Martha Karua ni nani?


JF-Expert Member
Jul 2, 2007
Kufuatia sekeseke la machafuko na mgogoro wa kisiasa mara baada ya uchaguzi, nimekuwa nikifuatilia kwa karibu sana mchakato wa majadiliano/makubaliano ya kurejesha amani nchini Kenya.

Inasemekana Mh. Martha Karua aliingia kwenye malumbano personal na Mzee Annan na BWM mpaka ikafikia hatua ya Annan kugoma kuendelea na hizo negotiation kupitia hizo timu za wawakilishi wa PNU na ODM.

Swali ninalojiuliza, huyu mama hii jeuri na kiburi anaipata kutoka wapi?

Nitaweka habari ambayo imemtaja kwamba yeye ndiye aliyevuruga mazungumzo yaliyokuwa yanasimamiwa na Annan.

Kwa wale walio Kenya au walio na ufahamu juu ya role ya Martha Karua ndani ya PNU naomba watupe kwa undani ili tujue kama na yeye ana ndoto ya kuja kugombea urais ama ni ufurukutwa wa Kibaki. Kwa kiasi kikubwa amekuwa kikwazo cha marekebisho ya katiba kwa kutumia cheo chake cha uwaziri wa sheria na pia alivuruga hata mikutano ya minimum reforms ambayo lengo lake lilikuwa ni kufanya marekebisho madogo kwa ajili ya uchaguzi ili uwe huru na wa haki. Lakini sasa naona wamewa-fix na sijui kama watapata upenyo wa kukwepa tena kufanya hayo marekebisho.
How JK salvaged Kenya peace talks

By Tom Mosoba, Dar and Emman Omari, Nairobi

The inside story of how the Kenyan political deal was finally clinched on Thursday can be revealed today by The Citizen.

Sources said that Tanzanian model, where the President and the Prime Minister amicably share State responsibilities is what eventually won the hearts of the hardliners on the Government side.

The revelations emerged as the talks mediated by former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan resumed at the Serena Hotel in Nairobi yesterday, but conspicuously missing was Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister Martha Karua, who leads the four-member PNU mediation team.

Her colleague at the talks, Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetangula, said the minister was engaged in another assignment.

But sources from inside the shuttle diplomacy that culminated into the signing of the power sharing agreement between President Mwai Kibaki and his erstwhile rival, opposition leader Raila Odinga, said that it was only after the Tanzanian system was fully explained that the Government side agreed to salvage the deal.

President Jakaya Kikwete, it was revealed, was particularly instrument in persuading his Kenyan counterpart to accept creation of the post of executive premier.

"Kibaki was adamant on not relenting on ceding power to his rival but Kikwete thoroughly explained to him the Tanzanian model while giving his own experience," the sources said.

"It is not an easy job being in power. It is not a luxurious experience to shoulder the burden alone," President Kikwete was reported to have told Mr Kibaki, in an effort to convince the Kenyan leader to agree to the creation of the office for prime minister as his principal assistant in government.

This was during the Wednesday meeting between the two leaders without any of the government negotiators.

"This actually appeared to be the turning point and Kibaki only made one request. He asked Kikwete to make sure that the prime minister's office was not immediately entrenched in the constitution," said another source.

"Kibaki appeared to have understood Kikwete and actually from then on it was like a big step had been taken towards drawing the final document," the sources explained.

Only after this icebreaking, did President Kikwete agree to bring in Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka and the government negotiators, namely ministers Martha Karua, Sam Ongeri and Mutula Kilonzo.

Yesterday, a source close to President Kibaki said: "A time comes when a leader must take the hard decisions on his own and what happened yesterday (Thursday) was one such moment. The President rose above party interests to make a decision for Kenya."

In Nairobi Mr Annan resumed the talks on what is commonly known as Agenda Four on long-term resolutions. They include comprehensive constitutional review within a year. His job will, however, be driven forward by Nigerian negotiator, Prof Oliweni Abenije.

Earlier on, President Kikwete, who is the African Union (AU) chairman, had held talks with Mr Raila Odinga and his team of negotiators at Grand Regency Hotel, where he was staying. Those present were Mr Musalia Mudavadi, Mr William Ruto, Dr Sally Kosgei and Mr James Orengo.

The Raila team, it was said, pleaded with President Kikwete to force a deal through as they feared worse violence would break out if his intervention failed.

