The scientific end of men !


JF-Expert Member
Feb 7, 2009
The Scientific End of Men - Y-Chromosome is Shrinking to Disappear | Nothing But Interesting!!
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Believe it or not, it's true and it's scary. Recent genetic research were conducted to prove that the Y-chromosome, the male chromosome, is in fact shrinking and with time it is about to disappear. Thus, resulting in the end of the entire male gender, and then the end of the sexual reproduction of the human species.

In every cell in our bodies, there is a set of 23 chromosome pairs that determine our characteristics and determine everything about how our body looks and works. 22 of them represent everything similar in our species between men and women, except for the last pair, they're either two X's or an X and a Y. The 23rd pair represent the sex of the person, either XX for females, or XY for males.

Now that you know what exactly we're talking about. The first complete human cell consisted of two identical XX chromosome and each has about 1,000 genes, the Y-chromosome is an evolution, or a mutation of one of the X's. Throughout the years, the Y-chromosome has shrunk to have less than 80 genes out of the 1,000 the X still has. The picture says it all, look at the X and the Y.

Yes, males have to feel insecure because it's the truth. As much as it hurts me to say it, since I am a male myself, it's true. This is a very controversial discovery to geneticists as some say that it will come to an end, and other say that although the Y-chromosome is degenerating by time it can still find a way to replenish itself.

Now what's fascinating about the Y-chromosome is that it creates a secret backup of it in the cell and hides it in case something goes wrong, the backup is an exact mirror of it's entire coding.

Quick Fun Facts about the Y-Chromosome and the X-Chromosome

  • The X-chromosome is the dominant one
  • Although men claim that their physiology and biology is much stronger and stable than women, it's wrong! If both sexes are born and raised in the same conditions, they will have the same physical strength. Besides, women have almost 400% higher pain endurance, it's shown during labor (giving birth to a child)
  • The X-chromosome contains almost 1,000 genes, the Y-chromosome has less than 80 genes
  • The first complete human cell consisted of X-X chromosomes, female!
  • There are 3 women for every man in the world
  • Woman live longer than men because the X-chromosome is much more self contained than the Y-chromosome
  • Most genetic defects, mutations, inherited diseases and abnormalities occur in men more than women with a ratio of 15:1 proving that the Y-chromosome is unstable and prone to making many further mistakes in translating it's genetic coding.

This article is written in simple understandable language so all readers can read without all the scientific terms.

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Tags: chromsomes, end, female, genetics, male, men, research, science, women, X, y

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The discovery is interesting (though not published in a journal) but there is no need to worry. I think what is happening is for the Y chromosome to shed redundant genes. What matters is for the chromosome to maintain the genes essential for sex determination and masculinity. Again I think it will take millions of years to shrink to nothing should that happen! By the way some of us are believers in creation and not evolution at all!
Shrinkage is the human findings BUT ecologically GOD has interventions beyond human comprehension.
Not to worry, it's not gonna be dry - is it?. Stock up is a possibility ........ :))
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