Rate My network (East Africa )

Yona F. Maro

Nov 2, 2006
Rate your experience with your mobile phone network, and give it a rating . This will help the public to identify more clearly which network they might choose in the future.

Read this before posting a rating
By doing this you can rate your experience with your mobile phone network.

This will help the public to identify more clearly which network they might choose in the future.

Guidelines: Do not submit your account information, such as phone number, account number, address, and so on. Keep your review to a summary ( do not go into too much detail), do not include Customer Care agents names (even first name) - we will not publish this and will delete this information if you submit it.

IMPORTANT: The information you submit here, will be reviewed and placed on other websites and forums , to allow other people to see what the public perception of each network is. Please only submit reviews for East Africa NETWORKS only. Remember if you want to remove a review, use the contact us feature and we will remove it as soon as possible

You can choose to rate your network any way you however you can also use this guide

= Terrible
Star = Bad
Star = Satisfactory (average)
Star = Good
Star = Great Network

Rate the network on:

Customer Care
Call Cost


Hi there, Zantel , uses Vodacom for its reception, so i cant fault it,where I can fault it is when it comes to its customer service, very
rude bunch of people indeed.

Although they have a good selection of phones, its very hard to get a
top up in the country side, and when I moved Tigo - they flat out
refused to give me the unlock code, saying the manufacture locked it,
and there is nothing they can do - thats Money wasted, and a phone
no one can use, because apparently they dont sell 3 Mobile Sim cards
on there own

Customer Care:



Call Cost

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