Karibu Dr Frank- Walter Steinmeier, President of Germany

ACT Wazalendo

JF-Expert Member
May 5, 2014
Today, the 30th October 2023 to November 1st, 2023, Tanzania will be hosting the President of the Federal Republic of Germany- His Excellency Frank Walter Steinmeier- on an official work visit. As announced in official communication, the purpose of the visit is to strengthen trade and investment, as well as diplomatic and development relations. Notably, President Steinmeier will travel to Songea, Ruvuma to visit the Majimaji War Museum and the Majimaji Primary School.

ACT Wazalendo welcomes President Steinmeier with great honor and wishes to convey our appreciation for his crucial visit to our country. We would furthermore like to take this opportunity to address the historical injustices perpetrated by the German nation on to the people of Tanzania during the period of German colonialism over the then German East Africa.

ACT Wazalendo would like to specifically highlight the violence and injustices of the Majimaji war, that originated in Kilwa and spread to other parts of southern Tanzania including Songea.

The Majimaji war, which was the pinnacle of indigenous resistance against German rule, is a significant and somber chapter in our history and has left an indelible mark on the country. More than 300,000 people died fighting against German invasion, and the subsequent collective punishment meted out by the German colonial powers on the southern parts of the country contributed to the destruction of many more lives and livelihoods.

We believe that this visit of a German President to an independent Tanzanian nation is a testament to the resilience and courage of our ancestors. We also believe that the time has come for more critical introspection and redress for these gross historical injustices.

Your Excellency, President Steinmeier, when you travel via Lindi, there is sketched skeleton of the Dinosaur of Tendaguru, with the real skull residing in the Museum for Natural History, Berlin. That skull is not yours.

ACT Wazalendo is therefore using the opportunity of President Steinmeier’s visit to Tanzania to put forward the following demands:
  • We demand that the Federal Republic of Germany provide compensation and reparation to the descendants of those killed and maimed during the Majimaji war of resistance .
  • We call on President Steinmeier to issue a formal apology for the actions of the German nation and colonial authority during the invasion and colonial occupation of Tanzania.
  • We strongly call on the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania to engage in transparent discussions regarding the return of the Tenaguru Dinosaur skull, and the return of other artifacts originating in Tanzania and currently being held in Germany.
Dr.Nasra Nassor Omar.
Shadow Minister, Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation
30th October, 2023 .
Wanyamwezi walipwe nao. Wame watajirisha sana hawa wana wa Ulaya.
Waombee msamaha kwa matendo yao ya kidhalimu

Wawalipe fidia Familia zilizohamishwa kupisha ujenzi wa Reli


Kudos ACT.
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