It looks like Standard is the Only True Media House In Kenya Reporting Kubliyo attack


JF-Expert Member
Jun 1, 2016
Kenya Defence Forces commanders in Somalia were summoned to Nairobi on Friday evening to explain the Kulbiyow carnage as military top brass began to confront the enormity of the losses from the attack.

The summonses to all commanders in charge of Kenya’s contingent in Somalia — including the Central Sector responsible for Kulbiyow — come in the wake of fresh revelations that many Kenyans died of explosions ignited by an armoured truck that rammed into the logistics centre of a poorly defended KDF camp.

The deafening explosion alone — wrecking anything within the radius of half a kilometre — is said to have killed at least 42 soldiers while about 25 others were felled by militants in trucks and on foot who poured into the wasted camp firing rockets and machine guns.

The Standard on Sunday has established that the overrun camp may have contained dozens of Kenyan soldiers operating outside the African Mission in Somalia (Amisom). KDF’s initial account of Friday’s events put the figure of the dead at nine and separated the soldiers (two) from the servicemen (seven) in a possible bid to scale down the atrocity.

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Yesterday, CORD leader Raila Odinga acknowledged the horror of Friday’s attack, even as the country’s Commander-in-Chief, President Uhuru Kenyatta, maintained a studious silence.

“We have now established beyond doubt that tens of our soldiers died in the line of duty in Somalia following an attack by militants,” Raila said in a message of condolence to the families, relatives and friends of the fallen soldiers. He described the attack as a “senseless horror” and bemoaned the loss of brave men and women “who had their whole lives and careers ahead of them in service of our homeland.”

The commanders are said to have arrived in Nairobi on Friday evening to meet officials at the Department of Defence (DOD) headquarters. Close to two dozens of the troops, among them two armoured personnel carrier drivers, are said to be still missing since Friday.

Kenyan officials have provided little information on the attack. Al Shabaab itself has claimed it killed more than 50 soldiers.

Sources in Amisom suggested that the camp attacked is not under it, hence the reluctance of Kenyan officials in Somalia and Nairobi to share details about the attack.

About 2,841 KDF men were absorbed into Amisom when KDF integrated its troops with the rest of African troop-producing countries in 2012. Unconfirmed reports say there are about 4,500 other soldiers operating inside Somalia and Kenya’s border regions on a bilateral arrangement with either the Somalia government in Mogadishu or powerful militias fighting Al Shabaab in Somalia’s lower Juba region. Separate sources indicated to The Standard on Sunday that after the morning raid, the militants escaped before reinforcements from a KDF camp nearby could arrive.

“They retreated hours before support from the nearest detachment came in,” says the report.

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Red alert

It was also not clear by yesterday why the KDF’s defences collapsed so quickly and whether there was any pre-attack intelligence. Kenya’s forces in Somalia are deployed in three sectors — Northern Sector, with its main base at Busar, Central Sector based at Dobley, and the Southern Sector, based in Kismayu.

Al Shabaab militants had been gathering for weeks in areas surrounding Kulbiyow, prompting an alert on impending attacks by the US government on January 14, a day before the first anniversary of the El Adde attack in which Kenya lost about 165 soldiers to Al Shabaab.

Like Friday’s, the El Adde attack began with an explosion and swarming of the camp by militants in trucks and on foot, firing machine guns and Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG).

There are about 250 Kenyan soldiers in camps around Kulbiyow and they include units from an artillery unit from Mariakani near Mombasa, which were deployed in the region early January.

Following the attack, KDF commanders are said to be worried about the morale of Kenyan forces under Amisom, who are grappling with other unsolved issues like delayed allowances, lack of equipment, misconduct of commanders and, increasingly, the intractable nature of the KDF’s occupation of southern Somalia.

“In military terms, it appears the contingent was blind, hence vulnerable to infiltration, unable to detect the impending attack,” a retired military officer with sources inside the Kenyan contingent in Somalia told The Standard on Sunday.

ALSO READ: El Adde Al Shabaab attack robbed pupil of hope

He said summoned commanders will be required to explain whether troops manning the three sectors applied any lessons from the El Adde attack or if pre-attack intelligence was received.

