Ushauri: Upo uwezekano wa serikali kuweza kuvunja mikataba iwapo rushwa ilitolewa


Oct 27, 2010
Ikiwa wahusika walipokea rushwa wakubali wawe mashahidi wa serikali mahakamani

I will like to advice my Government ,how as state we can fight back on those called exploitative contracts signed by Government Official ,please this is just advice and if anybody else got more idea we can share it ,i believe we have lawyers in this forum who can came up with more clever idea too,government should investigate the individual who did entered the contract on behalf of Government as agents (ie government official )

Now How to

Government can contact all individuals involved on all suspected contracts if it is find difficult to get evidence ,government can sign agreement with suspects and let them cooperate with government and give evidence against all multinational who did offer bribe by giving this evidence suspect will not be prosecuted for public interest
once this evidence given i believe government will have upper hand and cancel all contract and or claim civil remedies

When bribery infects a contract
The English civil law remedies arising from a contract that is subsequently infected by bribery were recently the subject of consideration in the case of Tigris International NV v China Southern Airlines Company Ltd & Anor [2014] EWCA Civ 1649 (17 December 2014) [paragraphs 128-145]. Although, the case did not involve allegations of bribery, the alleged breaches of fiduciary duty involve the same principles.
It’s reasonably well established that where a party’s agent is bribed by a counterparty to enter a contractual transaction, the bribe victim party may, on discovering those facts, rescind the contract from the outset provided: (1) benefits taken and received and the positions of directly and indirectly affected parties can be fairly restored and (2) there is no delay in exercising that right. Where restoration is impossible or there has been delay, the victim party may terminate the contract and pursue alternative remedies for either recovering the bribe monies or claiming damages for actual losses sustained from having entered the infected transaction.
Less clear are the remedies arising from a contract where the bribery arises subsequent to inception of the contract. The most common scenario, indeed one which arose in one of the leading cases, involves a counterparty bribing a party’s agent to award a sub-contract. Plainly, the infected sub-contract can be rescinded in accordance with the principles above but uncertainty surrounded whether the main contract itself could be rescinded or terminated by reason of repudiation. Having considered contradictory and conflicting decisions, the court summarized the position as follows:
“If, after the contract has been entered into, the agent is bribed in the course of its performance, the principal may bring it to an end as from the moment of discovery i.e. for the future. The same applies if the bribery was effected at the time of the contract but for some reason (delay, impossibility of counter restitution, rights of bona fide third parties etc.) rescission ab initio is impossible… At law bribery whether at or after contract, amounts to a repudiatory breach by the bribing party which, on discovery, his counterparty may accept as bringing the contract to an end. Whether that is because bribery is a stand-alone ground for termination, or the obligation to restrain from it an incident or an implied term of every contract is debatable and, for present purposes, does not matter.”
As was pointed out in the Tigris case, different results arise from termination for rescission and that of repudiatory breach. In the latter case, the parties may already have accrued enforceable rights prior to termination, whereas in the former, the slate is wiped clean. Tigris unsuccessfully sought to establish rescission in order to recover contractual deposits and avoid the consequences of its own breaches prior to repudiation.
The decision is persuasive authority for the proposition that where a bribe victim party discovers that a contract has been subsequently infected by bribery, rescission is less likely to be granted than termination for repudiatory breach. In the case of a contract formed and tainted by reason of bribery, and where restoration is achievable, the victim may rescind and effect a straightforward recovery of deposits or contractual payments.
In certain situations it may be vital to ensure that a party’s right to rescind is not lost through a combination of performance, deliberation and delay, all of which can make restoration problematical. For a bribing party (through itself and associated persons) the rescission or repudiation of a contract for bribery probably provides a longstop from the point of view of commencing investigations and if necessary, self-reporting to the relevant authorities. i hope our government official will see this thread and may choose to act on it
thank you guys
Kwani Aliyetoa na Kupokea Rushwa Si wote wanahatia? Nani atakubali kujikaanga kua eti nilipokea Rushwa? Then nextime andika kiswahili.
Tatizo ukianza kuongelea msururu wa rushwa mpaka Mkapa na Kikwete watakuwepo. Hela hizo za rushwa zimetumika mpaka kwenye kampeni za uchaguzi za CCM.
Tuanzie na yule wa awamu ya 3, afuate change kasha waliofuata ktk hilo 'tumalizane nao kimyakimya' wengi watajifunza na kuogopa kurudia wizi na usaliti mkubwa kama huu kwa Taifa huko mbeleni.
Mikataba yote iliridhiwa na mabaraza ya mawaziri ya BWM na JK sasa unataka kuwavua hawa wazee taulo ?

Makufuli alishasema hafukui makaburi
hata kama hawakula rushwa walikuwa wajinga and gullible kama unaona ulikosea unavunja tu, watu wanavunja viapo vya ndoa ambazo walisema hapo awali till death do us apart...sembuse mkataba wa mzungu na mwafrika
Wewe mwenyewe kiswahili hicho hukijui,sababu UTELEWEKA ndio nini?wengine wamenielewa tu hata ningeandika kiswahili kuna wengine hawakijui pia kama wewe unayetaka nikiandike wakati sentensi mbili tu umeandika imekushinda.
Wewe mwenyewe kiswahili hicho hukijui,sababu UTELEWEKA ndio nini?wengine wamenielewa tu hata ningeandika kiswahili kuna wengine hawakijui pia kama wewe unayetaka nikiandike wakati sentensi mbili tu umeandika imekushinda.
Revert back, imesahihiswa mkuu.
Nawe sahihisha grammar!
Mkuu andika kwa kiswahili tu, utaeleweka zaidi kuliko hii grammatically incorrect submission.
Mkuu baadhi ya maneno ya kisheria nafikiri hayatafsiriki kiurahisi. Jamaa huenda ni Mwanasheria ila alikuwa anaharaka kuleta mada ubaoni.
Hata hivyo ameeleweka na maudhui ya mada yanaeleweka
Kwani Aliyetoa na Kupokea Rushwa Si wote wanahatia? Nani atakubali kujikaanga kua eti nilipokea Rushwa? Then nextime andika kiswahili.

Kama issue ya Rushwa ikithibitika mpokea na mpokeaji wanawekwa wazi na mpokea analipa fidia na kuvunja mkataba na hapo ndipo shilingi yetu ilipolalia kwa sasa
hata kama hawakula rushwa walikuwa wajinga and gullible kama unaona ulikosea unavunja tu, watu wanavunja viapo vya ndoa ambazo walisema hapo awali till death do us apart...sembuse mkataba wa mzungu na mwafrika

Tulitaka ukweli lazima Mkapa na Chenge watuambie walilamba ngapi?
kama ni wazalendo na wapo tayari kuisadia Tanzania inabidi wafanye uamuzi mgumu kwa faida ya Taifa ,sababu hii ni vita kati ya taifa lao na wageni wanao pora mali za nchi yetu,pia naamini hata bila kuomba kama serikali imedhamiria ushaidi unaweza kupatikana wa kuweza kuwa implicate wahusika na kutoa rushwa na ukupokea,kama kweli walipokea

Nani atakaye kubali kusema alipokea au kutoa rushwa?
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