The mother of all problem which makes the World look like hell

Aug 30, 2022
"Bad thing we are sleep"
"Good thing we can wake up"

and change the whole system.

We are not doing anything while our whole life is full of inequalities everywhere within our country as there is no equality in the distribution of power and income or between countries between countries as powerful rule other countries.

Most of our all problems all we have the main causes is inequality.

Like poverty, dictators or bad leaders, hunger and the rest. No matter how fight we can't win them if we are building equality everywhere first.

Even if we choose good leaders, we will never be able to solve our problem by the system of inequality we have.

Even everyone works hard day and night by the exploitation we have with equality in payment the majority will continue to be poor.

Or choosing good leader will become dictactors or by any way will fail to lead the country make eceryone live well.
What meaning can to choce leader if can't rule together as all decision whether budget or law not pass by us or by related proffesions or organization or anyone than themselves.

Thank you for your attention and time
My name is Prince Ndeserua.

I believe in philosphy can change the World.
We all need knowledge amd we will change.

Please share and can visit on my sicial media.
Instagram, Username Prince Ndeserua

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