Low morale

The former officer said that although Kenya’s military is highly trained, its soldiers are not suited for the kind of asymmetrical war tactics employed by insurgents. Constant attacks in a war that never seems to end or embody clear objectives also affects their morale, he says.

According to the Amisom official based in Kismayu, the attack and its success could only happen because the attackers knew the layout of the camp, location of key installations and capacity for the soldiers to respond, possibly after studying the behaviour of the Kenyans for a long time and after infiltrating the camp.

He said after wrecking the camp, the attackers appear to have inflicted a psychological blow on a separate Kenyan camp in the vicinity, either dissuading them from advancing to rescue their compatriots or preventing a rescue through Improvised Explosive Devices on routes leading to the Kulbiyow camp.

“The Kenyans must examine the conduct of the military mission to find out if commanders are observing laid down standard procedures of protecting their defences, screening all who visit their camps and find out whether the equipment used is up to date and relevant for the war effort,” one source said.

The source, who is a trained soldier and has served with KDF in Somalia, said Al Shabaab has improved its skills and training in explosives and asymmetrical warfare after losing most towns and capturing heavy vehicles and heavy weapons from Uganda, Burundian and Kenyans forces in past invasions.

They have also received more arms from friendly states and non-state actors in the region and the Middle East.

ALSO READ: Lessons learnt as country celebrates fallen KDF heroes' sacrifice

The expert says Kenyans ought to improve their strategy and tactics to adapt to Al Shabaab and in the short term boost and integrate civilian and military surveillance and reconnaissance in Kenya and Somalia.

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from the NTV video, its clear that the camp was never overun, the 3 vbied all exploded outside the perrimeter although one managed to get very close and was hit by a high calibre gun,
at the last secrion of the video, they show us drone foitage with a time stamp of soldiers walking around the camp hours after the attack had happened, if the base had been overan that wouldnt have been the case
NTV is the only media that visited the scene, Citizen is a political, biased and very inaccurate station always trying to attract the masses through negativity
Their is a reason KDF picked Dennis Okari, their is that documentary he did about the plight of police and police station near boni forests Ifogirt the name of the documentary......
in that Documentary, Dennis Okari is very professional, he is fair and never biased, he gives you both sides of the story, presents you with all the facts and leaves you to make your own coclution
about the situation ....
unlike someone like mohammed ali, who is fearless, he goes wherever he goes to fing info, but when it comes tothe doc itself, he gives the one version that supports his narrative and then tell you what happened from that narratibe and make the conclusion on your behalf..... if you want to know the difference betweed a professionally narrated doc and a biasly done doc, watch the doc about westgate done by MO then watch the otherone done by HBO called "terror at the mall"
Hivi is there any Jaluo soldiers in KDF?
there are very many, the commander of kenya airforce is jaluo......

the new officer in charge of that camp, I dont know which tribe he comes from but Osano sounds jaluo

There is a new officer in charge, Major George Osano, who was deployed to replace Major Denis Girenge, who is admitted to the Defence Forces Memorial Hospital in Nairobi.
confirmed, Osano is jaluo

from the NTV video, its clear that the camp was never overun, the 3 vbied all exploded outside the perrimeter although one managed to get very close and was hit by a high calibre gun,
at the last secrion of the video, they show us drone foitage with a time stamp of soldiers walking around the camp hours after the attack had happened, if the base had been overan that wouldnt have been the case

