Tetesi: Lake Nyasa Saga: Malawi waits response from Tanzania


JF-Expert Member
Jan 28, 2011
Malawi government says it is waiting for Tanzania’s response on a diplomatic cable Lilongwe sent to Dodoma protesting the latter’s decision to issue a new map which includes a portion of Lake Malawi as part of Tanzania.


Magufuli: Hands off our lake

In an interview with Malawi24, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International cooperation public relations officer, Rejoice Shumba, said Tanzania has not responded and Malawi is still waiting for their response.

Shumba also said government is waiting for a decision by the mediation team which is handling the lake dispute between the two countries hence “Malawians should not panic as the issue is under control.”

However, when asked why Malawians have not been formally told that the map Tanzania is using has a portion of their lake as part of the country, Shumba said the issue is not new to Malawians.

She said: “Tanzania has been making claims that part of Lake Malawi, the median line which marks the boundary between Malawi and Tanzania referred to as ‘Nyasa’ is theirs for quite some time now. What is new is that Tanzania has produced a new map and has warned that they will arrest anyone found using the genuine Tanzanian map as we all know it.”

After producing the new map, Tanzania warned that they will arrest anyone found using the genuine Tanzanian map, a move which surprised Lilongwe as it feels that Dodoma does not have the right to claim any part of the lake.

“Malawi is very alarmed by these unilateral acts and this has in fact been the subject for the mediating panel. There is totally no legal basis for Tanzania to claim that part of Lake Malawi as theirs,” said Shumba.

Minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation told the media last week that the issue of the lake is not negotiable and that during the mediation talks, Malawi only accepted sharing of the lake as part of a solution to the lake wrangle.

The dispute over the lake flared up in 2012 after Malawi began to explore oil on the lake. When the two countries realised that they were not going to be able to resolve the wrangle on their own, they accepted mediation from the Forum for Former African Heads of State and Government (Africa Forum), led by former Mozambican President Joaquim Chissano and South Africa’s Thabo Mbeki .

Source: Malawi24
This is one of the problem which was left behind by colonialist in Africa we better settle it peacefull.

Duc in Altum
Cha kushangaza Ziwa hilo limegawanywa katikati nusu ikiwa upande wa Msumbiji na nusu upande wa Malawi, ukija upande wa Tanzania wamalawi wanadia Ziwa lote nilao!! Kuna mantiki gani ya kuwa na double standard?
Watashemeka tu,mpaka unapita katikati,kama wanabisha kipondo kitawahusu
Duniani kote nchi zinazotenganishwa na maji mengi basi mpaka hupita katikati na isitoshe Msumbiji na malawi mpaka umepita katikati, sasa kwa nn kwetu watoto wa Tanzania malawi ilumbane?nadhani watanzania wako tayari kuilinda nchi yao mpaka kufa
a wise decision ni kuwaachia kama tz we have oceans, lakes and other river why fight over just one lake????
a wise decision ni kuwaachia kama tz we have oceans, lakes and other river why fight over just one lake????

Hapana ziwa linamilikiwa na nchi tatu Malawi,Tanzania & Msumbiji.
a wise decision ni kuwaachia kama tz we have oceans, lakes and other river why fight over just one lake????
Really? Ni wananchi wangapi wanategemea shughuli za uvuvi kwenye hili ziwa? Je ni haki kuwaambia kuanzia sasa Ziwa sio lenu na mkifanya uvuvi ombeni kibali Malawi??

Huu ni ubinafsi na ulafi...haiingii akilini ziwa limekuwapo miaka na miaka, watu wa upande wa pili wanadai sehemu yote iwe yao, kisa wakoloni walisema hivo....huu ni wizi na uvunjifu wa haki za binadamu...Watu wanaoishi mwambaoni na wananchi wengine wana haki ya kutumia sehemu ya Ziwa ; hii ni natural resources wamepewa na Mungu...sio Malawi au Malikia wa Uingereza....kwa nini Msumbiji wapewe hii haki na sio Tanzania?? Malawi ni walafi....
Hehehe!! ndio haya aliotuachia mkoloni. Alichora chora mipaka na kujiendea zake. Ziwa Victoria akawapa Watanzania eneo kubwa sana, halafu akafuatia na Waganda, hatimaye sisi Wakenya akatupea kaeneo kadogo, wakati maji ni yale yale, samaki ni wale wale na wanakatiza wakiogelea kote kote bila kujua hiyo mipaka.

Sasa huyo huyo mzungu kule ziwa Malawi akachora mpaka pasu kati ya Msumbiji na Malawi halafu hayo hayo maji akaweka mpaka kwenye fukwe upande wa Tanzania. Sasa imekua mwendo wa kutunisha misuli na kutoleana mikwara....duh! mzungu aje tena na kuichukua Afrika yake maana imetushinda.
Malawi government says it is waiting for Tanzania’s response on a diplomatic cable Lilongwe sent to Dodoma protesting the latter’s decision to issue a new map which includes a portion of Lake Malawi as part of Tanzania.


Magufuli: Hands off our lake

In an interview with Malawi24, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International cooperation public relations officer, Rejoice Shumba, said Tanzania has not responded and Malawi is still waiting for their response.

Shumba also said government is waiting for a decision by the mediation team which is handling the lake dispute between the two countries hence “Malawians should not panic as the issue is under control.”

However, when asked why Malawians have not been formally told that the map Tanzania is using has a portion of their lake as part of the country, Shumba said the issue is not new to Malawians.

She said: “Tanzania has been making claims that part of Lake Malawi, the median line which marks the boundary between Malawi and Tanzania referred to as ‘Nyasa’ is theirs for quite some time now. What is new is that Tanzania has produced a new map and has warned that they will arrest anyone found using the genuine Tanzanian map as we all know it.”

After producing the new map, Tanzania warned that they will arrest anyone found using the genuine Tanzanian map, a move which surprised Lilongwe as it feels that Dodoma does not have the right to claim any part of the lake.

“Malawi is very alarmed by these unilateral acts and this has in fact been the subject for the mediating panel. There is totally no legal basis for Tanzania to claim that part of Lake Malawi as theirs,” said Shumba.

Minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation told the media last week that the issue of the lake is not negotiable and that during the mediation talks, Malawi only accepted sharing of the lake as part of a solution to the lake wrangle.

The dispute over the lake flared up in 2012 after Malawi began to explore oil on the lake. When the two countries realised that they were not going to be able to resolve the wrangle on their own, they accepted mediation from the Forum for Former African Heads of State and Government (Africa Forum), led by former Mozambican President Joaquim Chissano and South Africa’s Thabo Mbeki .

Source: Malawi24
Yani wasijaribu kileta kiburi cuz Tutawapiga na tutawanyang'anya ziwa lote maana naona hiyo nusu waliyonayo ndo inawatia kiburi..In Pindas Voice"Namimi nasema wapigwe tu maana hakuna namna!!"" This is Tz..don't mess with us kiddo!
a wise decision ni kuwaachia kama tz we have oceans, lakes and other river why fight over just one lake????

mambo hayaendi hivyo, ukiwa laini laini mungine atasema mlima Kilimanjaro wangu,mungine tanganyika yangu,mungine kagera yangu,mungine pemba yangu.
nchi lazima ilindwe mipaka na walio nje waogope kukohoa.
kwanza ziwa lenyewe linajazwa maji na mto songwe.
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