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- Oct 17, 2010
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Wakazi wa Chelekeyi,huko Bungoma Kenya Jumapilii hii walishangazwa,baada ya Msichana wa miaka 17 wa darasa la 8 kujiua baada ya kukatazwa na mama yake kuto kuvaa sketi ya kimini wakati wa kwenda kanisani.
Msichana huyo wa miaka 17 alikatazwa na mama yake tutokuvaa kimini hicho wakati wa kudhuria ibada ya kanisani,mama alienda kanisani na kumuacha mwanae abadilishe,ila baada ya kurudi nyumbani alimkuta mwanae amekunywa sumu inayotumika kuuwa vijidudu kwenye mifugo.
Inasikitisha watoto wa sikuhizi kujaribu kuonyesha misimamo yao kwa kufanya vitu vya kipuuzi alisema mmoja wa wanakijiji hao wa Chelekeyi,Bungoma.
Standard 8 girl commits suicide after she was banned from wearing miniskirts
A 17-year-old girl from Chelekeyi village in Kimilili, Bungoma County committed suicide after she was banned from wearing miniskirts by her mother on Sunday, June 5. Nekesa Kuloba was told not to wear miniskirts while going to Church – and to express her anger toward her mother, Irine Kuloba, she poisoned herself using insecticide for cattle. Mrs Kuloba says after issuing the ban, she left her daughter and proceeded to church believing the teen would change her attire and follow her.
Uncharacteristically, that did not happen. When Mrs Kuloba returned home, she found her daughter unconscious. The distraught woman rushed Nekesa to Kimilili Sub-District for emergency care. Doctors at the facility discovered that the pupil had poisoned herself and the toxicant substance had taken long before being purged, causing her death.
The teenager’s body was taken to Dreamland Missionary Hospital for preservation. Mrs Kuloba says her daughter was a brilliant child who performed well in academics. Nekesa was to sit for Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) in November this year.
Chanzo: Edaily