I don't why Standard have chosen to behave like the loud mouthed politicians who seems to use this incident as means for maintaining popularity.
NTV have covered the issue so professionally, fact by fact.
Tanzanian media is way worse, its just there...... it doesnot investigate it does nothing, just sit there and wait for the government to tell them what to report
Ati nini? at least yetu haina ukabila hailindi rushwa kwa vile media flani inatetetea interest za Kikuyu! Niambie kwanini news za electrified SRG project in Tanzania haijawa covered na NMG! kumlinda Kamwana na white elephant project in Kenya sio? Kwavile hamna value for the money!
Their is a reason KDF picked Dennis Okari, their is that documentary he did about the plight of police and police station near boni forests Ifogirt the name of the documentary......
in that Documentary, Dennis Okari is very professional, he is fair and never biased, he gives you both sides of the story, presents you with all the facts and leaves you to make your own coclution
about the situation ....
unlike someone like mohammed ali, who is fearless, he goes wherever he goes to fing info, but when it comes tothe doc itself, he gives the one version that supports his narrative and then tell you what happened from that narratibe and make the conclusion on your behalf..... if you want to know the difference betweed a professionally narrated doc and a biasly done doc, watch the doc about westgate done by MO then watch the otherone done by HBO called "terror at the mall"

You can't talk of that so called Mohamed Ali, I have never seen such nonsense in the name of an investigative journalist, I watched his docs for some time and stopped, the last one was on Kanyeri!

He uses sound tracks to deceive people that he is giving them something credible. But total crap, i asked The Standard this morning how they are feeling about there stupid story on Alshabaab in the morning, they have not answered me.

When you do a shamefull thing to the public thinking you know only to learn that you don't know and everyone has know, you feel a lot of shame!!
I don't why Standard have chosen to behave like the loud mouthed politicians who seems to use this incident as means for maintaining popularity.
NTV have covered the issue so professionally, fact by fact.
I have been watching KTN for long because it was the best station when it comes for news, NTV was attacked on social media by [HASHTAG]#KOT[/HASHTAG] last year for poor news.

But since then, NTV is trying too salvage its name in the Kenyan public, they have discovered that in Kenya, you can't survive on negativity and propaganda, in Kenya you can only survive on credible news as Kenyans hate rumors.

But it seems The standard are loosing it, the story has made me stop watching KTN just the way i did to Citizen!!
Tanzanian media is way worse, its just there...... it doesnot investigate it does nothing, just sit there and wait for the government to tell them what to report
Hhhhhhh, basically bearing in mind that the TZ people believe in everything they are told unlike the Kenyans who always to find the truth and burn up sources of poor news!!

Do you remember a thread here on JF quoting their Army chief saying their Army is the strongest in Africa, and best equipped???

Did they ask? They ran hear and started a thread believing without asking!!! Daah
Ati nini? at least yetu haina ukabila hailindi rushwa kwa vile media flani inatetetea interest za Kikuyu! Niambie kwanini news za electrified SRG project in Tanzania haijawa covered na NMG! kumlinda Kamwana na white elephant project in Kenya sio? Kwavile hamna value for the money!

Now how can they cover unconfirmed project???

They are covering Uganda's SGR because it is on the roll, wait till yours will be ready for substantial coverage!

They can't cover MOU, but rather launches and construction
Their is a reason KDF picked Dennis Okari, their is that documentary he did about the plight of police and police station near boni forests Ifogirt the name of the documentary......
in that Documentary, Dennis Okari is very professional, he is fair and never biased, he gives you both sides of the story, presents you with all the facts and leaves you to make your own coclution
about the situation ....
unlike someone like mohammed ali, who is fearless, he goes wherever he goes to fing info, but when it comes tothe doc itself, he gives the one version that supports his narrative and then tell you what happened from that narratibe and make the conclusion on your behalf..... if you want to know the difference betweed a professionally narrated doc and a biasly done doc, watch the doc about westgate done by MO then watch the otherone done by HBO called "terror at the mall"
When i first watched terror at the mall i was very dismayed man ....

Sai Hata sishtuki aljazeera in an hour pekee will show u dead bodies mpaka unakuwa numb!
What surprises me is that Sam999 looked for credible news akaona Standard. I am not a Kenyan media fan but if i were to choose i wouldnt even think about Standard, KTN, K24 and Inooro. I hate them for the same reason i hate Fox News.....Ok we were told 68 dead by the Standard, who are they? where were they buried? The initial number was nine and it climbed in subsequent updates. The Star even had the names, where are the 68? which is the camp that was overrun?
That said, i believe that KDF should have done better in terms of providing air support; if the drones are for surveillance only we need armed ones
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