Naombeni ushauri; Nimempenda mume wa mtu

you may not have set out to fall in love with a married man, but there are times in life when even the most intelligent women find their emotions getting the better of them. Loving and dating a married man can be extremely painful and seldom works out well.

Here's my best advice and things to remember:

  1. Remember that his first priority will always be his children and his wife, no matter what he says.
  2. Do not sacrifice everything for him. Be independent. Go on dates with other men. Have other hobbies. He's not giving up everything for you, so you shouldn't give up everything for him either.
  3. Your relationship will change if he divorces his wife for you. It will not all be fun and games anymore.
  4. Make your relationship worth your time. Ask him to support you financially, or at least make sure you're getting as much out of it as you're putting in. Don't let him take advantage of you.
  5. Be honest with yourself. What you're doing is risky. Own up to the risk.
  6. Very likely, he will not leave his wife for you.
  7. No matter what he says, he's still having sex with his wife. Don't let your relationship with him keep you from seeing other people.
Nina mtu nampenda sana
Na yy ameniakikishia ananipenda lkn yy ana mke na
Na siku alonambia ananipend alinambia kuw yy ameia
Sasa nifanye nn??
Naomben ushauri wenu
Chukua ushauri wa bure,wewe kama ni muislamu akuoe mke wa pili,kama ni mkristu jiandae kubadili dini uolewe kama yeye ni muislamu,kama wote ni wa kristo jiandae kutumika mpaka mke wake afe,kama yeye ni mkristu wewe muislamu tumika mama hadi mkewe afe.kwa nini uingie kwenye mahusiano ambayo mwanga kule mbele hayan?mmoja wenu au wote mwishoni mtaumia,mtapendana lakini mwisho itawalazimu muachane tu,l have been in a similar situation na mwanamke na mwishowe wote tulipata maumivu makali.Pliz tafakari mdau!

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