Nairobi to legalize Ukahaba

The city council of Nairobi is considering to relax its by laws to allow sex workers to operate freely. Nairobi mayor says the council will stop harrassing sex workers and will certainly find a place to have them operate freely and they will be required to pay relevant taxes. Will consider petition signed by prostitutes by Feb 14.

What are your thoughts on this?

It happens anyway in NRB ,DAR (jolly,macheni,kinondoni) they might as well legalize it/80% ya wanaume washakula kahaba.
Unbelievable to read such comments from an African government institution where the majority are Christians(if not religious) and against African culture! However at this junction, Pastors, Bishops, Cardinals are failing the Lord our God by not delivering such lecherous men! These are men/women who are possessed by either man or woman spirits and the right cure for them is for our Pastors to have them delivered. Prophet T B Joshua is doing that why not other pastors? have a glance at or for testimonies some of the delivered chaps came from Tanzania, Argentine, USA.
good move. next is to tax them. prostitution is the oldest trade in the world and will never die even if it is banned. as long as its two adults, that is their business. the reason young men in the middle east are usually full of anger and are ready to fight over small things ni juu ya lack of casual sex for stress relief.
Uzuri Mungu hana hasira za haraka kama Binadamu, vinginevyo hali ingekuwa tata sana kwa namna ambavyo Mungu anachokozwa na binadamu
Unbelievable to read such comments from an African government institution where the majority are Christians(if not religious) and against African culture! However at this junction, Pastors, Bishops, Cardinals are failing the Lord our God by not delivering such lecherous men! These are men/women who are possessed by either man or woman spirits and the right cure for them is for our Pastors to have them delivered. Prophet T B Joshua is doing that why not other pastors? have a glance at or for testimonies some of the delivered chaps came from Tanzania, Argentine, USA.
Ohooh!!!! So you are better than us??! You have taken the high moral ground now. While most people agree it is immoral to engage in prostitution, tell us why you cant start your moral crusade against those who patronize prostitutes. Include male prostitutes and gay ones in your definitions. Yes, they exist!!!

I think its high time you disassociate your moral ramblings from the FACT of human sexuality. Makahaba understand sexuality well and are simply making money from it. Perhaps you might factor in sexuality and everyday realities in your response.
It isn't that bad I have been in Ethiopia and i kinda like the way they are organized on the "trade".
Please shine a light on this, brother.
Its quite clear Niv understands that you are either one of the sexuality under ground activist or you are a beneficiary from the proceeds indirectly accrued from the this abominable business that is why he is asking for more clarity from you! You should understand that any person who is gay, any religious clergy be it Christian or Muslim, the victim is termed as according to Christianity possessed with a SPIRIT MAN(shetwani dume) and for a lesbian is a victim of SPIRIT WOMAN(shetwani jike). Once the persons are separated from the SPIRITS by any Servant of God -- Pastors, Priests, Padres,Bishops, Cardinals they resume their normal life and this can only be done by true men of God and N O T money hungry clergies. I have given a examples of these type of Servants of God. In actual fact leaders of the different Christian denominations are failing their Creator, God for not dutifully performing their rightful duties. Gays and Lesbians are to be welcomed into Churches so as to get this rare assistance -- again refer to for vivid testimonies and let the Bishops renounce their weakness and do God's work.
It isn't that bad I have been in Ethiopia and i kinda like the way they are organized on the "trade".
Its quite clear Niv understands that you are either one of the sexuality under ground activist or you are a beneficiary from the proceeds indirectly accrued from the this abominable business that is why he is asking for more clarity from you! You should understand that any person who is gay, any religious clergy be it Christian or Muslim, the victim is termed as according to Christianity possessed with a SPIRIT MAN(shetwani dume) and for a lesbian is a victim of SPIRIT WOMAN(shetwani jike). Once the persons are separated from the SPIRITS by any Servant of God -- Pastors, Priests, Padres,Bishops, Cardinals they resume their normal life and this can only be done by true men of God and N O T money hungry clergies. I have given a example of these type of Servants of God. In actual fact leaders of the different Christian denominations are failing their Creator, God for not dutifully performing their rightful duties. Gays and Lesbians are to be welcomed into Churches so as to get this rare assistance -- again refer to for vivid testimonies and let the Bishops renounce their weakness and do God's work.
Its quite clear Niv understands that you are either one of the sexuality under ground activist or you are a beneficiary from the proceeds indirectly accrued from the this abominable business that is why he is asking for more clarity from you! You should understand that any person who is gay, any religious clergy be it Christian or Muslim, the victim is termed as according to Christianity possessed with a SPIRIT MAN(shetwani dume) and for a lesbian is a victim of SPIRIT WOMAN(shetwani jike). Once the persons are separated from the SPIRITS by any Servant of God -- Pastors, Priests, Padres,Bishops, Cardinals they resume their normal life and this can only be done by true men of God and N O T money hungry clergies. I have given a examples of these type of Servants of God. In actual fact leaders of the different Christian denominations are failing their Creator, God for not dutifully performing their rightful duties. Gays and Lesbians are to be welcomed into Churches so as to get this rare assistance -- again refer to for vivid testimonies and let the Bishops renounce their weakness and do God's work.
The claim that our behavior, urges and tenancies are been driven by some extraterrestrial forces is nonsense.
We are only driven by our environment, physiological and psychological demands in our daily decision makings. No supernatural forces are involved. They have nothing to do with anything. Where is proof that they even exist and they play part in our (humans) affairs?
I reject such arguments. It's all tosh!
Its quite clear Niv understands that you are either one of the sexuality under ground activist or you are a beneficiary from the proceeds indirectly accrued from the this abominable business that is why he is asking for more clarity from you! You should understand that any person who is gay, any religious clergy be it Christian or Muslim, the victim is termed as according to Christianity possessed with a SPIRIT MAN(shetwani dume) and for a lesbian is a victim of SPIRIT WOMAN(shetwani jike). Once the persons are separated from the SPIRITS by any Servant of God -- Pastors, Priests, Padres,Bishops, Cardinals they resume their normal life and this can only be done by true men of God and N O T money hungry clergies. I have given a examples of these type of Servants of God. In actual fact leaders of the different Christian denominations are failing their Creator, God for not dutifully performing their rightful duties. Gays and Lesbians are to be welcomed into Churches so as to get this rare assistance -- again refer to for vivid testimonies and let the Bishops renounce their weakness and do God's work.
Enough. I only asked the man to elaborate. Many countries are taking a practical approach to this issue, as opposed to your moralizing.In the Netherlands, there are set aside areas for this trade, and the practitioners get medical services, counseling and a host of social services that you and I can only dream of. The practitioners are licensed and pay tax to the local council. This is what this thread is about : a practical way out of this phenomenon, which will be here 100 years from today.

