Inside Africa (Tanzania): My Perspective


JF-Expert Member
Nov 17, 2007
As CNN newsmagazine Inside Africa was airing, I just happened to be thinking of my motherland and its political, social, and cultural issues, which are the segments that aired, but with prompt and without formality I put the segment with Tanzania which country I hail from into My-Perspective

Politically- I do not understand if it is Ideology that steers our political and policy processes or Individualism but in the same context, I also understand that we are neither radical nor a one party state, hence, my conviction that, it is neither or Individualism but going through a process of defining so.

Economically- Africa and Tanzania in particular are moving towards better economy stability. With the global, economic indexes showing better GDP's And GNP's in spite of gross 'Manfraudovandalism' Man-Fraud-O-Vandalism. Where man (from our leaders to ordinary citizen) has entered onto Individual realm with this Fraud has become an escape from collectivism hence Vandalism of our national natural resources! Is there much assay?

Culturally- We are shocked! (Thank god to 75%+ literacy rate), bruised but not ruined.

Socially- We are awakening from the hypnotic state. A state which is directly or indirectly attributed by the cultural shock, and we are entering Realism state, with a fact that we are not poor or poverty stricken, thank god!

Lastly according to Webster's dictionary poverty is a condition or quality of being poor; need 2.deficiency; inadequacy 3. Scarcity

Poor is having little or no means of support 2. Lacking some quality, this has to be specific; inferior or worthless

However, when it comes to Tanzania and Africa as a whole I find I have the strongest objection to being poor, on the other hand, Africa as a whole has made a major leap than otherwise thought, contrary to the so called ‘Developed Nations' notion that this might take a long time! Deficiency? No African people are not deficient rather efficient. Inadequacy? No, Does Africa have a big Affluence in the Global trade? Yes!

Therefore, we are not poor in the context.

Poverty-stricken or Poor Africans does not rhyme in my vocabulary- I call upon my brothers and sisters to declare poverty, poor Africans and any other use unfit for Africa's public media consumption

Aluta Contunia

Aluta Contunia -Mungu Ibariki Afrika! Mungu Ibariki Tanzania!
I'm left perplexed, is the answer to the question whether we are poor, yes or no?!

No! It is not whether we are poor or not nor is my prompt and non-conformity (formality) an answer to the questions.

Nevertheless, the question is...
What is the exact nature of the problems encountered by Tanzanians in the eradication of Poverty? Specifically, are the problems due to Defiencey/Inadequecy in Africa's political system, economic system, or other issues?


As to the definition of being Poor, I do not feel or adhere to the notion that we are poor in politics, economics, cultural and social issues because I believe these-deficiencies, inadequecies, and scarcity do not exists!

Thanks for your response. In addition, please do not be perplexed and feel free to discuss! Do you have you own perspective?
May be i should ask you one small question. Do you think, if the government was seriously addressing the problem of poverty, we would be where we are or better?
I know to some this sounds to be a stupid question, but to me it not. I see our leaders are busy to accumulate wealth for themselves, and not really thinking to fight poverty. The use our poverty as a tool to control us and make themselves richer.
As CNN newsmagazine Inside Africa was airing, I just happened to be thinking of my motherland and its political, social, and cultural issues, which are the segments that aired, but with prompt and without formality I put the segment with Tanzania which country I hail from into My-Perspective

Politically- I do not understand if it is Ideology that steers our political and policy processes or Individualism but in the same context, I also understand that we are neither radical nor a one party state, hence, my conviction that, it is neither or Individualism but going through a process of defining so.

Economically- Africa and Tanzania in particular are moving towards better economy stability. With the global, economic indexes showing better GDP's And GNP's in spite of gross 'Manfraudovandalism' Man-Fraud-O-Vandalism. Where man (from our leaders to ordinary citizen) has entered onto Individual realm with this Fraud has become an escape from collectivism hence Vandalism of our national natural resources! Is there much assay?

Culturally- We are shocked! (Thank god to 75%+ literacy rate), bruised but not ruined.

Socially- We are awakening from the hypnotic state. A state which is directly or indirectly attributed by the cultural shock, and we are entering Realism state, with a fact that we are not poor or poverty stricken, thank god!

Lastly according to Webster’s dictionary poverty is a condition or quality of being poor; need 2.deficiency; inadequacy 3. Scarcity

Poor is having little or no means of support 2. Lacking some quality, this has to be specific; inferior or worthless

However, when it comes to Tanzania and Africa as a whole I find I have the strongest objection to being poor, on the other hand, Africa as a whole has made a major leap than otherwise thought, contrary to the so called ‘Developed Nations’ notion that this might take a long time! Deficiency? No African people are not deficient rather efficient. Inadequacy? No, Does Africa have a big Affluence in the Global trade? Yes!

