Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel strips Uhuru naked for trying to beg more Eurobond

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JF-Expert Member
Jan 27, 2007
Jioneni wenyewe tunavyotolewa nishai kwasababu ya misaada.

Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel strips Uhuru naked for trying to beg more Eurobond

Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel has told off kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta when he attempted to beg for money. According to sources, Merkel told Uhuru that Germany has given Kenya a lot of Eurobonds but the money ended up in individual’s pockets yet the President has the audacity to ask for more.

“We have sent BILLIONS of euros to Kenya in aid since you took over power but because of CORRUPTION, all this money has not helped the Kenyan people in any way. They are in private overseas accounts! Why? And now you are back here to beg for some more? Aren’t you even ashamed?” Said Merkel.

Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel strips Uhuru naked for trying to beg more Eurobond - Politica

Hana hata aibu kwel inabid akachukue hzo za viongoz wake walioweka kwenye mabank ya huko nje
Dah,it is so strange and shameful for these kenyans for their behaviour of vending their country because overseas aids
Don't be deceived so easily you guys! Huhitaji kuwa mtaalam kugundua kwamba hizo picha zimeungwa.
Dah,it is so strange and shameful for these kenyans for their behaviour of vending their country because overseas aids
natarajia huyu wa kwetu asiende huko. Wacha tujitahidi kwa maana hata hiyo ya kwetu inawezekana iliishia huko kwenye mabenki. Kilichobaki kama kuna yeyote anayetaka kutsaidia tutashukuru. Mbona nilikuwa naelewa kuwa wenzetu bajeti yao ambayo ni mara mbili ya kwetu haina msaada wowote wa kutoka nje ya nchi?
hahahahahahhahaha, huyu msela ni manzi nini? Cheki vile ameeka pozi yani kama soro
Yaani JPM asithubutu kabisa kwenda huko acha tu tufunge mikanda, hao ng'ombe watano aliopewa na kagame wanatosha. Tukomae tu wenyewe akitokea mtu wa kutuongezea kidogo basi aje kwa nia njema.
Ni kweli tunahitaji kuanza kujitegemea kwa dhati na nguvu zetu zote.

Alichokisema Mekel kwa Uhuru, angeweza kukisema kwa Mkwere Jk, lakin hio sio sababu ya kuzuia Maguful asipewe misaada kama ana uhakika wa kutumia vizur hiyo misaada yao.

Lengo la Mekel ni kuwaonyesha viongoz kama wakina Jk wasiende kuomba misaada zaid wakati waliyopewa mwanzo ilingizwa mifukon mwao.
natarajia huyu wa kwetu asiende huko. Wacha tujitahidi kwa maana hata hiyo ya kwetu inawezekana iliishia huko kwenye mabenki. Kilichobaki kama kuna yeyote anayetaka kutsaidia tutashukuru. Mbona nilikuwa naelewa kuwa wenzetu bajeti yao ambayo ni mara mbili ya kwetu haina msaada wowote wa kutoka nje ya nchi?
Ndivyo walivyokuwa wakitudanganya, jamani aibu ukisema kwangu kunaungua kwa mwenzio kunateketea utaona moshi tu
Kama ni kweli ni aibu sana! Kwa Marais wa Africa na shida zetu na juu yake ufisadi
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