"The ODM (Orange Democratic Movement) team reported that the Government was arming the dreaded Mungiki militia to cause mayhem across the country," explained the source.

Members of the government team had also their own worries and immediately sought President Kikwete's help as soon as he arrived at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on Tuesday.

An official in the entourage confirmed that Kenya's foreign minister Moses Wetangula almost begged Mr Kikwete at the airport to have Mr Annan rescind his earlier decision to suspend the talks.

Mr Annan had called off consultations with the two negotiating teams after Justice minister Karua, criticised him and fellow mediator, former Tanzanian President Benjamim Mkapa. She reportedly accused them of alleged incompetence when they argued the case for an executive prime minister.

Mr Wetangula conceded that the suspension of the talks had caught the Government off-guard and was not good for its image. "The minister told Kikwete to convince Annan to rescind his decision and resume negotiations."

In Dar es Salaam on Thursday, while addressing the media on his arrival from Nairobi, President Kikwete said he was not aware the talks had been put off when he arrived in Nairobi. He said: "On arrival at the JKIA, this minister (Wetangula) came announcing that things had taken a different twist with Mr Annan calling off the talks."

President Kikwete said from there on, he knew the Kenyan crisis was taking a dangerous turn. "Annan had, of course, called and asked me to join him. He said things were not comfortable but he abruptly ended the talks," said the AU chairman.

Revealing the negotiations that unlocked the stalemate, President Kikwete said he met Mr Annan and his predecessor, Mr Mkapa, to get a proper briefing.

In the meeting, Mr Annan insisted that the intervention of his team and President Kikwete revolve around the six-point agreement by PNU and ODM before the talks were cancelled.

"We looked at the document and put together the agreed areas and separated the sticking points that we were to hold talks around with Kibaki and Odinga," explained Kikwete.

The Tanzanian leader said the major problem was how to create the prime minister's office and powers he should enjoy in government and whether these powers should be entrenched in the constitution.

He said they embarked on the delicate mission to assure the two teams that it was possible to have both the president and prime minister working harmoniously.

"It is really like our case here with Mizengo Pinda (Tanzanian prime minister). The office bearer has the power to oversee control, supervise day to day functions of the government," President Kikwete said on Thursday at the airport.

In the negotiated deal, the new-look Kenyan government will have the president, vice-president, prime minister and two prime ministers.

The only difference between the Tanzanian and Kenyan prime ministers, he said, is that the former has the word control added while in Kenya they chose to only have one who would coordinate and supervise the functions and execution of government function.

President Kikwete said he had been moved by pleas from the many Kenyans he came across in the corridors of state and in the streets, who beseeched him to stay until a deal was struck.

He said he would be shocked if any of the Kenyan leaders reneged on any part of the long-drawn agreement.

Source: The Citizen
Aliyepigwa hili bao ni Martha Karua??? Ngoja tuone kama Kibaki ataweza kumtetea kwa kuwa huyu Mama nadhani hata kama ni ushupavu basi wa kwake unavuka mipaka na ni ushupavu kwa ajili ya maslahi binafsi na si kwa ajili ya wakenya!

The Swiss deny minister visa to travel to Geneva

By Sunday Standard Team

A Cabinet minister has been denied a visa to travel to Geneva, Switzerland, on official assignment.

The minister, who is a member of PNU and was to leave on Saturday night with a ministerial team, cancelled the trip on Thursday after being informed of the visa ban.

Sources said the minister’s visa application alongside that of a Permanent Secretary and a legal officer in the same ministry were submitted to the Swiss Embassy in Nairobi on Tuesday. While the other two were approved, the minister got a letter from the embassy, saying the visa had been denied.

The letter did not explain if the minister’s visa ban extends to other European Union countries, but the trend with such bans is that other countries and the US take the cue.

Once the letter was delivered, the minister instructed accounting officials in the ministry to cancel a Sh123,000 imprest, which had been filled out for travel expenses.

The minister and the team were to attend a three-day workshop, which starts in Geneva tomorrow.

The PS and the other officer left last night aboard a Kenya Airways flight, via Amsterdam.

A Kenya Airways reservations officer said the other two names were on the confirmed passenger list but the minister’s was not.

Phones to the Swiss embassy in Nairobi were not answered, being a weekend. But the country issued a warning two weeks ago that it would take measures against leaders seen as subverting the peace process.

A statement from the Swiss Embassy consular, Mr Arthur Mattli, on February 19, said his country would take measures against leaders seen to have held back the talks. Also included were those seen to subvert democracy or promote violence.

