Makonda's impromptu roadside declarations

Dec 18, 2023
“Unveiling the Struggle for Justice in the Face of Political Influence”

In recent times, the public hearings led by Makonda have brought to light a troubling reality, a growing sense of disappointment with traditional avenues of justice. As individuals voice their grievances, a prevailing sentiment emerges, casting doubt on the effectiveness of both the executive and judiciary branches. Allegations against members of the executive abusing their power and the perceived ineffectiveness of the judiciary paint a complex picture of a justice system in need of scrutiny.

Executive Atrocities and Judicial Inefficacy
Accusations against members of the executive branch suggest a disturbing trend of leveraging positions of power to commit atrocities against vulnerable citizens. These allegations highlight a glaring issue in the system, where those entrusted to protect the public interest may be exploiting their authority for personal gain. On the other hand, seeking justice through the judiciary appears to be a difficult journey, with many cases left unresolved or stuck in prolonged judgements and appeals, signaling a troubling delay in the delivery of justice.

Makonda's Perspective on Legal Imbalance
Makonda's observations point to a lack of legal balance within the judiciary, where the powerful can manipulate what is deemed just. He contends that this isn't necessarily corruption within law enforcement but rather a systemic bias favouring those with financial means or influence. This perspective raises fundamental questions about the accessibility of justice for all citizens, irrespective of their socio-economic status.

Financial Disparities in Legal Defence
A critical aspect highlighted in the hearings is the role of financial resources in securing superior advocates. This raises concerns about the commitment and resources available to the prosecution, ultimately casting doubt on the fairness of legal proceedings. The disparity in legal resources further deepens the scepticism among both Makonda and ordinary citizens regarding the equality in the search of justice.

The Role of the Ruling Party
Makonda goes beyond criticizing the executive and judiciary; he questions the influence of the ruling party in governance, electoral victories, and governmental appointments. He suggests that elected officials owe accountability not just to the public but also to the party, a sentiment reflected in the hearings. The implicit message is clear: justice lies outside the traditional judicial system and can be sought through the ruling party, positioning itself favourably for the upcoming 2024 and 2025 elections.

Makonda's "Uamuzi ni Hapahapa" Remark
Makonda's remark, "uamuzi ni hapahapa" (the decision is right here), appears to ridicule the judicial delays. While seemingly dismissive, it reflects a broader agenda of distancing the ruling party from perceived corrupt government actions. The underlying message is one of solidarity with the marginalized, suggesting that justice may be more attainable through political channels than the traditional judiciary.

The Makonda hearings have exposed deep-rooted issues within the justice system, questioning the effectiveness of traditional avenues in delivering justice. The intertwining of political influence, financial disparities, and a perceived imbalance within the judiciary paints a complex picture. As citizens and policymakers contend with these revelations, the path forward remains uncertain, and the hunt of justice may demand a re-evaluation of the existing structures to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability.

The author (Respicius E. Mwijage) is a Tax lawyer with experience in Tax Dispute Resolution.
Mob: +255 688 526 718


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“Unveiling the Struggle for Justice in the Face of Political Influence”

In recent times, the public hearings led by Makonda have brought to light a troubling reality, a growing sense of disappointment with traditional avenues of justice. As individuals voice their grievances, a prevailing sentiment emerges, casting doubt on the effectiveness of both the executive and judiciary branches. Allegations against members of the executive abusing their power and the perceived ineffectiveness of the judiciary paint a complex picture of a justice system in need of scrutiny.

Executive Atrocities and Judicial Inefficacy
Accusations against members of the executive branch suggest a disturbing trend of leveraging positions of power to commit atrocities against vulnerable citizens. These allegations highlight a glaring issue in the system, where those entrusted to protect the public interest may be exploiting their authority for personal gain. On the other hand, seeking justice through the judiciary appears to be a difficult journey, with many cases left unresolved or stuck in prolonged judgements and appeals, signaling a troubling delay in the delivery of justice.

Makonda's Perspective on Legal Imbalance
Makonda's observations point to a lack of legal balance within the judiciary, where the powerful can manipulate what is deemed just. He contends that this isn't necessarily corruption within law enforcement but rather a systemic bias favouring those with financial means or influence. This perspective raises fundamental questions about the accessibility of justice for all citizens, irrespective of their socio-economic status.

Financial Disparities in Legal Defence
A critical aspect highlighted in the hearings is the role of financial resources in securing superior advocates. This raises concerns about the commitment and resources available to the prosecution, ultimately casting doubt on the fairness of legal proceedings. The disparity in legal resources further deepens the scepticism among both Makonda and ordinary citizens regarding the equality in the search of justice.

The Role of the Ruling Party
Makonda goes beyond criticizing the executive and judiciary; he questions the influence of the ruling party in governance, electoral victories, and governmental appointments. He suggests that elected officials owe accountability not just to the public but also to the party, a sentiment reflected in the hearings. The implicit message is clear: justice lies outside the traditional judicial system and can be sought through the ruling party, positioning itself favourably for the upcoming 2024 and 2025 elections.

Makonda's "Uamuzi ni Hapahapa" Remark
Makonda's remark, "uamuzi ni hapahapa" (the decision is right here), appears to ridicule the judicial delays. While seemingly dismissive, it reflects a broader agenda of distancing the ruling party from perceived corrupt government actions. The underlying message is one of solidarity with the marginalized, suggesting that justice may be more attainable through political channels than the traditional judiciary.

The Makonda hearings have exposed deep-rooted issues within the justice system, questioning the effectiveness of traditional avenues in delivering justice. The intertwining of political influence, financial disparities, and a perceived imbalance within the judiciary paints a complex picture. As citizens and policymakers contend with these revelations, the path forward remains uncertain, and the hunt of justice may demand a re-evaluation of the existing structures to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability.

The author (Respicius E. Mwijage) is a Tax lawyer with experience in Tax Dispute Resolution.
Mob: +255 688 526 718
Mhemshimiwa nimekuelewa sana. Naomba unijibu swali hili; Ni nani atakayewahukumu majaji na mahakimu wanaopindisha maamuzi?

Otherwise Makonda atabakia kuonekana ana uwelewa na busara kuliko Jaji Mkuu au AG
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