Prospectus ya Chuo Kikuu Huria


JF-Expert Member
May 2, 2015
Wakuu, naomba msaada wa ku-download prospectus ya OUT(open university of tanzania) sim yangu haifungui pdf msaada tafadhali wadau, kusaidiana ni utamaduni wetu, nataka niangalie kozi wanazotoa kwa bachelor of sc hasa za agribusiness
Dah! jf bwana haiwezi pita siku bila kuona tusi
hata kama una division one, apply certificate. degree haikufai. unaandika kama bata anatembea?
OUT hawana Agribusiness labda ujaribu SUA au UDSM.

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies (BSc ES)
Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics (BSc FND)
Bachelor of Community Economic Development [BCED] – Host Dep’t: CECED
Bachelor of Arts in Economics [BA ECON] – Host Dep’t: CECED
Bachelor of Arts in Natural Resource Management [BA NRM] – Host Dep’t:
OUT hawana Agribusiness labda ujaribu SUA au UDSM.

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies (BSc ES)
Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics (BSc FND)
Bachelor of Community Economic Development [BCED] – Host Dep’t: CECED
Bachelor of Arts in Economics [BA ECON] – Host Dep’t: CECED
Bachelor of Arts in Natural Resource Management [BA NRM] – Host Dep’t:
Mkuu BCED na BA ECON kwanini iitwe Bachelor of art? inamaana sio science? ipi nzuri kwa kujiajiri?
The Open University of Tanzania (OUT) is the first university in the whole of the East Africa region to offer educational programmes through Open and Distance Learning mode. The university offers a number of courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The courses at Open University of Tanzania include: S/N
Programme Programme Duration (Yrs) 1 Bachelor of Arts with Education
3-8 2
Bachelor of Arts Journalism 3-8 3 Bachelor of Arts Mass Communication 3-8 4 Bachelor of Arts Sociology
3-8 5
Bachelor of Arts Social Work 3-8 6 Bachelor of Arts Tourism
3-8 7
Bachelor of Arts Economics 3-8 8 Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Linguistics 3-8 9 Bachelor of Arts in Kiswahili & Creative Studies 3-8 10 Bachelor of Arts in History
3-8 11
Bachelor of Arts in Natural Resources Management
3-8 12
Bachelor of Arts in Population and Development
3-8 13
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and religious Studies 3-8 14 Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration 3-8 15 Bachelor of Arts in International Relations 3-8 16
Bachelor of Library & Information Management
3-8 17
Bachelor of Community Economic Development 3-8 18 Bachelor of Arts in Literature (BA LIT) 3-8 19 Bachelor of Business Administration with Education 3-8 20 Bachelor of Business Administration
(Accounting) 3-8 21 Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance)
3-8 22
Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing)
3-8 23
Bachelor of Business Administration (Human Resource
Management) 3-8 24 Bachelor of Business Administration (International
Business) 3-8 25 Bachelor of Human Resource Management 3-8 26
Bachelor of Education in Special Education 3-8 27 Bachelor of Education Teacher Educator (BED TE) 3-8 28 Bachelor of Education in Adult and Distance Learning (BED ADL) 3-8 29 Bachelor of Education in Educational Policy and Management (BED EPM) 3-8 30 Bachelor of Laws 3-8 31
Bachelor of Science General (BSc Gen) 3-8 32 Bachelor of Science Environmental studies (ES) 3-8 33 Bachelor of Science with Education (BSc Ed) 3-8 34 Bachelor of Science (ICT)
3-8 35
Bachelor of Science in Energy Resources (BSc ER) 3-8 36 Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics (BSc FND) 3-8 SUMMARY OF POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMES Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Postgraduate Diploma in Policy Studies (PGDPS) Master of Arts in Literature (MA Lit) Thesis Master of Arts in Linguistics (M.A. (Ling) ) Master of Arts in Economics by Research/Thesis (M.A. (Econ)) Master of Science in Economics (MSc.
