JF-Expert Member
- Apr 11, 2015
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Nijali! Mimi mtoto wa Tanzania ni mradi maalumu wenye lengo la kushughulikia changamoto zinazowakumba watoto wadogo kwenye nyanja mbalimbali kama vile afya, elimu, malezi na makuzi kwa ujumla.
Mradi huu unaendeshwa kupitia vyombo vya habari ili kutoa elimu kwa umma kuhusu haki za watoto na mambo wanayostahili, pia kwa kuwezesha kitengo cha Ustawi wa Jamii kinachohudumia watoto.
Matangazo ya redio/televisheni na makala mbalimbali kwenye vyombo vya habari hutumika kuweza kukuza uelewa kwa jamii kuzitambua haki za watoto na nafasi ya jamii kwenye kuhakikisha watoto wanaishi maisha salama na yenye mustakabali mwema.
Ifuatayo ni ripoti ya Mwaka 2015 kuhusu utekelezaji wa maazimio ya mradi huu na namna lengo lilivyofikiwa.
This is the second Nijali policy dialogues’ evaluation purposed to appraise planned activities against achievements and whether pre-scheduled milestones have been met, the challenges faced so far and how these challenges were dealt with.
Project Objectives
Nijali intends to rally the public in demanding for not only budget on paper but to keenly follow up on whether said budget is implemented for children, specifically in ensuring that the department of social welfare is funded, adequately staffed and that social welfare officers’ capacity to handle children issues is strengthened, recurrent health, education and general children services budget are observed.
Activities Undertaken so Far:
1. Tracking the 2013/2014 recurrent and development budgets while comparing the actual expenditure and General’s audit report paper budget through the Controller and Auditor
2. Analysis of data collected through the National Child Helpline indicating gaps in the budget for children's services throughout Tanzania.
3. Dialogue with senior media personnel from leading media houses. As a result, close links have been established with the Tanzania Association of Journalists for Children (TAJOC).
4. Four media dialogues on the state of children affairs in the country, quarterly have already been done in Dar es salaam and Mwanza. During these dialogues, stakeholders from the government and institutions that work with children come together with journalists who have a chance to ask in-depth questions based on evidence on the status of children services. The third Media dialogue is currently been planned.
5. Four social media campaigns have been done in the weeks following the dialogues.
6. Follow up interviews have also been done with leading media personalities in radio and TV on the data on children services.
Mradi huu unaendeshwa kupitia vyombo vya habari ili kutoa elimu kwa umma kuhusu haki za watoto na mambo wanayostahili, pia kwa kuwezesha kitengo cha Ustawi wa Jamii kinachohudumia watoto.
Matangazo ya redio/televisheni na makala mbalimbali kwenye vyombo vya habari hutumika kuweza kukuza uelewa kwa jamii kuzitambua haki za watoto na nafasi ya jamii kwenye kuhakikisha watoto wanaishi maisha salama na yenye mustakabali mwema.
Ifuatayo ni ripoti ya Mwaka 2015 kuhusu utekelezaji wa maazimio ya mradi huu na namna lengo lilivyofikiwa.
This is the second Nijali policy dialogues’ evaluation purposed to appraise planned activities against achievements and whether pre-scheduled milestones have been met, the challenges faced so far and how these challenges were dealt with.
Project Objectives
Nijali intends to rally the public in demanding for not only budget on paper but to keenly follow up on whether said budget is implemented for children, specifically in ensuring that the department of social welfare is funded, adequately staffed and that social welfare officers’ capacity to handle children issues is strengthened, recurrent health, education and general children services budget are observed.
Activities Undertaken so Far:
1. Tracking the 2013/2014 recurrent and development budgets while comparing the actual expenditure and General’s audit report paper budget through the Controller and Auditor
2. Analysis of data collected through the National Child Helpline indicating gaps in the budget for children's services throughout Tanzania.
3. Dialogue with senior media personnel from leading media houses. As a result, close links have been established with the Tanzania Association of Journalists for Children (TAJOC).
4. Four media dialogues on the state of children affairs in the country, quarterly have already been done in Dar es salaam and Mwanza. During these dialogues, stakeholders from the government and institutions that work with children come together with journalists who have a chance to ask in-depth questions based on evidence on the status of children services. The third Media dialogue is currently been planned.
5. Four social media campaigns have been done in the weeks following the dialogues.
6. Follow up interviews have also been done with leading media personalities in radio and TV on the data on children services.