity classes au culture classes ya uongozi?

How many yrs have those people lived in those areas? hii ni hatari kweli kama mtu unashindwa kuongea na wananchi ambao wanalipa paycheck yako in one way or the other
Inapendeza kuona kwamba hata watu walio vijijini tena kutoka jamii ya wafugaji ambao wengi tunaamini kwamba hawajasoma lakini wanaelewa haki zao. Njia pekee ya kuwafanya waelewe zaidi na kusimamia haki zao ni jukumu la wana harakati/wasomi/vyama vya upinzani kuhakikisha kwamba watu hao wanaelewa haki zao na pia mambo kama haya yanatakiwa kutumika vyema kwa ajili ya kuing'oa CCM kwenye Ubunge na hata Urais.

Swali kubwa ni kwamba Mbunge wa hawa watu alikuwa wapi mpaka mambo mazito kama hayo yanafanyika? Je, alishirikishwa? Kama alishirikishwa, je, alikwenda kuwajulishaa wananchi wake kwamba ardhi hiyo kapewa muwekezaji? Ninaona kuna dalili zote za damu kumwagika na ninadhani damu ikimwagika ndipo CCM wataelewa kwamba sasa si wakati wa kuburuza watu bali ni wakati wa majadiliaano.

Hiyo kodi anayosema wala hailingani na mchango wa hao wafugaji. Wawekezaji kutoka nje wamepewa incentive package kubwa sana na tax holiday ya miaka 10 na hata vitu wanavyoleta kutoka nje hawalipi kodi. Baada ya hapo wataleta wafanyakazi kutoka kwao ama Afrika ya Kusini, wataagiza nguo na mahitaji mengine (vyakula) kutoka nje ya Tanzania, sasa Tanzania na mtanzania wanafaidi nini?

Walipa kodi wakubwa kwa Tanzania ni watanzania wenyewe, hao tunao waita wawekezaji wanaongoza kwa kupewa unafuu wa kodi na kipindi cha unafuu kikiisha aidha wanabadilisha biashara au kujifanya wanaiuza ili wapewe unafuu mpya na ikishindikana kabisa kinachofuata ni kufanya mikakati ya kukwepa kodi. Sasa bado tunawahitaji watu hao wanaokuja kuchuma kwa faida ya nchi zao huko walikotoka???

Ni wakati muafaka kwa vyama vya upinzani na wasomi kuja na sera mbadala za kiuchumi ambazo zitaonyesha namna gani nchi hii inaweza kuboresha mapato na siyo kukumbatia wawekezaji ambao hawana msaada wowote. Kama wawekezaji wako genuine na wanalipa kila kitu kwa haki hapo naweza kuunga mkono ili mradi faida ya uwepo wao iweze kuonekana.

Watanzania tutaburuzwa mpaka lini?
That statement he told them was insulting, there is such an easy way to sit and discuss with the villagers what the plan was as opposed to kuwatukana wa Barbaig.Ame aibisha serikali na Chama.

Hivi hawa hawana sensitivity classes au culture classes ya uongozi?

How many yrs have those people lived in those areas? hii ni hatari kweli kama mtu unashindwa kuongea na wananchi ambao wanalipa paycheck yako in one way or the other

Natamani sana huyu jamaa aliyekuwa anachonga fimbo angemchapa nayo usoni DC na kumwachia alama ya milele!
Natamani sana huyu jamaa aliyekuwa anachonga fimbo angemchapa nayo usoni DC na kumwachia alama ya milele!

Very soon kuna mtu atakuja kuchapwa na hizo fimbo, wewe waache waendelee tu kufanya hayo mambo kwa kiburi na jeuri bila ya kuwasikiliza wananchi. Kwa kifupi wananchi wamekata tamaa na hawaelewi nchi inakwenda wapi.

Kinachoumiza ni kwamba ikija 2010 bado watawapigia kura wabunge wa CCM ambao wamewatelekeza wananchi wao kama yatima na hawajui hata wafanye nini. Jana nimesoma makala moja kwenye gazeti la Rai mwandishi anasema REDET wakifanya study nyingine ya uongozi wa JK, watakuta zile 44% alizopata last time zimeshuka na kufikia 20%!
Very soon kuna mtu atakuja kuchapwa na hizo fimbo, wewe waache waendelee tu kufanya hayo mambo kwa kiburi na jeuri bila ya kuwasikiliza wananchi. Kwa kifupi wananchi wamekata tamaa na hawaelewi nchi inakwenda wapi.

Kinachoumiza ni kwamba ikija 2010 bado watawapigia kura wabunge wa CCM ambao wamewatelekeza wananchi wao kama yatima na hawajui hata wafanye nini. Jana nimesoma makala moja kwenye gazeti la Rai mwandishi anasema REDET wakifanya study nyingine ya uongozi wa JK, watakuta zile 44% alizopata last time zimeshuka na kufikia 20%!

naona REDET wanaanza kumgeuka huyu maana kabla ya hapo REDET ilimpa Kikwete opinion poll kubwa sana, na aliyekuwa kiongozi at the time akazawadiwa Ukuu wa CHuo....Mkandala(or ra), labda hawaja katiwa kitu kidogo, mtaona toward elections opinion poll inapanda
..matatizo ya ardhi ya Wabarabaig yameanza toka miaka ya 70. ardhi yao ilichukuliwa na kupewa NAFCO kuanzisha mashamba ya ngano kule Basuto-Hanang.

..Prof.Shivji na Dr.Ringo Tenga wanaufahamu vizuri mgogoro wa ardhi kati ya Wabarabaig na serikali. sasa hivi NAFCO imefilisika lakini serikali imepatwa na kigugumizi kuwarudishia Wabarabaig ardhi yao.
hivi siku zote utasikia kuwa amri imetoka juu,kwani huko juu anakaa nani mwingine zaidi ya mungu.mungu alipupa kila kitu bure sasa huyu anayetunyanganya ni nani tena.
jamani DC/RC si anamwakilisha rais.Sasa na jeshi letu si limerudi kutoka Comoro.Labda kunatakiwa kuwe na operation mpya ya kurestore peace in barbeig land.
jamani DC/RC si anamwakilisha rais.Sasa na jeshi letu si limerudi kutoka Comoro.Labda kunatakiwa kuwe na operation mpya ya kurestore peace in barbeig land.
.........sawa anamwakilisha Rais kuropoka na kutishia wanavijiji kwa ajili ya kulinda maslahi ya wachache (kwa mantiki yako)...
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