"Switzerland considers the mediation the only way to resolve the crisis into which Kenya has plunged, following the announcement of the contentious results of the presidential elections held on December 27," said Mattli’s statement.

The statement, similar to others issued by the US and some EU countries, were seen to target several top politicians, including Cabinet ministers.

Government spokesman, Dr Alfred Mutua, on Saturday denied any knowledge of a ban on a minister to travel to Geneva.

"There is no such thing. I don’t know where you got that from," said Mutua by telephone.

The statements and the ban threats were made before the Thursday breakthrough, in which President Kibaki and ODM leader, Mr Raila Odinga, signed a power-sharing deal.

Only Mukurwe-ini MP, Mr Kabando wa Kabando, has openly admitted having been asked by the US Embassy to explain in an essay how he has promoted peace in the country.

Source: The Standard
Kuna tofauti mhimu sana kati ya Primr Minister wa Tanzania na huyo aliyekubaliwa katika upatanishi wa Kenya.

Kwanza ni mhimu kutambua kuwa hii ni serikali ya "Grand Coalision" ambayo inatokana na vyama viwili tofauti, na kila chama kitakuwa na wawakilishi wake katika serikali hiyo kwa mgawo uliokubaliwa.

PM wa Kenya; at least katika awamu ya serikali hii ya Muungano atakuwa na madaraka na uwezo zaidi kuliko PM wetu. Kwanza, Kibaki hatakuwa na uwezo wa kumbadilisha waziri bila ya kukubaliana na Raila. Na kwa vile Raila (PM teule)atakuwa ni kiongozi wa chama tofauti na kile cha Kibaki, Rais, hata kwa kushirikiana na wabunge wa chama chake hawawezi kumtoa madarakani waziri mkuu.

Martha Karua ni mmoja wa Wakikuyu ambao bado wanajiona kuwa wao ndio wenye nchi kuliko wengine. Msimamo wake ni ule ule wanaoushikilia akina John Michuki, Kimunya (waziri wa fedha) na wengineo.

Inawezekana kabisa wakaendeleza kuweka ngumu katika uundwaji wa serikali hii inayotarajiwa kwa kutumia mbinu mbalimbali huko Bungeni. Wakiendeleza hayo, Kenya itakuwa katika msukosuko mkubwa.
Ninakubaliana na analysis yako nadhani ndiyo maana Raila alikubali haraka maana kama angeingia kichwa kichwa kwenye hayo makubaliano ya kukubali kuwa PM wakati hana power yoyote ingekuwa ni kukubali kitanzi. Lakini sasa kitanzi kiko kwa Kibaki na kama grand coalition ikigoma basi itabidi waitishe uchaguzi mpya kama walivyokubaliana kwenye makubaliano yao.

Ngoja tusubiri yatakayojiri Bungeni mara litakapoanza rasmi siku ya Alhamis maana naona linasubiriwa kwa hamu kubwa sana.

Hivi upitishaji wa mswaada wa sheria unataka simple majority ama 2/3? Lakini so far vyama vingine kama KANU, SAFINA na ODM-K vinaweza kupunguza support kwa Kibaki kutokana na hali halisi ya sasa hivi, maana Kibaki hana peremende tena za kuwaringishia na hawezi kuwatupa nje akina Kimunya, Karua na Michuki kwenye baraza jipya. Hilo linapunguza chances za watu wa nje ya PNU kukumbukwa kwenye hilo baraza jipya maana naona nafasi za uwaziri ni chache sana. Pia Kalonzo ameboa kule kwao na sijui kama wabunge wa chama chake bado watakuwa upande wa serikali.

Halafu tabia ya Kibaki ni mbaya sana (kigeugeu), anaweza kuwaahidi peremende na wakifanikisha malengo yake akawaacha solemba. Sijawahi kuona kinyonga (opportunist) kama Kibaki!
Marta kweli ana mume wake?

Kwa nini yuko kama mama hana bwana sifa za mama?

