The sad reality of our lives

Afrocentric view

JF-Expert Member
Jun 19, 2022
Every once in a while, a group of men gathers to mourn the loss of their loved one.
They cry remembering the life of the passed one as they bury him in the dirt.

Every man does this untill it's his turn to be the one that's buried.
In that day, other men will also come to his burial to mourn and remember about his life.

At the burial site, men cry and try to comfort each other by imagining that the passed one is gone to another life and that they too shall see him again after they die.
They feed each other sweet lies to minimize the pain of loosing their loved one.

The sad reality is there is no after life. You only live once. No one here will be alive after 300 years to remember you, or to think of you. Nothing you do actually matters on the grand scale. But since it matters to you, then make it matter.

Do what makes you happy, do what makes others happy. Do it quickly, don't wait to do it another day because you don't know the day in which other men will gather to mourn about your life.
The sad reality is there is no after life. You only live once. No one here will be alive after 300 years to remember you, or to think of you. Nothing you do actually matters on the grand scale. But since it matters to you, then make it matter.

I doubt when you say there's no after life. There's a possibility of its existence. I belive there's another world somewhere beyond time and space.

Also some people are meant to be remembered even for more than 300 years. Only ordinary people will be forgotten few months or years after their deaths. Legends will not be forgotten easily.

Somethings you do matters.

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