If you have no sin in you, cast the first stone. Don't label others and especially don't demonise people, we are all God's children and so by extension, all of us are divine.

I only wanted to know what they do in Ethiopia,so stop with the sermons, I have my own pastor,thank you very much .If you have a practical solution please contribute, else you may find a nice pile of kuni and burn all your witches to your heart's(not God's )delight. End of story.
when am in the city, huwa najipooza @ some place near nairobi womens hospital in hurlingham...they serve exotics!!
Enough. I only asked the man to elaborate. Many countries are taking a practical approach to this issue, as opposed to your moralizing.In the Netherlands, there are set aside areas for this trade, and the practitioners get medical services, counseling and a host of social services that you and I can only dream of. The practitioners are licensed and pay tax to the local council. This is what this thread is about : a practical way out of this phenomenon, which will be here 100 years from today.

If you have no sin in you, cast the first stone. Don't label others and especially don't demonise people, we are all God's children and so by extension, all of us are divine.

I only wanted to know what they do in Ethiopia,so stop with the sermons, I have my own pastor,thank you very much .If you have a practical solution please contribute, else you may find a nice pile of kuni and burn all your witches to your heart's(not God's )delight. End of story.
Thanks, May the Almighty God Bless You.
when am in the city, huwa najipooza @ some place near nairobi womens hospital in hurlingham...they serve exotics!!
Them hookers @ Hurlingham are damn xpensive! Meeen! U really splash ur dough on those cute Ethiopian chicks for real? I envy u terribly.
Let me elaborate@quickly,in Ethiopia the brothel or bar owners bring in the girls from wherever they get them and house them in dormitory like living .u pay for the services by the counter for the agreed time and woe unto you if u mistreat her in any way you will understand who Ethiopia Federals are!!.In Moyale Where i was based charges are high compared to hinterland since they have a notion that Kenyans are Mr. moneybags, a Shot is Ksh.1500 and importing to Kenya it starts from Ksh.3500 paid at the counter or manager.when importing you leave your Kenyan ID for collection when the girl is back safe.But unajua Wakenya they are explorers there is a Place in Ethio named Kambi Moto you can get the service from as low as Ksh. 200. I used to believe Mandera was one of the strict islamic leaning towns in Kenya till i was there last year dude Ukicross to Mandera Ethiopia beer flows freely where you come back to Kenya and head to a place Known as Bula **** where you get sexual satisfaction services.i hope mmeelewa
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