Jamhuri ya Zanzibar
Senior Member
- Jul 17, 2012
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By Angela John, Student of Politics and International relations,
University of Nairobi, Kenya.
The People of Zanzibar have passed through bitter road in the struggle for their Human Rights and complete realization of democracy and rule of law since Tanzania has declared multiparty politics in 1992. The champion of this long struggle is the opposition leader in the Isles, Mr. Seif Sharif Hamad, popularly known as Maalim Seif who promised people of Zanzibar that he will fight for Zanzibar even this struggle will cost his life. Maalim Seif and his supporters are fighting undisappointedly under the very vibrant political party, The Civic United Front – CUF.
CUF has been claiming ridging of Zanzibar election done by rulling party Chama Cha Mapinduzi - CCM through the state organs especially security organs in every general election since the first one in 1995. Violence and human right abuse done by security officers, restricting CUF supporters from vote registration and votting, multiple registration of CCM supporters, non-resident CCM voters, unconstitutional mainlanders registration in Zanzibar election have been Constituting a common election culture in Zanzibar. Despite all those misconducts in elections no scientific, documented evidence was provided by CUF to prove it’s victory in all four past elections, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010.
However CUF was technically prepared for the general election in 2015. It not only won the election but it successfully proved it beyond doubt. Fortunately the International Community witnessed the whole election exercise together with all it’s outcomes.
Jecha Salim Jecha, claimed to be CCM cadre serving as the Chairperson of Zanzibar Electoral Commission – ZEC annulled the election results unconstitutionally and unilaterally, a decision which is believed to be instructed by the retired President of The United Republic of Tanzania, Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete. Kikwete is accused for ordering armed forces to militarily invade the election results station at Bwawani hotel, thereby paving a good security environment for Jecha's action to be successful. Despite more than five claims he announced to the public as the base of his decision to annul the election results, he failed to provide at least circumstantial evidence behind his claims.
CUF did a lot to handle the anger of it’s supporters following disappointing Jecha’s decision. CUF leaders restricted their supporters from doing any un-lawful actions such as street riots or fighting as the alternative ways to claim their victory. CUF supporters showed high degree of loyalty and obedience to their leaders as they remain calm and silent as instructed. Maalim Seif speaking to the groups of youths at Party’s Headquarters, at Mtendeni street on 28th October, 2015 immediately after election annulment, he said “we know every one of you is very angry but please remain calm and patient. At the moment give us chance to find your democratic right you have showed in ballot box by peaceful methods through negotiations inside the country and with the International Community. If we fail, we will inform you to find your ballot victory with your own methods”.
This article is challenging the seriousness of the International Community on the Zanzibar issue. The 17 months have elapsed while the International Community is showing weak concern on Zanzibar issue. To keep records clear, Zanzibar has no political conflicts between the ruling side and opposition side. The outcomes of 2015 General Election give no indicator of conflict but rather high degree of power abuses and disrespect of democracy and wish of the people done by the rulers. What happened in Zanzibar following 2015 General Elections is the betrayal of people hopes and wishes about their determination, their freedom, their rights and their future and not political crisis at all.
The records show that the world has never hesitate in dealing with dictators. Strong actions have been taken against various dictators all around Africa and around the world at large. However it is very different from Zanzibar perspective. The world is hesitating, delaying and indirectly ignoring the Zanzibar issue. People of Zanzibar are now tired of waiting the International Community. International community should keep in mind that now is high time for these betrayed people to continue with patience as instructed by their leaders.
Why is International Community delaying to take serious actions against these Tanzania dictators? Two reasons are being brainstormed by Zanzibaris themselves. One is the worry and second is the betrayal. Is International Community worrying about the new leadership? For longtime Tanzania security officers were given a task to cover the Civic United Front- CUF with the wrong image especially propagandas concerning Islam and Radicalism. The state for long time is producing false reports about CUF to mislead the International Community that CUF is made up of group of radical muslims who emphasize fight against Christianity roots and church dominance in Tanzania.
Has International Community betrayed its own promises of creating democratic world communities? Has the International Community betrayed the people of Zanzibar? Has the International Community failed to Supervise Democracy and it’s principles they brought to Africa. Has International Community betrayed those from opposition side that decided to fight and suffer in defending principles of democracy in land of dictators, Africa?
I advise the International community to be actively concerned with Zanzibar issue before the people especially those disappointed, hungry, betrayed youths have not turned out with their own ways. I advise the International Community to deeply and actively hold hands of these betrayed people who have been always struggling under a great respect of peace, order and laws. East Africa is a common land of terrorist attacks. If these youth continue to feel being betrayed they will become easily infiltrated by influence from terrorists. If this stage is reached it is not only Zanzibar and Tanzania security that has been endangered but the whole East African region, the interior Africa and the world at large.