Economics) Masters in Community Economic Development (MCED)-Executive Master of Arts in History (M.A. (History)) Master of Arts in Kiswahili (M.A. (Kiswahili)) Master of Arts in Geography (M.A. (Geography)) Master of Arts in Tourism Studies (M.A. (Tour. Stud.) Master of Arts in Social work (MA SW) Master in International Cooperation and Development (MICD)
Master in Humanitarian Action, Cooperation and Development (MHACD) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Faculty of Business Management Postgraduate Diploma in Business Studies (PGDBS Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM)
Master of Project Management (MPM) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Faculty of Education Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) Master of Education (M.Ed)
Master of Education in Administration, Planning and Policy Studies (M.Ed.APPS) Master of Distance Education (M.Dist. Ed.) Master of Education in Language Teaching (M. Ed. in LT) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Faculty of Science, Technology and Environmental Studies Master of Science in Biology (M.Sc. Bio) Master of Science in Mathematics (M.Sc. MAT)
Master of Science in Chemistry (M.Sc. Chem)
Master of Science in Physics (M.Sc. Phy) Master of Science in Home Economics (M.Sc. HE) Master of Science in Environmental Science (M.Sc. ES) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Faculty of Law Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL) Master of Laws (LL.M) by Coursework Masters of Law (LLM) by Thesis Master of Law – IT and Telecommunications
(LLM IT&T) Master of Law in International Criminal Justice (LLM ICJ) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Centre for Economics and Community Economic Development (CECED) CECED is comprised of two departments namely Economics and Community Economic Development. The Economics department currently offers a BA general degree while the Community Economic Development offers courses in development studies. Starting this academic year, CECED is offering two new undergraduate programs namely BA Economics (BA ECON) and Bachelor of Community Economic Development (BCED). The details of the programme are as
given below: Department of Economics Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BA Econ) The main objective of the BA ECON programme is to enable students demonstrate develop the ability to critically evaluate and apply theories and techniques of economics. Educational Objectives By the end of the programme, a student will be able to: i. To provide an in-depth knowledge of economics and to enable students to apply the knowledge and understanding gained in this subject area. 9 15 ii. To enable students to study and apply the principles of economics to different types of practical situation that will be useful for future employment. iii. To encourage ongoing critical, evaluative and strategic ways of thinking in all areas. iv. To recognize
the importance of the industry education relationship and to offer opportunities for learning in other environments. v. To enable students
to undertake relevant postgraduate study. vi. To provide successful graduates of the programme with an
educational and training profile that will equip them for employment in a range of sectors. Minimum Entry Requirements Candidates for BA ECON will only be admitted on the basis of the Open University of Tanzania s rules and regulations which govern the admission process. BA Econ Programme Structure A student is required to complete 36units in order to qualify for a BA in Economics. Level I Code Course Title OUT Units TCU credits Status OEC 130 History of Economic Thought 2 20 Core OEC 131 Introduction to Microeconomics 2 20 Core OEC 132 Introduction to Macroeconomics 2 20 Core OEC 133 Basic mathematics and statistics for Economists 2 20 Core OEC 134 Social science Research methods 2 20 Core OFC 017 Communication Skills 1 10 Compulsory OCP 100 Introduction to Computers 1 10 Compulsory TOTAL UNITS 12 120 Level II Code Course Title OUT Units TCU credits Status OEC 230 Intermediate Microeconomics 2 20 Core OEC 231 Intermediate Macroeconomics 2 20 Core OEC 232 Development Economics 2 20 Core OEC 233 Quantitative methods for Economists 2 20 Core OEC 234 Econometrics 2 20 Core OEC 235 Corporate Finance and Investments 2 20 Core TOTAL UNITS 12 120 Level III Code Course Title OUT Units TCU credits Status OEC 330 Monetary Economics 2 20 Core OEC 331 International Economics 2 20 Core OEC 332 Public Economics 2 20 Core OEC 333 Industrial Economics 2 20 Core OEC 334 Labour Economics 2 20 Core OEC 335 Agricultural Economics 2 20 Core TOTAL UNITS 12 120 NOTE: Students must select at least ONE (1) elective course in level III so as to complete total units required to graduate. 10 16 Department of Community Economic Development Development Studies Development Studies courses are taken by all University students as optional courses. Students can take either ODS 202A Society, Technology and Environment (for Humanities Bias Group) or ODS 202B Environment, Technology and Development (for Science bias Group). Students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; Faculty of Education and Faculty of Law comprise the Humanities Bias group while those in the Faculty of Science, Technology and Environmental Studies constitute the Science bias group. The course structure is as indicated below: Level One Course Code Course Title Status Units ODS
