This is how Zitto Kabwe escaped from the hands of Police and fled abroad

My Son drink water

JF-Expert Member
Nov 30, 2016
My reliable source of information in Kahama has tipped me how Zitto made an intelligence escape from being netted by furious police who received orders to arrest him from higher authorities.

It was the time as the public political meeting of his party was on progress being held in the town as Zitto got a call from unknown person alerting him to go on the run instantly as the caller ends the call, since there was a plot to bring Zitto down either by sending him to jail like Lema or getting him missed either way.

So Zitto had to ride a bodadoa up to the secret place whereof his men hid him.

When police came at the meeting, they found him not, he had already gone, and that's why they seized his car claiming that he didn't finish up to pay for it on some of revenues.

Zitto left for a neighbouring country in a disguised way (name of country hidden) whereas he expects to fly into western country (name also hidden) if possible to seek asylum for his own good.

I would have explained in deep on this saga but the Jamiiforums ethics don't grant me access.
Sijui umemlenga nani na hiyo lugha... Manake ni upuuzi mtupu ulioujaza hapo.... Hujui hata propaganda huwa zinasukwa vipi. Nani alikuthibitishia kuwa atawekwa jela kama Lema. Au umeshiba matobolwa
Jibu hoja Kwa hoja siyo mihemko, unasema lugha kamlenga nani nyie mnavyotumia kiswahili bungeni wakati sheria mnaziandika kiingereza, hicho kiingereza huwa mnamlenga nani?
KunA ule wimbo wa Lucky Dube, house of exile unaeleza situation kama hii!

Freedom fighter
Standing on a mountain
In a foreign country
Trying to send a message
To his people, back in the ghetto
He had a home onetime and love of a girl
Oh yes i can here him clearly as he whispers in the air, his voice came loud and clear
I am still here in the house of exile, for the love of the nation
Readable and noted but you have to go further narrating the story to let the consumers be satisfied particularly on how Mr Z will read the party while in asylum
Tanzania haijafikia hatua yakuwa kiongozi kukimbilia nje ya nchi kwasababu ya kisiasa. Zitto Kabwe asitafute Umaarufu kwa siasa ya kupakaa matope serikali ya awamu ya tano.
Mkuu Kama hatujafika huko Kwa nini Lema tangu akamatwe hajasomewa mashtaka yake rasmi?
Nadhani hata Lema angejua kuhusu yanayomkuta Leo na yeye angetoroka tu, Zito si mjinga wa kukimbia, Kama ni kuhojiwa na police tu asingekimbia.
Serikali hii inajipaka matope yenyewe hakuna anayeipaka, naona unapaka rangi upepo.
My reliable source of information in Kahama has tipped me how Zitto made an intelligence escape from being netted by furious police who received orders to arrest him from higher authorities.

It was the time as the public political meeting of his party was on progress being held in the town as Zitto got a call from unknown person alerting him to go on the run instantly as the caller ends the call, since there was a plot to bring Zitto down either by sending him to jail like Lema or getting him missed either way.
You realy want me to belief that police ca receive order from higher authority t make one miss! You mean miss forever?
Tanzania haijafikia hatua yakuwa kiongozi kukimbilia nje ya nchi kwasababu ya kisiasa. Zitto Kabwe asitafute Umaarufu kwa siasa ya kupakaa matope serikali ya awamu ya tano.

"WAZIRI Mkuu, Kassim Majaliwa amesema serikali itaanza kusambaza kiasi cha tani milioni 1.5 za chakula zilizobaki msimu uliopita katika maeneo yenye uhitaji mkubwa ili kupunguza kasi ya ongezeko la bei ya vyakula nchini.

Waziri Mkuu aliwaambia waandishi wa habari jana mjini Dodoma kwamba katika msimu uliopita, kulikuwa na zaidi ya tani milioni tatu na hivyo baada ya wabunge kushinikiza serikali kuruhusu kuuza vyakula nje, kiasi cha tani milioni 1.5 kiliuzwa na hivyo kubakiwa na tani milioni 1.5.

Aidha, imefahamika kuwa hadi kufikia Januari 12, mwaka huu, Wakala wa Taifa wa Hifadhi ya Chakula (NFRA) walikuwa na akiba ya tani 88,152 za mahindi."
Kitila Mkumbo amesema Zitto Kabwe yupo jimboni kwake anaendelea na majukumu yake kama kawaida sijui ni movie au ni ukweli.
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