University of Nairobi, Kenya.
The People of Zanzibar have passed through bitter road in the struggle for their Human Rights and complete realization of democracy and rule of law since Tanzania has declared multiparty politics in 1992. The champion of this long struggle is the opposition leader in the Isles, Mr. Seif Sharif Hamad, popularly known as Maalim Seif who promised people of Zanzibar that he will fight for Zanzibar even this struggle will cost his life. Maalim Seif and his supporters are fighting undisappointedly under the very vibrant political party, The Civic United Front – CUF.
CUF has been claiming ridging of Zanzibar election done by rulling party Chama Cha Mapinduzi - CCM through the state organs especially security organs in every general election since the first one in 1995. Violence and human right abuse done by security officers, restricting CUF supporters from vote registration and votting, multiple registration of CCM supporters, non-resident CCM voters, unconstitutional mainlanders registration in Zanzibar election have been Constituting a common election culture in Zanzibar. Despite all those misconducts in elections no scientific, documented evidence was provided by CUF to prove it’s victory in all four past elections, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010.
However CUF was technically prepared for the general election in 2015. It not only won the election but it successfully proved it beyond doubt. Fortunately the International Community witnessed the whole election exercise together with all it’s outcomes.
Jecha Salim Jecha, claimed to be CCM cadre serving as the Chairperson of Zanzibar Electoral Commission – ZEC annulled the election results unconstitutionally and unilaterally, a decision which is believed to be instructed by the retired President of The United Republic of Tanzania, Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete. Kikwete is accused for ordering armed forces to militarily invade the election results station at Bwawani hotel, thereby paving a good security environment for Jecha's action to be successful. Despite more than five claims he announced to the public as the base of his decision to annul the election results, he failed to provide at least circumstantial evidence behind his claims.
CUF did a lot to handle the anger of it’s supporters following disappointing Jecha’s decision. CUF leaders restricted their supporters from doing any un-lawful actions such as street riots or fighting as the alternative ways to claim their victory. CUF supporters showed high degree of loyalty and obedience to their leaders as they remain calm and silent as instructed. Maalim Seif speaking to the groups of youths at Party’s Headquarters, at Mtendeni street on 28th October, 2015 immediately after election annulment, he said “we know every one of you is very angry but please remain calm and patient. At the moment give us chance to find your democratic right you have showed in ballot box by peaceful methods through negotiations inside the country and with the International Community. If we fail, we will inform you to find your ballot victory with your own methods”.
This article is challenging the seriousness of the International Community on the Zanzibar issue. The 17 months have elapsed while the International Community is showing weak concern on Zanzibar issue. To keep records clear, Zanzibar has no political conflicts between the ruling side and opposition side. The outcomes of 2015 General Election give no indicator of conflict but rather high degree of power abuses and disrespect of democracy and wish of the people done by the rulers. What happened in Zanzibar following 2015 General Elections is the betrayal of people hopes and wishes about their determination, their freedom, their rights and their future and not political crisis at all.
The records show that the world has never hesitate in dealing with dictators. Strong actions have been taken against various dictators all around Africa and around the world at large. However it is very different from Zanzibar perspective. The world is hesitating, delaying and indirectly ignoring the Zanzibar issue. People of Zanzibar are now tired of waiting the International Community. International community should keep in mind that now is high time for these betrayed people to continue with patience as instructed by their leaders.
Why is International Community delaying to take serious actions against these Tanzania dictators? Two reasons are being brainstormed by Zanzibaris themselves. One is the worry and second is the betrayal. Is International Community worrying about the new leadership? For longtime Tanzania security officers were given a task to cover the Civic United Front- CUF with the wrong image especially propagandas concerning Islam and Radicalism. The state for long time is producing false reports about CUF to mislead the International Community that CUF is made up of group of radical muslims who emphasize fight against Christianity roots and church dominance in Tanzania.
Has International Community betrayed its own promises of creating democratic world communities? Has the International Community betrayed the people of Zanzibar? Has the International Community failed to Supervise Democracy and it’s principles they brought to Africa. Has International Community betrayed those from opposition side that decided to fight and suffer in defending principles of democracy in land of dictators, Africa?
I advise the International community to be actively concerned with Zanzibar issue before the people especially those disappointed, hungry, betrayed youths have not turned out with their own ways. I advise the International Community to deeply and actively hold hands of these betrayed people who have been always struggling under a great respect of peace, order and laws. East Africa is a common land of terrorist attacks. If these youth continue to feel being betrayed they will become easily infiltrated by influence from terrorists. If this stage is reached it is not only Zanzibar and Tanzania security that has been endangered but the whole East African region, the interior Africa and the world at large.