Stop your nonsense and release the report please!


JF-Expert Member
Feb 11, 2007
CCM: Don't force JK on report

By Rose Athumani

Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) has disapproved of Chadema's move in pushing for the release of findings on external audit of the central bank's External Payments Account, saying it was not right.

Chadema national Chairman Freeman Mbowe on Tuesday called on the government to make public the BoT audit report, prepared by international audit firm Ernst and Young.

Mr Mbowe said by delaying the release of the findings the Government was not being fair to Tanzanians, "who want to know how their money was spent."

CCM secretariat head for Publicity and Ideology, Capt John Chiligati, yesterday said in a statement that the government was going through the BoT audit report and would release it as promised by President Jakaya Kikwete. "We implore the public to have patience while the government goes through the report. It is not right for some political parties at this time to start pushing the president to release the findings," a part of the statement reads.

"The public should trust in the good intentions of the president when he directed that an audit be conducted," the party statement insisted, affirming that with the same good intentions the president will release the audit report in due time.

He urged Tanzanians to refrain from forcing the hand of the president, since Mr Kikwete has the public interest at heart.

"He is a person who listens to people's opinion on issues," the party official emphasised, noting that "the president keeps his promises and so he does not need to be pushed by anybody or any political party."

Mr Chiligati stated that CCM believes that the government is still working on the BoT audit report and it will be released to the public in due time.

Chadema had on Tuesday wondered why the Government was delaying releasing the audit report.

"Why are they delaying making this report public? Are they trying to doctor its contents or what's going on?" Mr Mbowe had demanded..
Mr Mbowe said the preliminary report have it that about Sh800 billion was stashed away through external payment accounts during the past few years.

Reacting to recent remarks by finance minister Zakhia Meghji that the Government will choose what to inform the public, Mr Mbowe said: "The report belongs to the people of Tanzania and should not be censored by anybody."

He also warned the minister that she should let the public know what has been established on the central bank by international auditors, instead of saying she would select what to make public.

"The Government should understand that the stolen billions belong to the public, therefore they have a right to know from their minister what has been established by the auditors," he emphasised.

Mr Mbowe also questioned the Government's motives in taking the report to the Controller and Auditor General's Office saying such a move was ill conceived.

He also hinted that next year's 8th Sulivan Summit set for Arusha next year saying it aimed at plundering huge natural resources available in Africa under the umbrella of investments.

In most areas where the Sullivan group have invested, locals have been living in difficult conditions, causing chaos and bloody battles to control natural resources, the Chadema leader intoned.
Usanii at its best!

Posted Date::12/20/2007
Meghji atetea kucheleshwa ya ripoti BOT
*Asema bado ipo katika mchakato

Ramadhan Semtawa na Kuruthum Ahmed

SERIKALI imetetea hatua ya Mkaguzi na Mdhibiti Mkuu wa Hesabu za Serikali (CAG) kuendelea kukumbatia ripoti ya ukaguzi wa tuhuma za ufisadi katika Akaunti ya Madeni ya Nje (EPA) ndani ya Benki Kuu ya Tanzania (BoT).

Msimamo huo wa serikali umekuja siku moja baada ya Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema), kuhoji ukimya katika kuitangaza ripoti hiyo na kudai kwamba unaweza kufanya serikali ipike matokeo.

Akizungumza jijini Dares Salaam jana, Waziri wa Fedha, Zakia Meghji, alisema ripoti hiyo ilipaswa kupitia kwa CAG kwani ndiye msimamizi wa mchakato mzima.

Meghji alisema CAG ndiye ametoa kazi na kuteua kampuni hivyo lazima kwanza aipitie kwa kina ripoti hiyo.

"Siyo kwamba CAG ameikumbatia, ni lazima ripoti iwe kwake, aisome na kupitia hatua kwa hatua," alisema Meghji na kuongeza:,

"Kwa sababu yeye CAG ndiye ametafuta kampuni na kusimamia mchakato mzima wa ukaguzi huo."

Waziri Meghji aliongeza kwamba, hakuna ukimya bali ni mchakato kwani awali ripoti hiyo ilikwenda kuandaliwa London,Uingereza.

Kuhusu lini atakabidhiwa, alisema CAG Ludovick Utouh, ambaye kwa sasa yuko nje kikazi anatarajiwa kurejea nchini kesho, hivyo atumaini kukabidhiwa ripoti hiyo siku yeyote mara baada ya kuwasili kwake.

Alipoulizwa kwamba haoni ukimya huo unatia shaka na kuleta uwezekano wa serikali kupika matokeo, alijibu " Serikali haiwezi kupika matokeo."

"Kama serikali ingekuwa haitaki kufanya ukaguzi isingeamua kufanya hivyo, kwani yenyewe ndiyo iliamua, sasa tufiche nini?" alihoji Meghji.

Waziri Meghji aliongeza kwamba, serikali haiwezi kukurupuka tu kuitoa ripoti hiyo bila kuipitia kwa kina.

Alisema serikali inapaswa kulinda heshima yake kwa kuangalia kama maagizo yake katika uchunguzi huo, yamezingatia mambo yote ya msingi ambayo yalipaswa kuchunguzwa.

"Serikali iko, makini lazima ipitie ripoti kwa umakini, kuona kama kweli mambo ya msingi yamezingatiwa ili kulinda heshima yake kwa umma," alisisitiza.

Waziri huyo alisema lengo la serikali ni kuona ripoti hiyo inakamilika ili iweze kutolewa kwa wananchi na kusisitiza kila kitu kitaelezwa bayana wakati wowote ikikamilika kupitiwa.

Juzi katika tamko la Chadema ambalo limetolewa na Mwenyekiti wake, Freeman Mbowe wakati akifungua mkutano wa Baraza Kuu la chama hicho, alisema wamefikia uamuzi huo wa kuitaka serikali itangaze ripoti hiyo hadharani na kuacha kuikumbatia kwani kitendo hicho kinatiashaka kwamba inaweza kufichwa.

Ukaguzi wa akaunti hiyo umefanywa na Kampuni ya Ernst & Young, ambayo ilikabidhi ripoti hiyo kwa CAG mwezi uliopita, lakini hadi sasa kukiwa na ukimya huku taarifa za ndani zikielezwa kuwapo ubadhirifu wa zaidi ya dola 50 milioni.

Ukimya huo umekuwa ukifanya watu wa kada mbalimbali nchi kudhnai kwamba serikali kwamba ina nia ya kugeuza matokeo hayo.
Hivi huyu Chiligati anadhani watz wote hamnazo??

Bila kelele za wapinzani hao hao anao wabeza uchunguzi ungefanyika??

Sasa kama si kigugumizi na kuipika wanakaa nayo muda wote huo kwa nini?? tunahitaji kujua wezi wa hela zetu, tuwashike mashati warudishe kilicho chetu!

Bravo Mbowe, ikibidi itisha rigwaride tuelekee jangwani tuimbe kwa sauti moja tena ya juu.. hadi kieleweke!
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