Therefore, we are not poor in the context.

Poverty-stricken or Poor Africans does not rhyme in my vocabulary- I call upon my brothers and sisters to declare poverty, poor Africans and any other use unfit for Africa’s public media consumption

Aluta Contunia

Aluta Contunia -Mungu Ibariki Afrika! Mungu Ibariki Tanzania!

Sounds like a Pan-Africanist, not that you're, but closely. Sura-Ya-kwanza, although you were very broad or is, most of what you wrote is in most vocabulare around the media. I will quote you down here...

Socially- We are awakening from the hypnotic state. A state which is directly or indirectly attributed by the cultural shock, and we are entering Realism state, with a fact that we are not poor or poverty stricken, thank god!

Hypnotic state? Realism?
Duru la Mageuzi

Wakati wa kugawanya kwenye siasa utabakia kwa wachache wenye itikadi, au sijui niseme Siasa za Itikadi.

Baraka Obama amefagia ushindi huu wa mabadiliko bila ya mgawanyiko/itikadi mbadala, kwa fagio zima-nitaelewesha.

Wakati huo huo Mheshimiwa wetu amefagia upupu(unawasha) uliojipenyeza kwenye siasa nzuri iliyoijenga CCM. Upupu huu umejipenyeza kwenye korido za ofisi za wenye dhamana na nchi-kura ya mwananchi.

Ninayoandika nakuwa nasita-, nafunga masikio, wakati huo huo naandika kwa sababu humu "Where we dare talk openly" ni kama hatimisho tu au, wai noti? Lakini nalala nafikiri na na taipu "Yes we Can" kana nyimbo vile..., mwamsho huu sasa nausikia/naimba.

Hii kwamba naweza/tunaweza inanifanya nifagilie tu!

Ufagiaji wa mapupu washa kwenye Baraza la Mawaziri(kumbuka hawa mafisadi wanakuwa kama maduduwasha sasa, mapupu kwa CCM na Taifa)-wananchi wakigusa wanawashwa na malalamiko- Haya yasifwagiliwe chini, yakusanywe na kuchambuliwa ipasavyo(unajua tena utawashwa tu) mie nakumbuka tulikuwa tuna yawasha na mioto mpaka basi. Lakini wakijifagilia wenyewe watajikuna kama tunavyoona-wayawashe mioto tu!-Tumejifunza,tutajengeka,tutashinda!. Nani anataka upupu wa duduwasha?

Kwa upande mwingine kabisa hii inawezekana kuenda kwenye historia-la kichelewea- cha fagio kubwa linalokuja, bado ni fagio. Wakati ule ule Ufagio wa ushindi wa Mabadiliko marekani, hususan obama kuwa mabadiliko ambayo kwa wengi, itakuwa changamoto kubwa, hususan tena, kwa nchi zilizokumbwa na siasa za itikadi na demokrasia changa, ni Ufagio mkubwa. Ndio ni Blah ya sasa.

Ndio tunaweza/naweza yamekuwa ka slogans sasa hivi marekani-mimi naamini kwetu sasa inafanyika.

Ni dhahiri kutaweza kuwa-na-demokrasia, CCM au UZALENDO wa kweli.
Wamefanya hata kwa kichelewa, wameanza.

Fagio kwenye mapupu yanayokuwasha na nguvu ya tunaweza ndio wakati mbadala tukusanye vichelewa vyetu, tupate fagio zuri tu la kuondoa Mafisadi na kuleta uadilifu wa kazi, Kizalendo.:mad:

It is my Perspective, I remain audacious.

::Inspired and Motivated By: Barack Obama Sweep of the 'Potomac Democratic Primaries'
Sounds like a Pan-Africanist, not that you're, but closely. Sura-Ya-kwanza, although you were very broad or is, most of what you wrote is in most vocabulare around the media. I will quote you down here...

Hypnotic state? Realism?

Whose media?

You might have your Sylogical views but I'd rather remain audacious-whatever it means, I yearn for my country.
Wakati lile wala lile haviniiingii naona mazingaombwe tuliyokuwa tunayatarajia ndio yamekuwa. EL kwa maoni yangu ni CCM kijana, huyu ametokea baada ya Zanzibar-kama sijakosea-baada ya hotuba ya Ruksa-au nguru-ndoto- ya CCM, Huyu alionekana kama mwana-mageuzi, kijana,-Wakati moja ya vita ndogo ndogo ndani ya CCM-Kina Warioba,Msuya, Mramba, Yaani old shoes walionekana kama wanakipeleka chama kisivyo-Itikadi ya Ujamaa na Kujitegemea-In other sense, the separation of ruksa ndani ya CCM-huku ikiwa ndio chama tawala-Kwa old shoes ilionekana kutakuwa na repucurssion. Kwa vijana ilionekana kama ‘Kwenda na wakati’ -Nyerere alisema(no doubt hawa old shoes walikuwa wanaenzi), Kinyume na milingoti iliyosimamisha CCM, Vijana 'walienda na wakati'.