Huyu mwanamke hana Mume kwa sasa.Alikuwa naye hapo siku za mbeleni lakini kukawa na mabo ya talaka.Bw mwenyewe nadhani aliaga mwaka jana kama sijakosea.Kisha kukawa na uvumi kuwa mama mwenyewe anadundwa na Father mmoja kwa kikatoliki kwa jina Wamugunda...tetesi yenyewe ilianza kwa vile walienda kuripoti polisi kuhusu car-jacking incident f'lani iliotokea usiku wa manane.Waosha vinywa wakaanza kudadisi na kuuliza...mhhh!!!!... hio saa nane siku mlikuwa mnafanya nini watu wawili wazima!
Endelea hapa....
Ninakubaliana na analysis yako nadhani ndiyo maana Raila alikubali haraka maana kama angeingia kichwa kichwa kwenye hayo makubaliano ya kukubali kuwa PM wakati hana power yoyote ingekuwa ni kukubali kitanzi. Lakini sasa kitanzi kiko kwa Kibaki na kama grand coalition ikigoma basi itabidi waitishe uchaguzi mpya kama walivyokubaliana kwenye makubaliano yao.

Ngoja tusubiri yatakayojiri Bungeni mara litakapoanza rasmi siku ya Alhamis maana naona linasubiriwa kwa hamu kubwa sana.

Hivi upitishaji wa mswaada wa sheria unataka simple majority ama 2/3? Lakini so far vyama vingine kama KANU, SAFINA na ODM-K vinaweza kupunguza support kwa Kibaki kutokana na hali halisi ya sasa hivi, maana Kibaki hana peremende tena za kuwaringishia na hawezi kuwatupa nje akina Kimunya, Karua na Michuki kwenye baraza jipya. Hilo linapunguza chances za watu wa nje ya PNU kukumbukwa kwenye hilo baraza jipya maana naona nafasi za uwaziri ni chache sana. Pia Kalonzo ameboa kule kwao na sijui kama wabunge wa chama chake bado watakuwa upande wa serikali.

Halafu tabia ya Kibaki ni mbaya sana (kigeugeu), anaweza kuwaahidi peremende na wakifanikisha malengo yake akawaacha solemba. Sijawahi kuona kinyonga (opportunist) kama Kibaki!

Keil heshima yako mkuu,

Umenena poa sana kuhusu swala la bunge kuconvene.
Kwa sasa cha mno ni kuratibisha yaliymo katika yale
makubaliano ya juzi kisha kutokla hapo,power za PM zitakua
defined kwa undani kabisa.Tofauti na system ya Bongo,PM
wa Kenya as it is ana nguvu zaidi za kuimplement policies na
kusupervise Ministries. Kisha kama alivyosema mwenzetu mmoja hapo
juu,Raila na ile kitu inaitwa security of Tenure..hafutwi kazi
ila Bunge liamue.
Pia Bunge halihitaji 2/3 majority kupitisha mswada bali
a simple majority inatosha tu.Hio 2/3's inatumika wakati
Bunge linataka kubadilisha katiba nzima.Kwa hivyo once they
convene kuna miswada ya chap chap itakayopitishwa ikiwemo
na kuvunjwa kwa ile Tume ya Uchaguzi ilioleta kasheshe
lote hili.ODM wana-majority ya members bungeni na hii
miswada itapita bila wasi.Shida ipo pale PNU wakiamua
kujiondoa kwenye coalition ambapo they have to go back to
square one.Ile agreement haikugusia maswala kama haya.
Licha ya kwamba a deal has been brokered ukweli ni
kwamba kuna a lot of streamlining to do na lets hope Kibaki
will play ball.As it is Kibaki bado ana-power za kuita kikao
au kuvunja Bunge na pia haijajulikana chama gani kitapewa
viti gani vya uwaziri.
Big Up! to Kibaki, jamaa anaonekana ni Understanding sana na sio selfish mtu mpole na anayetaka Amani, kwa sababu Kiongozi wa Africa kukubali suala kama hilo la kushirikiana na Upinzani. God Bless Kibaki because he did it for the Country and not himself.
Kama ni yeye wamemnyima Visa basi wana haki kwa kuwa aliwatukana kwamba ni junior officers na yeye nadhani alijiona ni Kigogo may be next to Kibaki.

Baada ya makubaliano sijui ataenda ubalozi gani wampe Visa, na kama kuna watoto wake wanasoma Jumuiya ya Nchi za Ulaya ama US basi wako mashakani Visa zao kuwa revoked na kurejeshwa Kenya haraka. Matusi ya reja reja kama haya sidhani kama mtu anaweza kuyavumilia.
Kama ni yeye wamemnyima Visa basi wana haki kwa kuwa aliwatukana kwamba ni junior officers na yeye nadhani alijiona ni Kigogo may be next to Kibaki.

