KENYA: IEBC turns away presidential candidate Abduba Dida for presenting uncertified documents


JF-Expert Member
May 25, 2011
Screenshot from 2017-05-28 10-58-31.png

Tume ya Uchaguzi(IEBC) yashindwa kumpitisha mgombea wa Urais, Abduba Dida baada ya kushindwa kuthibisha nyaraka zake kikiwemo cheti chake cha shahada ya kwanza.


Alliance for Real Change Presidential candidate Mohammed Abduba Dida was on Sunday sent away by the IEBC to sign and commission his declaration forms before being cleared to run for president.

He has been given up to 4pm to have the copy of his degree certified and self declaration form signed by a commissioner of oaths.

Earlier on Third way Alliance Kenya presidential candidate Dr Ekuru Aukot was cleared to vie for Presidency after presenting nomination papers.
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