Vijana wakaona hii powa, basi Lowassa. JK, Kijana, ndio poa kabisa-kwanini isiwe ya Vijana? pamoja na kwamba ni mchapa kazi,EL alionekeana kama mzigo,(kwa chama na old shoes),Kwa vijana (EL)alionekana mwanamageuzi kijana, mchapa kazi, ana jihikimu kiuchumi(notion hataweza kuiba) ni mmoja wa vijana wa Ruksa na Nguru -Ndoto-Hivyo basi atafaa na wananchi wanakubali! Ubinafsi, ujanjanja ujanja, ni vitu alivyonavyo- ni nguvu ya dola tu ambayo alikuwa hana-akapata-Uwaziri mkuu-the rest abunuasi.

System-Kwa kweli nimeona njia tofauti ambazo wachangiaji wameweza kuchambua na kuelezea mfumo huu, mie nasikia ‘wanamtandao’

Wanamtandao-Kwa uchambuzi wangu, CCM ilishagawanyika toka enzi, Mgawanyiko uliokuwepo unaonekana dhahiri- System kama usalama wa taifa, ni makada wa zamani wa CCM and vice versa, ni wengi. Na nguvu yao ndio hiyo “Tete na mimi ni tete”

kama mtandao ni matabaka ya kifalsafa, jamii-Elimu,Uwezo wa Kifedha, Uwezo wa kuhodhi-Mtandao wa jamii hiyo, na Uzalendo-(unaweza kupinda uzalendo huu kuwa binafsi au kwa nafasi ya mwananchi, siasa, itikadi kadha wa kadha) Mtandao huu ni mkubwa-moja yapo ya makundi ya CCM, old shoes kwa mtazamo wangu ndio walioenda kuhamasisha , kundi jipya la Vijana chini ya “Uadilifu wa kikazi wa taifa” with Nyerereism, au wamehamasika na old shoes au wanajikomboa,bado ni tete, sijui kwa kweli. JK imebidi akubali. Pinda upinde Mizenguo ndio hayo.

Nimengi ambayo yanatiririka, Ukiangalia kwa urefu na mapana utaona Kuwa Mwenyekiti wa Chama sio kazi rahisi katika karne hii. Itikadi hazina mipenyo kwenye siasa mbadala, hazina kipaumbele kwenye kadamnasi ya Taifa. Mie naipenda CCM sijui kwanini, napenda iwe na demokrasia, sijui kwanini, napenda kuwa mwana CCM. Je CCM ni itikadi?

Ningefurahi kuona mwenyekiti wa chama cha utawala anakuwa anawajibishwa na chama chake-My take!

What is your Perspective?

  • Madukuduku haya yanaweza kupatikana humu humu ndani ya Forum!

We are entering a period of serious economic uncertainty. Our response in mastering this complex environment is to deepen collective self reliance not as autarky (an economy that is self-sufficient and does not take part in international trade), but as a deliberate strategy to shore up our economies from the inevitable vulnerabilities the current climate portends. This is not impossible given that the crisis in the West is among the habitual over-consumers that do so at our expense because of buying our under-priced raw-materials. Yet we, the habitual under-consumers, have more potential demand. This demand needs to be quenched at competitive prices resulting
from lower costs.
Africans did not have to wait for the global crisis to realise that unity means strength. Over the last 6,000 years, all the sustainably prosperous countries have been those that seek maximum integration of peoples and resources: Egypt, Persia, China, Russia, India etc. and now Brazil, South Africa etc. The small countries that became prosperous did so at the expense of others through colonisation. These include UK, Portugal, Belgium, Holland, Spain.

At no time in recent history has the importance of regional integration been more heightened than today as we witness the unfolding of a grave and debilitating global financial and economic crisis among the industrialised countries of the West and Asia. It is evident that developing economies will experience decline in economic growth flowing from low aggregate demand in the rich countries and declining levels of both ODA (official development assistance) and Direct Foreign Investment.

The more we witness developed economies rushing to take shelter under regional integration tents and other collective economic structures such as G8, the more we, the developing countries, need to take cover as well under our own regional integration sheds. Clearly, it is a moot question today to imagine a strong stand-alone economy anywhere on the globe.