Baada ya makubaliano sijui ataenda ubalozi gani wampe Visa, na kama kuna watoto wake wanasoma Jumuiya ya Nchi za Ulaya ama US basi wako mashakani Visa zao kuwa revoked na kurejeshwa Kenya haraka. Matusi ya reja reja kama haya sidhani kama mtu anaweza kuyavumilia.

Ndo hapo sasa mimi ninapo shindwa kumuelewa.
Jana kawatukana eti ni junior officers, leo yuko
milangoni kwao anaomba viza y akuenda uswizi.Kwanza
alisema mwenyewe eti kwani huko ughaibuni ni mbinguni.
Huyu kweli haeleweki msimamo wake!
Mie nimekuwa nashtushwa na kauli za huyu martha kwa muda mrefu hata kutia shaka utimamu wa akili yake! nadhani muda umefika wakuangalia personal life za viongozi wetu wa juu. hawa wasimbe kunasiku watatupeleka kubaya.
Kufuatia sekeseke la machafuko na mgogoro wa kisiasa mara baada ya uchaguzi, nimekuwa nikifuatilia kwa karibu sana mchakato wa majadiliano/makubaliano ya kurejesha amani nchini Kenya.

Inasemekana Mh. Martha Karua aliingia kwenye malumbano personal na Mzee Annan na BWM mpaka ikafikia hatua ya Annan kugoma kuendelea na hizo negotiation kupitia hizo timu za wawakilishi wa PNU na ODM.

Swali ninalojiuliza, huyu mama hii jeuri na kiburi anaipata kutoka wapi?

Nitaweka habari ambayo imemtaja kwamba yeye ndiye aliyevuruga mazungumzo yaliyokuwa yanasimamiwa na Annan.

Kwa wale walio Kenya au walio na ufahamu juu ya role ya Martha Karua ndani ya PNU naomba watupe kwa undani ili tujue kama na yeye ana ndoto ya kuja kugombea urais ama ni ufurukutwa wa Kibaki. Kwa kiasi kikubwa amekuwa kikwazo cha marekebisho ya katiba kwa kutumia cheo chake cha uwaziri wa sheria na pia alivuruga hata mikutano ya minimum reforms ambayo lengo lake lilikuwa ni kufanya marekebisho madogo kwa ajili ya uchaguzi ili uwe huru na wa haki. Lakini sasa naona wamewa-fix na sijui kama watapata upenyo wa kukwepa tena kufanya hayo marekebisho.

Martha Karua is a Lawyer by profession and one of the few successful political women of the recent kenyan political era.She has served in the two governments of President Moi and the kibaki regimes what ever you may call it. She also represent the largest ethnic group in kenya(Kikuyu).
This being the case,she enjoys the political base from her community enabling her to grasp the political fragrance in the fight for superiority in Kenya.This being the case in 2002 she got the privilege to enter into the kitchen cabinet as the Minister of justice and constitution through the ruling party by then NARK which was a grand coalition party made of various veteran politicians e.g kibaki,Hon.Raila odinga,kalonzo e.t.c. wakati wakiwa wanapikika chungu kimoja,
However,the coalition didnt mark its sucess and disintegrated after kibaki decided to dishonor the MOU which united the coalition before its launch in was divided into two after 3yrs in 2005 in power.the disintegration was due to the formation of the new group was lead by Hon.Raila odinga and the other was headed by kibaki.

Martha karua was in the kibaki camp.She was involved in the compilation of the government draft.on the other hand Raila had what the majority of kenyans wanted(The Bomas Draft)which was supposed to be implemented within 100 days and martha karua and his team opposed.she served in the whole term until 2007.after the 2007 elections she was elected again into the cabinet through PNU to save the save seat.

During the post election violence she was elected in the Government's team(PNU) and others against the ODM team to find a political solution to end the crisis.However during the talks she was identified as one of the hardliners which kept the political stability search to come to a stale.

I think i have answered your question about who is Martha Karua.

Nikija kwa upande wa mdau aliyetaka kujua kama she is married... hahaha this Mama is Mid 40's and she is still single and available hahhahahaa.

Huyu mama ana historia ya Ubishi na Ujeuri kwani aliwahi kumfanyia ujeuri Moi on stage due to statement made by Hon. Moi, the statement was mainly targeted the Kikuyu ethnic group! Martha karua aliamua kuinuka na kuondoka na hata alipoitwa na Moi alitupa mkono huku akiondoka "Akichapa Tako" na hakurudi na ndio hapo jina lake lilipoanza kupamba media headlines.

