Govt, Zitto clash over Bill


JF-Expert Member
Feb 11, 2007
Govt,Zitto clash over Bill

By The Citizen Reporter

With mounting public concern over the declining level of public leadership accountability, the government and opposition parties have entered a tug of war with each claiming the ownership of the idea to amend the Public Leadership Ethics Act.

As Kigoma North MP Zitto Kabwe blames the Speaker's office for holding his private member's bill instead of tabling it during the recent meeting of the legislature, the government on the other hand asserts that Mr Kabwe did not follow proper procedures before presenting the proposed bill to Speaker's office.

CCM caucus chief whip Mr. Phillip Marmo says Mr. Kabwe should have gazetted his bill before submitting it to the parliamentary secretariat for further action.

Envisaged changes in the public leaders ethics code are perceived as a move to shaking up the bigwigs, whom the law has been shielding. The Chadema MP wants the legislation to be reviewed to delete provisions that hinder public leadership accountability, transparency, moral integrity and accountability of elected representatives and top administrators.

Some high profile leaders in President Kikwete's government have been implicated in gross losses of public resources; this deters investments, discriminates against the poor and destroys public confidence in democratic governance.

Indeed, the contemplated proposal intends to mandate authorities to acquire or repossess illegally acquired properties and make such illegal acquisition an offence punishable by due process of law or by forfeiting such properties.

In the proposal Mr. Kabwe wants the law to provide for independent authority to call upon a public servant to disclose the properties held by him, his relatives and associates, whether in Tanzania or abroad. Such authority needs to conduct necessary inquiry and investigation or conduct, raid, inspection or survey and make any seizure.

The very holding of illegally acquired properties is made a punishable offence with the result that the competent authority can take proceedings for identifying and seizing assets stashed abroad by corrupt public servants including ministers and MPs, both past and present.

The right of citizens to demand information from government departments, government undertakings, and municipal and local government institutions and/or from any organization which is substantially financed or controlled by the government is sought. It is meant to be brought on the statute books and necessary legislation put in place to enable this right to be respected by the concerned authorities.

"The citizen's right to information is the soul of transparency and when conceded, will improve the quality and ethics of decision making by the authorities concerned," the MP's proposed bill underlines.
Mheshimiwa Zitto,
Hhakuna kulala hadi kieleweke!..
Nenda nyumbani fanya kama wanavyotaka kisha rejesha tena na tena na tena hadi sauti ya mkombozi ifahamike....Naona mkuu sasa unaubeba Msalaba.
Wananchi tuko nyuma yako..
Hon. Zitto Kabwe, your proposal is sound but don't expect that will pass by gravity this is Tanzania, vigogo are looking for more opportunities to get money. Nguvu kubwa inahitajika Mzee, make it Mheshimiwa, tupo nyuma yako.
Mimi nafikiri pia ipo haja kwa civil servants siyo tu viongozi kutoa taarifa ya namna wanavyopata mali zao,nitatolea mfano mfanyakazi wa kawaida wa serikali ambaye mshahara wake ni pungufu ya laki 4 lakini anaweza kujenga nyumba yenye thamani ya shilingi milioni mia moja ndani ya miaka miwili na akawaalika mabosi wake katika sherehe za ufunguzi na ikaonekana kawaida bila mtu kustuka kwamba mwenzetu huyu anabiashara gani anawezaje kujenga nyumba ya thamani kubwa wakati mshahara wake haumpi access ya kupata mkopo unaozidi milioni sita? nafikiri ufisadi unaanzia chini kabisa na unaendelea mpaka kwa viongozi waandamizi.Ipo haja kwa serikali kuunda chombo au sheria itakayokuwa mwiba kwa mafisadi wa aina zote naona tumejikita zaidi kwa wakubwa tu!
Hiyo ni kazi ya ofisi za Revenue ambao bila shaka wana vitengo vya kutazama mapato yaliyowakilishwa na mlipa kodi kwa kila mwaka. Yawezekana tatizo la Tanzania hadi leo hii ni kwamba hakuna utaratibu wa kujaza form za kodi kwa kila mwaka kwa kila mtu anayeishi Tanzania..

Nasikia wapo wafanyabiashara wanaokadiriwa tu kodi zao kwa mwaka na hakuna ufuatiliaji zaidi kuhakikisha kodi waliyopewa inalingana na kipato cha biashara anayoifanya...huyo mfanyakazi hukatwa kodi kila mwezi na hafahamu kabisa amekatwa kiasi gani kwa mwaka mzima wala hahitaji hujaza form kuonyesha malipo yake kwa mwaka..Huu ni utaratibu mbaya sana na sijui kwa nini watu walimsifia sana Mkapa kwa kuongeza kodi, kuongeza hesabu ya wakusanyaji kodi badala ya kuboresha njia ( policy) za ukusanyaji kodi..

Hivyo sidhani kama kunahitajika sheria isipokuwa taratibu za ukusanyaji wa kodi ndizo zinahitaji kubereshwa..
Mtu yeyote mwenye mshahara wa laki nne akijenga nyumba ya millioni moja hiyo nyumba bila shaka itakuwa ktk mahesabu ya mali..Huku nje mkuu hawa jamaa wa kodi wanafahamu kila mwenye nyumba, anayepanga na pengine kodi unayolipa kutokana na utaratibu wao, pia kila nyumba hulipa baadhi ya kodi ambazo ni lazima zitakuja gonga ukuta ukijaribu kuficha ktk kodi yako ya mwaka..
Na kama ujuavyo hesabu haiwezi kapisa kukubali ikiwa pato lako ni laki nne na umejenga nyumba ya millioni bila mkopo.. hapo mkuu utajtia kitanzi..
Nia na dhumuni la Zitto ni hao samaki wakubwa, mpango wa kodi na ukusanyaji wake nadhani huu utakuwa utaratibu wa Chadema watakapo ingia madarakani..kwanza wanaanza na samaki hawa wakubwa ambao wakipewa kibano huku chini itakuwa rahisi kujirekebisha..
Amini maneno yangu kila fisadi mdogo huwa ana tembea ubavuni mwa papa kupata masalio ya chakula na hifadhi ya usalama..Ukiondoa Mapapa hawa misheni town zitapungua sana kwani vibali vyote vya ufisadi hutoka ngazi za juu...huku chini watu hutatiwa kidogo kwa kuunganisha deal.
...hebu huyu Zitto naye asituletee mambo ya kina Hitler/Stalin style hapa,stupid bill is so weak na inaweza kutumika na hao hao mafisadi kutunyang'anya mali zetu kwa sheria za kishenzi kama hizi,hatuna sababu ya kurudi nyuma miaka 100 na kuna njia nzuri zaidi za kudeal na mafisadi kuliko hii.
Naomba explanation please maanake umetuacha ktk mataa na hizi habari za Hitler na Stalin style.
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