For more on Museveni's speech, click the link below...

President Yoweri Museveni recently at a Conference organised under the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Framework in Lusaka, Zambia.

I share Museveni's view. Quite a patriotic Pan Africanist:cool:
Duru la Mageuzi

Wakati wa kugawanya kwenye siasa utabakia kwa wachache wenye itikadi, au sijui niseme Siasa za Itikadi.

Baraka Obama amefagia ushindi huu wa mabadiliko bila ya mgawanyiko/itikadi mbadala, kwa fagio zima-nitaelewesha.

Wakati huo huo Mheshimiwa wetu amefagia upupu(unawasha) uliojipenyeza kwenye siasa nzuri iliyoijenga CCM. Upupu huu umejipenyeza kwenye korido za ofisi za wenye dhamana na nchi-kura ya mwananchi.

Ninayoandika nakuwa nasita-, nafunga masikio, wakati huo huo naandika kwa sababu humu "Where we dare talk openly" ni kama hatimisho tu au, wai noti? Lakini nalala nafikiri na na taipu "Yes we Can" kana nyimbo vile..., mwamsho huu sasa nausikia/naimba.

Hii kwamba naweza/tunaweza inanifanya nifagilie tu!

Ufagiaji wa mapupu washa kwenye Baraza la Mawaziri(kumbuka hawa mafisadi wanakuwa kama maduduwasha sasa, mapupu kwa CCM na Taifa)-wananchi wakigusa wanawashwa na malalamiko- Haya yasifwagiliwe chini, yakusanywe na kuchambuliwa ipasavyo(unajua tena utawashwa tu) mie nakumbuka tulikuwa tuna yawasha na mioto mpaka basi. Lakini wakijifagilia wenyewe watajikuna kama tunavyoona-wayawashe mioto tu!-Tumejifunza,tutajengeka,tutashinda!. Nani anataka upupu wa duduwasha?

Kwa upande mwingine kabisa hii inawezekana kuenda kwenye historia-la kichelewea- cha fagio kubwa linalokuja, bado ni fagio. Wakati ule ule Ufagio wa ushindi wa Mabadiliko marekani, hususan obama kuwa mabadiliko ambayo kwa wengi, itakuwa changamoto kubwa, hususan tena, kwa nchi zilizokumbwa na siasa za itikadi na demokrasia changa, ni Ufagio mkubwa. Ndio ni Blah ya sasa.

Ndio tunaweza/naweza yamekuwa ka slogans sasa hivi marekani-mimi naamini kwetu sasa inafanyika.

Ni dhahiri kutaweza kuwa-na-demokrasia, CCM au UZALENDO wa kweli.
Wamefanya hata kwa kichelewa, wameanza.

Fagio kwenye mapupu yanayokuwasha na nguvu ya tunaweza ndio wakati mbadala tukusanye vichelewa vyetu, tupate fagio zuri tu la kuondoa Mafisadi na kuleta uadilifu wa kazi, Kizalendo.:mad:It is my Perspective, I remain audacious.

::Inspired and Motivated By: Barack Obama Sweep of the 'Potomac Democratic Primaries'

Bado nikiwa nimeshikwa na butwaa na yaliyotokea kwa wenzetu misri, sijasahu yale yanayoendelea kwingine hususani barani mwetu. Tunisia, Sierra leone(hali bado ni tete) Sudan, pamoja na ukondo mwa Morrocco. Mabadiliko yamekuja kwa haraka, bila vurugu au mauaji kwa ndugu zetu wa Misri(pamoja na kuwa magwiji wa habari za nje hawakuweza kugusia kuwa misri imo barani mwetu:thinking: ;nitaelezea) na kwamba mabadiliko mengi yanayotokea humu huwa yanahusishwa na vita na mauaji-ambayo yametokea hapo nyuma.

Yaliyotekea Misri bado ni mlolongo mrefu wa chelewa za ufagio mkubwa unaofagia mapupu yanayowasha barani.

Kwetu sisi tulikuwa na mbadala huo wakati wa uchaguzi ambao ulifanyika hivi karibuni- hatukuweza kutumia fursa hiyo! Hivyo basi, kazi hiyo na fagio hilo tumewapa wale tulio wachagua, Watumie fursa hii. Nitasisitiza, hatuwezi kurudia
2015- pale, waliopewa dhamana wakashindwa kufanya hivyo.

Dhumuni kubwa la hiki kipande ni kusisitiza yale niliyoandika huko nyuma(tizama buluu)

Samahani nitaendele pale umeme ukirudi, najaribu ku-sevu mafuta kwa jenereta yangu ya watts 600 :sorry::A S-frusty:

Mungu Ibariki Afrika
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