Thats Martha Wangari Karua
Martha Karua barred from travelling to Geneva

Long after we broke this news, the Standard has confirmed it, we are ahead.

Martha Karua has been denied a visa to travel for a human rights meeting in Geneva Switzerland. The Minister was to attend an international forum dubbed “Session of State Counsel Law” in Geneva that is scheduled to kick off tomorrow. The Minister had applied for the visa on Tuesday. Kenya’s delegation to the forum is headed by her Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Dorothy Angote.

As if that was not enough, her son, a university student in Australia had his re-entry to Australia at the end of his stay in Kenya denied. As if this was not enough, more disaster has been visiting her. Another of her kids was deported from another western capital recently and tied to Kenya for G.

For Martha Karua, disaster has come following disaster. After being spurned by bandit Kibaki before he signed the power-sharing arrangement, she is devastated. Ms Karua, one of the hardliners of the bandit regime has been ruffling the Eminent African leaders the wrong way. She was missing in action on Friday when the mediators resumed their places at the Annan table. She was reportedly livid, and said as much to Wetangula because after being instructed to stone-wall the mediation efforts, Kibaki melted the walls that stood in the way of a political settlement, albeit without consulting her.

Switzerland, one of the vociferous foreign powers that was insisting on a settlement had sent out clear signals that she would have none of the impunity that has been the hallmark of PNU since stealing the presidency. Ms Karua under-estimated that resolve, even that of the US and British. It will be remembered that the wealthy Alpian federal state had threatened to follow the American cue and impose visa bans on anybody who was perceived to be adopting a hardline position on the mediation talks. This frustration of Karua comes as music to the ears of all patriotic Kenyans. She has no respect for anybody. The other day she was reported to have told off her colleagues from th bandit government, Prof Sam Ongeri and Mutula Kilonzo. Apparently, Mutula let the cat out of the bag when he insinuated that Ongeri was hurt by the exchanges. "You have never seen Ongeri as sad as this", he had said.

She was reportedly quoted protesting to the superpowers with unguarded sharpness, even dismissing the US as no heaven and lecturing the UK on sovereignty. America is no heaven, but then what was her son doing on US soil? No wonder the young man was bundled out to go and enjoy mama's mukimo in Kirinyaga.

Ms Karua was on the BBC's hardtalk immediately after the election to defend the bandits. In a very articulate and strong-headed manner, she told off the former British High Commissioner to Kenya Edward Clay. At the interview, she even hinted that Clay was persona non grata in Kenya. Of course at that time Clay had no communication of his banning from Kenya. Later he was to be told by the Kenyan Embassy officials at St James Park that he was indeed banned from entering Kenya. She had goofed. To ruffle the unbriddled tongue of Edward Clay was to invite hell in diplomatic circles. By a stroke of Martha's genius, PNU lost the diplomatic battles and made no effort to regain any except when bandit veep Kalooser Musyoka attempted the still-born forays into London and Washington at which meets he opposed the impending power-sharing. We understood him for his grandstanding and said as much in our analysis then.

Hot on the heals of that Karua adopted an eloquent posture, arguing at every TV talk-show that the ODM was free to go to court. Of course she knew where that theatre was going to end with a pliant court. The hearing was to be open and fair but she was going to write the ruling at SH and have it read. Na mta do? Well, now things are collapsing all around her. With her children barricaded in Kenya and herself tethered in Kirinyaga, she is going to become more rabid.

Meanwhile, reports reaching us indicate that more hardliners are marked and will soon find themselves isolated much like Karua. Ms Karua can hardly travel to Europe and she certainly now remembers that ambassadors are not junior officials in the pecking order after all. They speak with authority and apart from the president, nobody else can address a meeting and say 'my government', except an ambassador. This part of diplomatic etiquette, the former junior magistrate needs to take in her Civics 101

Keil and Pope,

Thats an interesting account of Martha Karua. I am shocked to how much she has done and has always gone by!!! Oh my goodness! I think she has a good defense for her acts, since Lucy Kibaki can do all she wants to do she can also do the same...........

About her children? were they born out of artificial insemination?? I am curious?? She has no grace whatsoever she is a creature that is far from humane at every other level.

I understand she also had a very bad exchange with Graca Machel. Is she one of Kibaki's wives?? I wonder.

I would like to know more about Martha.
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