101 A: Concepts/Theories of Social Development Elective 1 ODS 101 B: Political Economy Elective 1 ODS 101 C: Political and Social Development in Africa Elective 1 ODS 102 A:* ODS 102 B:* Issues in Development Social Services and Development Elective Elective 1 1 OFC 017: Communication Skills Core 1 OCP 100: Introduction to Computer Core 1 Level Two Course Code Course Title Status Units ODS
201 A:* Tanzania's Development Experience Elective 1 ODS 201 B:* Alternative Development strategies Elective 1 ODS 202 A:* Society, Technology and Environment (For Humanities only) Elective 1 ODS 202 B: Environment, Technology and Development (For Natural Sciences and Technology) Elective 1 * Courses not offered in this academic year. Bachelor of Community Economic Development (BCED) Community Economic Development (CED) is a participatory process by which communities initiate and generate their own solutions to economic problems leading to positive concrete changes in communities through: creating employment; stabilizing local economies; reducing poverty; contributing to the health of the natural environment; building local resources and capacities; and increasing community control. CED is understood in its widest sense as an
emerging, diverse field of practice accompanied by analysis of the social-economic context. The BCED programme seeks to provide a unique opportunity to students who wish to develop their career in CED. Objectives of the Programme The main objectives of the Bachelor of Community Economic Development are to: train Community Economic Development practitioners to work in the government, private sector and with communities; generate knowledge and information that will permit leaders in government, private sector and in communities to make informed decisions; encourage a high degree of local participation in making well informed economic choices; assist in building sustainable institutions that will assure equitable sharing of the benefits of those choices; build capacity among practitioners working with communities. equip students with sufficient knowledge, skills and attitude that will enable them to work competently as economists in the government, international organizations, financial sector, business sector, etc. Entry Qualifications Candidates for BCED will be admitted on the basis of the Open University Tanzania s rules and regulations which govern the admission process. 11 17 Duration The course shall be completed at least within three years in all modes. However a student can extend to a maximum of
up to eight years for a distance mode. Assessment Regulations Students are assessed by a combination of timed test and final examination. The timed test comprises of 30% while the final examination carries 70% making a total of 100%. The formal examinations and timed test allow sufficient assessment and feedback to maintain intellectual rigour and provide opportunity for individual improvement. Programme Structure The programme structure has three levels. Each level is equivalent to two academic years, assuming an average learner. Details of the courses in each level are provided in
the table below: Level One Code Title of the Course OUT Units TCU Credits Status CED 101 Principles of CED 2 20 Core CED 102 Economics for CED 2 20 Core OAF 111 Principles of Accounting 2 20 Core OEC 123 Mathematics and Statistics for Economists 2 20 Core CED 103 SMEs and Development 2 20 Core OCP 100 Introduction to Computers 1 10 Core OFC 107 Communication Skills 1 10 Core Total 12 120 Level Two OUT units TCU Credits Status CED 201 Microfinance Management 2 20 Core CED 202 Resource Mobilization and Management for 2 20 Core CED Projects CED 203 Poverty Analysis and Intervention 2 20 Core CED 204 CED Project Management 2 20 Core CED 205 Organizational Management for CED 2 20 Core OME 312 Entrepreneurship and Business Planning 2 20 Core Total 12 120 Level Three OUT units TCU Credits Status CED 301 Project Monitoring and Evaluation 3 30 Core CED 302 Community Needs Assessment 3 30 Core CED 303 Sustainable Responses to Environmental problems 2 20 Core CED 304 Development as a tool for Conflict Resolution * 2 20 Elective OEC 305 Development Economics* 2 20 Elective CED 305 Rural Livelihoods and Sustainable Development* 2 20 Elective CED 306 Gender Issues in CED* 2 20 Elective Total 12 160 Grand total 36 340 *Candidate to select at least TWO of these courses Award Upon completion and passing of all the courses, Community Needs Assessment (CNA) and field practical, a student will be awarded a Bachelor of Community Economic Development degree of the Open University of Tanzania. Programme Delivery The programme will be delivered in Open Distance Learning Mode (ODL)
as well as face-to-face evening mode. Academic year starts in September/October by an orientation week. During orientation,
students will be provided with course outlines, study manuals and other guiding materials. 12
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